梁雄健 编
For the International Teletraffic Congress (ITC), 2005 marks its 51st year as the premier and mostinfluential international body in the development of teletraffic methods, theories and applications,and in bringing together researchers and practitioners from industries, government and academicaround the world. ITC is a leader in helping solve the important network design, management andcontrol issues of the evolving information networks, including wireless, broadband, mobile,multimedia and IP networks.ITC- 19, held from August 29 to September 2, 2005 in Beijing China, emphasizes the performancechallenges for efficient next-generation networks. Like prior Congresses, ITC-19 addresses both themost critical current issues as well as those on the horizon, covering near term and long term.Through the serious review process, 198 of 502 submitted papers have been selected, 22 papersselected for ITU & ITC workshop, and 35 papers selected for poster sessions. It is our strong beliefthat ITC is the best forum for the researchers and practitioners on information networks to exchangetheir new ideas, thoughts and findings.The papers appearing in these volumes have been refereed by intemational experts and haveundergone the additional scrutiny of a team of knowledgeable and renowned subject matter expertsin the Technical Program Committee. While the breadth and depth of the papers presented heretruly bear testimony to the ITC's role and commitment in furthering the fields of teletraffic andperformance analysis, their quality and timeliness will, we are certain, make these an archivalvolume of work for the future as well. As you know, 1TC-19 is a large team effort, and the list ofthose who have helped is therefore long. It is necessary to show our thanks to all authors, reviewersand our TPC members for their hard work and operation, which has made this possible. Thenames of our well-known TPC members are listed on page ix- x and all reviewers on pages xi-xii.As chairs of the TPC, it is our pleasure to shape the ITC-19 technical program and to makeavailable to you these two volumes of extremely important technical contributions by the mostesteemed researchers and practitioners of the teletraffic community. We do hope you enjoy themand benefit from them.
《下一代网络有效性研究(19)(套装全3册)》包括:《下一代网络有效性研究(19)(6a)》、《下一代网络有效性研究(19)(6b)》和《下一代网络有效性研究(19)(6c)》。《下一代网络有效性研究(19)(套装全3册)》内容简介:下一代网络(Next Generation Network),又称为次世代网络。主要思想是在一个统一的网络平台上以统一管理的方式提供多媒体业务,整合现有的市内固定电话、移动电话的基础上(统称FMC),增加多媒体数据服务及其他增值型服务。其中话音的交换将采用软交换技术,而平台的主要实现方式为IP技术,逐步实现统一通信其中voip将是下一代网络中的一个重点。
Volume 6aAug. 30, 2005(Tue)AM1 9:00-10:30S111 Networks (Next Generation Networks)A Distributed Bandwidth Fair Allocation Algorithm for RPR NetworksL. Tan, H. Wang, China M. Zukerman, AustraliaSystem Capacity Calculation for Packet-Switched Traffic in the Next GenerationWireless Systems, Part I: M/G/1 Non-preemptive Priority Queuing Model for IPPacket TransmissionT. Irnich, B. Walke, H. Takagi, JapanSystem Capacity Calculation for Packet-Switched Traffic in the Next GenerationWireless Systems, Part II: Batch Arrival M/G/1 Nonpreemptive Priority QueueingModel for Transmission over a Radio ChannelH. Takagi, H. Yoshino, N. Matoba, M. Azuma, M. Shirakabe, JapanA High Performance IP Lookup for IPv6 Using Parallel Computation ModelD.Diwakar, Srinivasan.T, IndiaS112 Teletraffic Modeling (Traffic and Performance Measurements-1)A Comparative Experimental Study of Hash Functions Applied to PacketSamplingM. Molina, UK, S. Niceolini, Germany, N.G. Duffield, USAEstimating Frequency and Effects of TCP Spurious Retransmission Timeouts byTraffic Monitoring in Operational GPRS NetworksE Vacirca, Italy, T. Ziegler, E. Hasenleithner, AustraliaAnatomy of an International Exchange Point: Distributed Network MonitoringUsing MonALISA and NetFlowS. Xun, J. Fernandez, E. Rubi, H. Alvarez, USAA Pure P2P Network Size Estimation Method Using Network Measurements andComputer Simulation ExperimentsS. Ohzahata, K. Kawashima, JapanMaxNet: a More Efficient Max-rain Fair Allocation SchemeD. D. Nguyen, Australia, J.D. Wang, China, L.Andrew, S. Chan, AustraliaS113 Networks (Ad-Hoc Networks-I)Study on Reliable Transport Technology for MPRNF.G. Dong, Y. Da, H. Fan, ChinaCDMA Bus Lane: A Novel QoS Solution for Real-time Traffic in Ad Hoe NetworksX. Lin, E. Bodanese, UKNovel Method to Estimate the Topology-Based Capacity of Mobile Ad HoeNetworksN. Li, Y. Guo, C. Tian, S.R. Zheng ,ChinaA Practical Study of the Random Waypoint Mobility Model in Simulations of Adhoe NetworksE. Casilari, A. Trivifio-Cabrera, SpainS114 Traffic Management (Traffic Management, Scheduling)A Novel Scheme for Traffic Shaping at Edge Nodes in Optical Packet SwitchingNetworksZ.B. Lu, M. Zhang, D. Zhang, P.D. Ye, ChinaDiffusion-Type Flow Control Scheme for Multiple FlowsM. Aida, C. Takano, A. Miura, JapanCall-level Blocking of ON-OFF Traffic Sources in a Shared Resource Environmentwith Batched Poisson Arrival ProcessesI. D. Moscholios, M. D. Logothetis, GreeceA Performance Comparison Study of DCCP and a Method with Non-binaryCongestion Metrics for Streaming Media Rate ControlA. Lie, O. M. Aamo, L. A. Ronningen, NorwayImplicit Service Differentiation using Deficit Round RobinA. Kortebi, S. Oueslati, J. Roberts, FranceA Scheduling Algorithm in a Core Optical Router with Heterogeneous TrafficR. Q. Hu, R. Best, Y. Qian, M.Z. Jin, USAAug. 30, 2005(Tue)AM2 11:00-12:30(2)S121 Networks (Access Networks, Mobile Communication Networks.I)Analysis of Downlink Power Allocation during Soft Handover in the CDMASystemJ. Li, C. Fan, X.Zhang, D.C. Yang, ChinaHigh-throughput High-performance OFDM via Carrier InterferometryApproaches for Complex SignalingJ.H. He, Z.Y. Quan, A. Men, ChinaOpportunistic Beamforming Performance Evaluation With Multiple AntennasX.L. Wang, T.R. Pei, K. Niu, W.L. Wu, ChinaA Novel Tri-angle Cellular Architecture Based on OFDMA and RelatedInterference Resolving AlgorithmED. Zhu, X. Zhang, Y.A. Liu, W.B. Wang, ChinaS122 Teletraffic Modeling (Traffic and Performance Measurements-2)MSMD Network Tomography Based on MetricsE Hong, Y. Bai, Z. Zhao, ChinaImpact of Data Traffic Composition on GPRS PerformanceH. Dahmouni, B. Morin, D. Rosse, S. Vaton, FranceA Fast Accurate LP Approach for Traffic Matrix EstimationS. Eum, J. Murphy, Australia, R. J. Harris, New ZealandAn Efficient Method for End-to-end Available Bandwidth MeasurementL.D. Lin, W.J. Jia, Hong Kong, ChinaA Stochastic Model for the Topology Discovery of Tree NetworksY. Azzana, E Robert, E Guillemin, FranceS123 Networks (Ad-Hoc Networks-2)A Dynamic Topology Management Scheme Based on Mobility Prediction in Wireless Sensor NetworksL.F. Liu, S.H. Zou, B. Ren, S.D. Cheng, ChinaConnectivity-aware Rate Adaptation for 802.11 Multirate Ad Hoe NetworkingF. Y. Li, E. Winjum, P?I Spilling, NorwayBattery-Aware Routing in Wireless Ad Hoc Networks - Part I." Energy ModelY.Y. Yang, C. Ma ,USABattery-Aware Routing in Wireless Ad Hoe Networks - Part II: Battery-Aware RoutingC. Ma, Y.Y. Yang, USAAn Energy-Based Clustering Algorithm for Ad-Hoc Sensor NetworksY.Y. Liu, H. Ji, GX. Yue, ChinaS124 Traffic Management (Mobility Management, Routing, Traffic Engineering)An MPLS-based Handover Solution for Cellular NetworksR.Persand, G Berghoff, R Schanko, GermanyA Distributed Brokerage Framework to Balance the Load in Wireless NetworksN. Blefari-Melazzi, D.D. Sorte, M. Femminella, L. Piacentini, G Reali, ItalyA Novel Topology Aggregation Algorithm for Hierarchical Routing in AsymmetricNetworksA.B. Liu, Y.M. Lu, Y.F. Ji, ChinaA Simple IP Flow Blocking ModelA. A. Kist, B. Lloyd-Smith, Australia, R.J. Harris, New ZealandLink Cost Optimization for Protection Routing in Meshed NetworksZ. Dziong, H. Khedimi, Canada, R Nagarajan, USATraffic Engineering for Differentiated Services in Transparent WDM NetworksM. Koubaa, N. Puech, M. Gagnaire, France……
插图:As shown m Fig. 1, we assume the paclgets travel one hop in each time slot. Thus, theend-to-end delay can be measured as the number of slots required for a packet to be sentsuccessfully [3]. A session comprises one hop or several sequential hops without consideringwhether nodes on it are source, destination, or forwarding nodes. In Fig.2, a sessioncontaining n hops is called as a n-hop session.In this paper, we focus on the non-channel-sharing scenario, that is, each channel is usedby only one session. Each session belongs to only one path so that if each path is regarded asa same hop session, the number of sessions equals to the number of paths.Hence, the network capacity is simply defined as the maximum number of sessions thatcart be supported in the network with end-to-end delay constraints, that is, the number ofk-hop paths.