

陈谊 北京邮电大学出版社









  本书以提高大专院校本科生、研究生、国内IT从业人员、IT爱好者的英语水平为目的,帮助读者在学习英语的前提下了解技术,基于技术之上学习英语。因此,本书选取的材料均为英语原版的书籍和期刊,有的来自《Economist》、《New York Times》等国外知名刊物,还有的摘自原版书籍。  本书选取了15篇当前信息技术热点领域的相关文章,涉及通信、网络、人工智能与自动化等诸多信息技术内容,范围较广,包括网络新技术、远程医疗、网络安全、无线充电、数字经济、第三代移动通信、人工智能、触摸技术、手机媒体和三网融合等热点课题,也涉及IT技术与环境保护和全球化等宏观方面的课题。课文选材新颖,内容有趣,有较强的可读性。  为了帮助读者克服阅读困难,在双语环境下掌握技术,学习英语,本书每单元包括了词汇表、术语表和注释几个组成部分,每篇课文都附有参考译文,每课均有阅读理解和词汇、翻译等若干习题,题量不多,但完全围绕课文中的重点知识和表达,能助读者更好地理解和掌握每篇文章的重点词汇、术语和表达,并能将之有效地应用于阅读、写作和翻译之中。  衷心希望本书的出版能对读者英语水平的提高、对我国IT英语的发展起到一定的作用。、特别感谢北京天暮科技有限公司的朱宏宽先生为本书进行的术语校准和技术指导等大量工作。  由于编者能力所限,本教材在技术等方面难免会有所不足,希望业界同仁能够批评指正,不胜感激。




Unit 1 How Telnic Will Revolutionize Dialing 背影知识 TEXT How Telnic Will Revolutionize Dialing NOTES WORDS AND PHRASES TERMS EXERCISES 参考译文 Telnic如何革新拨号Unit 2 Telemedicine Comes Home 背影知识 TEXT Telemedicine Comes Home NOTES WORDS AND PHRASES TERMS EXERCISES 参考译文 远程医疗入户Unit 3 Internet Wiretapping-Bugging the Cloud 背影知识 TEXT Internet Wiretapping-Bugging the Cloud NOTES WORDS AND PHRASES TERMS EXERCISES 参考译文 网络侦听——无从下手Unit 4 Wireless Charging 背影知识 TEXT Wireless Charging-Adaptor Die NOTES WORDS AND PHRASES TERMS EXERCISES 参考译文 无线充电——转接器将不复存在Unit 5 What is the Digital Economy? 背影知识 TEXT What is the Digital Economy? NOTES WORDS AND PHRASES TERMS EXERCISES 参考译文 什么是数字经济?Unit 6 A Brief History of Cloud Computing 背影知识 TEXT……Unit 7 Top 10 Tips for Green ITUnit 8 The Motives behind the 3G EvolutionUnit 9 Making Web 2.0 Work EnterpriseUnit 10 The Future of Artificial IntelligenceUnit 11 Cars Gone WirelessUnit 12 Information Technology and GlobalizationUnit 13 Choosing a Touch Technology for handheld-system ApplicationsUnit 14 A Media Wise Parent GuideUnit 15 Fixed and Mobile Convergence Communications参考答案参考文献


  Home is where the technology is  For advances in telemedicine are less to do with the tele than with the medicine. In the long term, it may be less about providing long-distance care to people who are unwell, and more about monitoring people using wearable or implanted sensors in an effort to spot diseases at an early Stage. The emphasis will shift from acute to chronic conditions, and from treatment to prevention. Today.s stress on making medical treatment available to people in remote settings is just one way telemedicine can be used——and it is merely the tip of a very large iceberg that is floating closer and.closer to home.  That is because telemedicine holds great promise within mainstream health care. Countless trials are under way to assess technology that can monitor people who have been diagnosed with heart conditions, or diseases like diabetes, from the comfort of their own homes. Rather than having their devices periodically checked at a clinic, some pacemaker patients can now have their implants inspected via mobile phone. That way, they need only visit the clinic when it is absolutely necessary.  Similarly, BodyTel, based in Germany, is one of several firms to have developed sensors based on Bluetooth wireless technology that can measure glucose levels, blood pressure and weight, and upload the data to a secure web server. Patients can then manage and monitor their conditions, even as they give updates to their doctors. Honeywell, an American industrial giant, has devised a system that patients can use at home to measure peak flow from their lungs, ECG, oxygen saturation and blood pressure, in order to monitor conditions ranging from lung disease to congestive heart failure. Doctors continually review the data and can act, by changing the patients medication, for example, if they spot any problems.  This sort of thing appeals to both patients and health-care providers alike. The patients keep their independence and get to stay at home, and it costs less to treat them. And as populations age in developed countries, the prospect of being able to save money by treating people at home looks increasingly attractive.




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