杨建英,肖德钧 编
近些年来,以高等职业教育为代表的中国职业教育课程改革取得了突破性的发展。为了满足新形势下对高职高专英语课程教学和人才培养的需求,我们打破传统的学生被动接受讲解和机械模仿范文的传统写作教学模式,组织编写了这本《职场英语写作教程》。该教材的编写填补了公共英语写作教材在内容上严重脱离学生就业需求、脱离学生职场实际工作过程的空白。 《职场英语写作教程》以教育部高职高专英语专业教学指导委员会2009年《高职高专英语课程教学基本要求》修改稿为依据,以高职教育特色和英语课程改革新理念为指导思想,以个人面试求职及进入公司后所能接触到的业务流程为主线,以模块、项目、情景、任务为载体,以职场为环境,以四级写作训练为能力拓展,以任务导向、过程写作为模式,介绍灵活多样的英语学习和写作策略,培养学生的学习和写作兴趣,提高自学能力,为终身学习奠定基础。教材的中心任务是通过学习英语应用文和大学英语四级的写作规范和书写模式以及常用的语言表达,巩固学生的英语语言技能,对学生进行专业知识的培训与锻炼,提高学生的职场英语应用文写作和四级写作能力。
《职场英语写作教程》通过一毕业生求职及进入职场后碰到各种问题这条主线来设计各种能力训练项目,包含就业招聘模块、职场公务文书模块、商务信函模块和四级写作等四大模块,共二十一个项目,每个项目由7个板块组成:1.A Test Case study;2.Sample Analysis;3.Brain-storming;4.Simulation Task;5.Your Try;6.Writing Workshop;7.Self-assessment。内容涵盖了求职信、个人简历、备忘录、通知和海报、电子邮件和电报、计划、邀请函及其回复、致歉函、建立业务关系、询盘函、报价函、议价函、订购函、投诉与索赔函、催款函等应用文及商务信函的写作。书中四级写作模块主要为满足学生参加大学英语四、六级考试的需要,帮助学生突破考试难关而设计。每个项目均配有课堂或课后操练任务,书后附有部分参考答案。 本教材可供高职高专非英语专业学生课堂教学和课外练习使用,也可供广大英语爱好者学习参考。
Module Ⅰ Job HuntingItem 1 Job Application LettersItem 2 ResumeModule Ⅱ Workplace CommunicationItem 3 Memos and Telephone MessagesItem 4 Notices and PostersItem 5 Emails and FaxesItem 6 Notes and Requests for LeaveItem 7 Schedules and ProgramsItem 8 Letters of Invitation and RepliesItem 9 ApologiesModule Ⅲ Business CorrespondenceItem 10 Letters of Establishing Business RelationsItem 11 Letters of InquiresItem 12 Letters of OffersItem 13 Letters of Counter-OfferItem 14 Letters of OrdersItem 15 Letters of Complaints and ClaimsItem 16 Letters of Urging PaymentModule Ⅳ Access to CET WritingItem 17 ArgumentationItem 18 ExpositionItem 19 SpeechesItem 20 Reports (Narrative ~ Business)Item 21 Graphs and TablesKeysKeys to Item OneKeys to Item TwoKeys to Item ThreeKeys to Item FourKeys to Item FiveKeys to Item SixKeys to Item SevenKeys to Item EightKeys to Item NineKeys to Item TenKeys to Item ElevenKeys to Item TwelveKeys to Item ThirteenKeys to Item FourteenKeys to Item FifteenKeys to Item SixteenKeys to Item SeventeenKeys to Item EighteenKeys to Item NineteenKeys to Item TwentyKeys to Item Twenty-OneReferences
5. Use specific examples to demonstrate your qualifications. General claimslike "I am an experienced manager" are much less persuasive and memorable thanstatements like,"In my last job,I managed a team of six people for three years. ""I produced a newsletter at my last job," is ok,but less impressive than "At mylast job, I produced 12 issues of a 6-page monthly newsletter on downtownrevitalization projects that was distributed to 300 business owners. " 6. Describe the results of your skills. When possible,show how you achievedspecific results in your previous jobs. "I work well with other people," is lessconvincing than,"During the year that I assisted residents submitting requests forzoning changes, three people contacted my supervisor to let her know how pleasedthey were with my help. " 7. Briefly explain why you want the particular position you are applying for.Although the balance of the letter should focus on what you can offer to theemployer,you also want the employer to know that, if offered the job, you arelikely to accept it.