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本书共分为旅行英语、饭店英语及附录三大部分。其中,旅行英语涉及旅游者在出境、境内旅行中根据旅游需求而提供接待服务的全过程;饭店英语涉及前厅、客房、餐厅等经营管理部门各项服务的内容;附录中列示了旅游与饭店业工作人员的常用知识和术语的中英文对照条目。课文采用短文介绍和情景对话的形式,并有语法结构和功能简介,每单元还设有“注释”、“练习”和“有用句型”等板块,丰富实用。 本书的突出特点是科学性与实用性相结合,既适于用作高等院校旅游管理和酒店管理专业的学习教材,也适合于旅游业从业人员培训自修及一般阅读使用。


第一部分 旅行英语 第一单元 到达 第一课 交通 第二课 在海关 第二单元 交易 第三课 在银行 第四课 邮寄服务 第五课 旅游购物 第六课 旅行社 第三单元 观光 第七课 西湖旅游欢迎词 第八课 旅游景地 第四单元 离别 第九课 告别 第十课 旅游商务信函第二部分 饭店英语 第一单元 前厅服务 第一课 饭店预订 第二课 宾客接待 第二单元 客房服务 第三课 客房部 第四课 客房服务 第三单元 餐厅服务 第五课 餐饮部的组织机构 第四单元 其他服务 第六课 特殊问题的处理 第七课 面试附录1 饭店等级与分类 附录2 饭店组织机构附录3 中餐菜单附录4 西餐菜单附录5 点心,糕点与甜品类附录6 酒类附录7 饮料附录8 水果附录9 鲜花一览表附录10 中国名胜附录11 北京与世界主要城市时间对照附录12 节日参考文献


版权页: The classification of tourist commodities is usually based on the differences between general merchandise and tourist commodities,with some regional modifications.Roughly,tourist commodities can be classified into the following five categories. Tourism souvenirs: Tourism souvenirs are mostly handicraft articles made with local materials using cultural relics of some local attraction or depiction of some natural scene as their subjects.These products all have commemorative equalities,such as souvenir badges,commemorative pictures,various household utensils,toys,carvings and hand-knit goods with unique local features,and all sorts of printed matters.Products of this category are numerous in assortment,greatest in number,broadest in subject,best in sales,most striking in their commemorativeness and most popular with tourists.Consequently,they occupy an important position in tourist commodities. most popular with tourists.Consequently,they occupy an important position in tourist commodities. Cultural relics and their imitations: This category comprises antiques that are not strictly prohibited from export,copies of ancient calligraphy and paintings,and imitations of archaeological objects unearthed locally.These commodities are not numerous,but they are very expensive,and therefore suitable to well-to-do and quality-oriented tourists. Practical handiwork and native products: Tourist commodities of this category are essentially comprised of handiwork and agricultural and sideline products with local features.These products have the dual properties of use value and esthetic value.Because of their great variety and local characteristics,these commodities are easily accepted by tourists. Special handicraft products: This category refers to commodities that are sought with interest by international tourists and thatbring higher economic benefits.They are commodities like gold or silver adornments,refinished sculptures,high-grade ceramics,splendid carpets and rare bibelots.Although their sales volume is not big,the cash volume of this business is considerable because of their high prices. Tourist products of everyday use: Products of this category refer to commodities of daily use that tourists purchase during their touring activities and that have immediate practical use value.For instance,cosmetics of everyday use,towels,toothbrushes,toilet soaps,sneakers,tourist bags,maps,cold and heat-proof food stuffs,first-aid medicine and so on.Although these small items don' t have any commemorative property or esthetic value like those aforementioned commodities yet they are necessities of tourists' daily lives.






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