杨河清,沈琴琴 主编
“经济增长与就业国际论坛”是我们今后将定期举办的一项重要活动,其宗旨是在进一步加强中外经济交流和学术交流的基础上,重点探讨经济增长和就业中的问题,并为政府决策提供服务。本论坛此次会议的主题是:中国经济快速增长的成因与当前就业形势研究。会议全面分析了我国改革开放30年来经济快速增长的成因和解决数亿城镇人口就业的经验,并就如何解决两亿农民进城就业的问题以及如何处理劳工成本上升与经济可持续发展,急需解决好劳动就业矛盾和劳资关系和谐等全国性与国际性的难题进行了广泛交流和深入研究。 为记录本论坛的优秀成果,作者将本论坛本次会议所有演讲文稿通过评审,选编了部分与主题相符、水平较高、有一定建树的论文汇编成本文集,以供大家学习和交流。本文集共收编论文69篇,约40余万字,内容涉及国际金融危机、中国经济走势、产业升级与调整、中国就业形势、中国企业劳动关系、人才培养、大学生就业、农民工就业等方面,基本上代表了我国经济与就业领域最新研究成果,总体上反映了中国经济及就业发展趋势和规律,对经济健康快速发展和就业促进具有较强的指导意义。
·Amount Imbalance and Structural Imbalance—Analysis in the Reasons of Employment Difficulty of Gmduates in china·Airline Industry DeVelopments in Emerging Markets ·Application of LTV M0del in Make-to—Order Manufacturing——A Case Study on an Integrated Steel Mill ·FDI in New Member States 0f the EU:Economic Implication for H0st Economies·The CredibiIity of Management Eamings Forecasts in Chinese IPO Prospectuses ·The Impact of China in the G10bal MaLrket:from the Admission in the WTO to the Implications for Latin America·Western Alliances and Management Education in China ·Transition Pmcess in the Westem Balkans:How Much Is It A Successful Story?·AHP and Fuzzy Appraisal to Early Waming Mechanism for Harrnony Ratios of China’s Labor Relations ·Analysis in the Innuential Factors in Market Demand for Graduates in China and Countermeasures ·Analysis On the Public Employment Service System for Graduates in China ·Basic Research and Sustainable DeVelopment at the EnteIprise Level ·B00sting Organization Capital Growth through Knowledge Sharing——A NeW PerspectiVe on Corporate KnoWledge Management ·China’s Changing IJabour Market and the Arrival of Lewisian rruring P0int·China’s Rural Economy:Issues and Stmtegies——Taking zhejiang Fbod Market Refornl as An Example·Research 0n the Corporate S0cial Responsibility for Employment Promotion·Discussion on the Realization of the Employment Right of the Disabled·Govemment Actions to Promote Employment and Analysis of the Effectiveness of the Action·Higher Education,Employment,Wage and Economic Growth in China·Human Resource Developmem,and Sustainable Development in China·Impairment of Assets and the Manipulated Profits 0f Listed Companies——FIom the Evidence of the Lost Listed Companies ·On Global Economic Imbalance and China Economic Growth·Research on the Contribution of Resources Efficiency to Economic Growth·Rising Labor C0st and Sustainable Development of China·The Root and Prevention of Graduates Employment Traps·Studv of Increasing Labor C0st and Upgmding Manufacturing Industry in China·中国就业30年改革发展回顾·中国劳动力市场产业分割下的中小企业就业问题研究·经济危机下的中国就业变革与技能人才培养·从人力资本的角度看城乡经济增长差距·中国经济的短期调整与长期增长趋势·论共享型增长·北京市大学生择业中的保留工资问题研究——从提高就业概率的视角·北京市人才环境发展策略研究——基于北京cBD人才环境满意度调查·北京市宣武区生存型创业发展调研报告·辨析中国大学生就业问题的主要矛盾·出生率与经济增长的关系研究·从市场需求角度看大学生就业能力培养——基于78家用人单位招聘“人力资源专员”信息数据·从我国劳动就业侧面看劳资关系的维护·当前中国经济发展与劳动力因素·高学历残疾人就业与企业社会责任探析……
In general, knowledge structure ofgraduates does not satisfy social needs; neither does major set-up in universities follow the rapidchanges in market. There exists a high correlation between employment and regional economicdevelopment cycle, as well as the adjustment in industrial structure, which will cause the changesin occupation, position and post. Statistics shows that the speed of changes in market demand forprofessional and managerial talent is 2 to 4 times faster than that of major adjustment inuniversities, which is normally a 4-year cycle. In reality, a hot occupation in huge demand fouryears ago could become an unsalable one in four years. Therefore, the time-lag between supplyadjustment and demand change is one of the major reasons of employment difficulty. Take Beijing municipality as an example, according to the data from Employment InformationNetwork for Graduates in Beijing, majors in heavy demand from 2001 to 2004 concentrated inengineering and management, whereas the top three majors with the most graduates wereengineering, literature and management at the same period, without any change within four years.It is obvious that education has fallen behind the market change; thus, employment marketforecast should be enhanced. Other relevant problems include the incomplete and non-standard legal system in the processof transferring from planned economy to market economy, irrational growth in enrollment in someuniversities, blindfold major set-up and overlap. As a result, it would be very difficult forgraduates to meet the market demand under these unfavorable conditions. (3) Quality of higher education declines. The decline in education quality is anotherimportant reason of graduates employment difficulty. The expansion of higher education increasesthe diversity of graduates, they may share the same education experience, but their capabilitiesshow a world of difference.