

卢春雁,范淑芹 主编 北京理工大学出版社





卢春雁,范淑芹 主编  




这套教材分4册,每册10个单元,每单元2篇文章。第一、第二册每单元的第一篇文章介绍西方文化背景知识,第二篇文章介绍课文背景相关知识。根据学科特点,结合学生的当前需要,本套教材从第三册开始,每单元的第一篇文章是科普知识,旨在为学生提供各类学科的一定量词汇和相关知识,以扩充他们的英文词汇量和相应学科知识面,为学生将来阅读所学专业领域的英文资料,直接了解世界上该学科的先进技术和科研动态奠定扎实的英文阅读基础。为了方便学生自学和课下阅读,我们在每篇文章后增加了注释,而且在课文后附设了答案、问题解析以及参考译文,以便读者自学。 本套教材还有两个特点:一是文章篇幅由短到长,逐渐递增,到第三、第四册,每篇文章扩展到800甚至1000多个单词,以逐步提高学生的阅读速度和阅读能力,使其适应大学英语四级考试的需要;二是为了让学生加深理解和记忆,我们在每篇文章后附设了5个问题供学生练习、实践。有的文章不算太长,适合学生在课下阅读,用5~8分钟完成两篇文章的阅读,其中包括附设的练习内容。


Part One Texts Unit 1  Passage One: Why the Eyes Have It?  Passage Two: San Francisco 1906 Earthquake Great Register Unit 2  Passage One: The Development of the Mobile Phone  Passage Two: The Disadvantages of the Mobile Phone Unit 3  Passage One: Black Holes on a Collision Course  Passage Two: On Mars, No One Can Hear You Scream Unit 4  Passage One: The Global Positioning System (GPS)  Passage Two: Kicking the Chemical Habit Unit 5  Passage One: Citibank Singapore Debuts Biometric Fingerprint Payment System  Passage Two: Electron Flashlight for Nanotechnology Unit 6  Passage One: Global Gap Analysis: Leaving No Species Behind  Passage Two: Titan Unit 7  Passage One: Do You Know the Secret of Migratory Bird Migration?  Passage Two: Introduction to Black Hole Unit 8  Passage One: The Great Lakes  Passage Two : Thermal Features of the Yellowstone National Park Unit 9  Passage One: The Presentation of Self  Passage Two: The Problem of the Image of Man Unit 10  Passage One: Operational Effectiveness Is Not Strategy?  Passage Two: EC Technologies in AsiaPart Two Keys and ExplanationsPart Three Translation for the Texts


  "This big ark is not only for you," God said to Noah, "I want you to goout and collect a male and female of every kind of animal and bird and reptile,and take them into the ark with. you. Now go and gather all the food you can findfor you and for them. You will need enough for a long voyage. "  When Noahs neighbors saw Noah and his family piling stores of fruit andgrain, leaves and hay inside the ark, they jeered louder than ever. But Noah andhis family paid no attention and went on with their work. Two of every kind ofanimal and bird and reptile ate a lot of food, and very soon it would begin torain.  When all the store was ready, Noah and his wife and his sons and his sonswives went out to collect the animals. They followed Noah into the ark, two bytwo. As soon as every one of them was safely on board, the first drops of rainstarted to fall.  It rained and rained. Quite soon the ark began to float. But the water roseand rose until it covered even the mountaintops and every living creature that wasnot on the ark was drowned. But it still rained. It rained for 40 days and 40nights, and after it had finally stopped raining, the floodwaters went on coveringthe whole earth for 150 days.  Then God thought of Noah and the ark, and he made a strong wind blow,and the floodwaters gradually went down. At last the ark came to rest on the topof a mountain. Noah began to send out birds to see if they could find dry land,but they could find no place to perch. Finally one day Noah sent out a dove, andthat evening the dove came back with an olive twig in its beak. Some parts of theland were dry again. The next time Noah released the dove, it did not come backat all, which showed Noah that it was now safe to leave the ark.  So Noah and his family, and all the creatures they had taken with them,came out of the ark onto dry land and Noah built an altar and offered a sacrificeof thanksgiving. God was pleased, and he blessed Noah and his family and told them to have many children and fill the earth with people again.




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