

冷德军,姚阳,唐宁 主编 北京理工大学出版社





冷德军,姚阳,唐宁 主编  






  为配合大学英语四、六级和应用能力A级考试,按照大学英语等级考试要求,依据大学英语“教学大纲”及高职高专“基本要求”,结合长期教学和培训实践,编写了本写作教材,旨在帮助学生在短时间内掌握英文写作的基本要领、基本格式、基本方法,克服畏难情绪,增强自信心。  本书共分3章。  第1章为书信类应用文写作,包括感谢信、邀请信、求职/学信、投诉/索赔信、推荐/介绍信、祝贺信、道歉信、预订/确认信、问讯/请求信和简历10个单元。每个单元分写作范例、格式说明、常用句型及自我操练4部分。  第2章为非书信类应用文写作,包括证明、毕业文凭、录取通知、护照4种文书类应用文,启事/公告、通知/海报、便条、广告、日程安排5种招贴类应用文,简介/指南、摘要、目录/索引、天气预报4种宣传/介绍类应用文,合同、备忘录、收据、借条4种备忘类应用文,传真、电子邮件、电传3种通信类应用文,报告、前言、演讲3种其他类应用文,一共6个单元。每个单元分写作范例、自我操练2部分。  第3章为大学英语四、六级写作,包括对比选择型、比较利弊型、问题解决型、阐述主题型和图表说明型5个单元。每个单元分写作范例、写作模板及自我操练3部分。  本书对所有的作文练习均提供参考答案。书后还附有短文写作中常用的过渡词语,看图作文常用的句型,四、六级作文常用的句型,短文写作中常用的名言名句。  本书的特点是:  1.写作题材范围广。从下岗再就业到西部大开发,从家教到素质教育,从e-mail到cAI,从网上购物到中国人世,从沙尘暴到能源开发,从假文凭到禁毒,从民工到摩天大楼……可谓包罗万象。  2.写作类型覆盖面宽。它不仅涵盖了大学英语四、六级写作常见的5种类型,而且涵盖了应用能力A级考试常见的10种书信,仅非书信类应用文就包括证明等23种。  3.分门别类,.各具特色。本书主体分3章、21个单元、44个部分。第1章给人以“总有一款适合你”的感觉;第2章像应用文大全一样,方便你“照葫芦画瓢”;第3章将写作公式化,令你“熟读范例100篇,不会写作也会编”。




CHAPTER ONE Practical Writing-Letters书信类应用文写作 Unit One Letters of Thanks(感谢信) Unit Two Letters of Invitation(邀请信) Unit Three Letters of Application(求职/学信) Unit Four Letters of Complaint/Claim(投诉/索赔信) Unit Five Letters of Recommendation|Introduction(推荐/介绍信) Unit Six Resume/Curriculum Vitae(简历) Unit Seven Letters of Inqui ry/Request(问讯/请求信) Unit Eight Letters of Apology(道歉信) Unit Nine Letters of ConRratulations(祝贺信) Unit Ten Letters of Reservation/Confirmation(预订/确认信)CHAPTER TWO Practical Writing——Non-Letters非书信类应用文写作 Unit One Documents(文书类) Unit Two Bills(招贴类) Unit Three Publicity(宣传/介绍类) Unit Four Memos(备忘类) Unit Five Communications(通信类) Unit Six Others(其他类)CHAPTER THREE Practical Writing——CET四、六级应用文写作 Unit One Contrast(对比选择型) Unit Two Advantages&Disadvantages(比较利弊型) Unit Three Problems Solving(问题解决型) Unit Four Theme Explaining(阐述主题型) Unit Five Charts&Pictures(图表说明型)ANSWERS CHAPTER ONE Practical Writing——Letters(书信类应用文写作)  CHAPTER TWO Practical Writing-Non-Letters(非书信类应用文写作) CHAPTER THREE Practical Writing——CET(四、六级应用文写作)附录一 短文写作中常用的过渡词语附录二 看图作文常用的句型附录三 四、六级作文常用的句型附录四 短文写作中常用的名言名句参考文献


  Health  The proverb goes like this, "No one knows the value of health until he loses it. " Therefore, don't ever regret till the day you have lost it. Stay healthy when you can do so.  Losing your health almost means losing everything. It is clear that health is the foundation of one's future success. If you become sick, and have to lie in bed all the time, what else can you do to realize your dream? At that time it will also be useless to be rueful for the old days, when you did not care about your health at all. Think the other way: If you are stout and strong, you are afraid of nothing and can go all out to overcome the obstacles that lie ahead of you.  Now that we know that health is more important than wealth, what should we do to maintain and enhance our health? First, we should exercise every day to strengthen our muscles. Second, we might as well keep good hours. "Early birds catch worms. " Third, pay close attention to your health. You can avoid getting sick, or at least cure yourself of a disease while it is still in its incipient stage. Always remember that health is the most important factor of your success.  Sample 9  Practice Makes Perfect  The proverb "Practice makes perfect" reveals a simple fact: The more you practice, the more skillful you will be, and in practicing you will also find better ways of doing things. Therefore, this proverb has become universally accepted.   ……




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