周凡钰 北京理工大学出版社 (2012-05出版)
《普通高等教育“十二五”创新型规划教材:国际商法》特点: (1)本书主要以英美法律为蓝本,兼顾国内法与国际公约,以判例法为基础,以案说法,用大量简练生动的案例解释法理,使枯燥晦涩的法律条文变得浅显易懂,十分适合商务专业人士和学生阅读和学习。为方便阅读,文中判例和举例都使用斜体。 (2)本书语言简单,尽量避免使用罕见的专业术语,学生阅读过程中,既能对民商法的基本知识有比较系统、全面的了解,又能使英语阅读能力实现较大的飞跃。 (3)每一章节都配有重点单词表,对少数难以理解的句子做了汉语注释,使阅读更加顺畅。 (4)本书是作者多年来在“国际商法”英语教学过程中逐步积累和完善的,凝聚了作者的心血。
Chapter One IntroductionI. Concept of lawII. Classifications of lawIII. Legal systemsIV. Resolving legal disputesChapter Two Contract Law--Formation of a ContractI. Definition of contractII. OfferIII. Acceptance Chapter Three Contract Law---Contractual TermsI. Classifications of termsII. Exclusion of liabilityIII. Standard clausesIV. Letters of intentChapter Four Defects in a ContractI. MistakesII. MisrepresentationIII. DuressIV. Undue influenceChapter Five Discharge of a ContractI. PerformanceII. AgreementIII. FrustrationIV. Breach of a contractV. Legislation giving right to cancel concluded contractsChapter Six Remedies for BreachI. DamagesII. Specific performanceIII. InjunctionChapter Seven International Sale of GoodsI. CISG (The UN Convention on Contracts for International Sale of Goods)II. INCOTERMS 2000 (Incoterms--Intemational Commercial Terms).Chapter Eight Maritime LawI. International conventionsII. Letter of creditChapter Nine Insurance LawI. Definition of insuranceII. Basic principle of insurance (1)--Insurable interestIII. Basic principle of insurance (2)--IndemnityIV. SubrogationV. Proximate causeVI. Marine insuranceChapter Ten Agency LawI. Creation of agencyII. Duties of agentsIII. Duties of principalsIV. Principal's liabilityV. Undisclosed principal :VI. SubagencyChapter Eleven Law of Tort in GeneralI. Contract and tortII. NegligenceIII. Strict liabilityChapter Twelve Tort Liability for PremisesI. The occupier's liability to people on the premisesII. Duties of an occupier to people outside the premisesIII. Defenses in tortIV. Vicarious liabilityChapter Thirteen Marketing and Competition LawI. ICCII. ICC International Code of Advertising Practice (1997)III. ICC International Code of Direct Marketing, 2001IV. ICC International Code of Sales PromotionV. Competition LawChapter Fourteen International Intellectual Property RightsI. TrademarksIf. CopyrightsIll. PatentIV. Confidence (trade secrets)V. Domain namesVI. International provisionsVII. International licensing agreementChapter Fifteen Corporate Law (I)[. Understanding of relevant conceptsII. Sole trade (sole proprietorship, sole investment enterprise)III. PartnershipsChapter Sixteen Corporate Law (II)I. Types of registered companiesII. Establishment of corporationsIII. Consequences of corporationsIV. Connotation of corporationsV. FinancingVI. Management of companiesChapter Seventeen Employment LawI. Implied obligations of the partiesII. Statutory rights of the employeeIII. Unfair and wrongful dismissalIV. Discrimination and health and safetyChapter Eighteen Credit SecurityI. Concept of creditII. SecurityChapter Nineteen Business CollapseI. Suspension of paymentII. CompositionIII. BankruptcyReferencesAppendix 1Appendix 2Appendix 3