

霍尔德 东南大学出版社











  《Ajax权威指南》教您如何使用JavaScript、xML、css和XHTML这样的标准处理XMLHttpRequest对象,建立具有桌面程序功能的基于浏览器的Web应用程序。您将全面理解当今Web站点和程序中所融合的技术,并学习如何将其同Ajax并用于先进的浏览器搜索、Web服务、Mashup等应用。与此同时,您还会发现为什么使用Ajax开发更快速、简单和经济。其他内容还包括:将服务器后端组件与浏览器中的用户界面相连、加载和处理XML文档,以及如何用JSON替换XML、处理文档对象模型(DOM)、设计具有可用性、功能性、可视性和可达性的Aiax界面、站点导航布局、为图表、导航框和窗口增加生命周期、动画、交互式表单和数据验证、将Ajax应用于商业通信、创建不需要插件的互联网游戏、模块化编程的优势,优化Ajax应用程序的方法等等。 本书还提供了包含XML和XSLT、流行的JavaScript框架、库、工具以及众多Web服务API的参考。由于提供了更多的工具和选项,Ajax为开发者们给出了一种摆脱原有束缚、创建Web内容的新方式。《Ajax权威指南》为您详尽介绍如何使用这套独特的开发工具。


Anthony T.Holdener Ⅲ目前正在利用最新的可达性和跨浏览器兼容技术创建Internet/Intranet程序。他在圣路易斯大学获得计算机科学学位。在过去8年中,他作为网站构架师和开发者为该地区的多家“财富500强”公司工作。


PrefacePart Ⅰ.Ajax Fundamentals 1. Reinventing the Web Web Page Components Modern Web Standards Browsers Standards Compliance Welcome to Web 2.0 2. From Web Sites to Web Applications The Transition Basic Web and Ajax Design Patterns Application Environments The Developer What Ajax Is Not 3. Servers, Databases, and the Web The Web Server Server-Side Scripting Databases Getting Data Into and Out of Relational Databases Interfacing the Interface Frameworks and Languages What Good Are Frameworks? 4. Foundations: Scripting XML and JSON XML JSON Choosing a Data Exchange Format A Quick Introduction to Client Frameworks Simplifying Development 5. Manipulating the DOM Understanding the DOM We've Already Met Manipulating DOM Elements, Attributes, and Objects Change That Style Events in the DOM DOM Stuff for Tables Is innerHTML Evil? 6. Designing Ajax Interfaces Usability Functionality Visualization Accessibility The Ajax InterfacePart Ⅱ.Ajax Foundations 7. Laying Out Site Navigation Menus Tabs Navigation Aids Problems with Ajax Navigation General Layout 8. Fun with Tables and Lists Layout Without Tables Accessible Tables Sorting Tables Tables with Style Table Pagination Lists 2.0 Lists for All Seasons 9. Page Layout with Frames That Aren't Using Frames XHTML and Frames The Magic of Ajax and a DIV Page Layout 10. Navigation Boxes and Windows The Alert Box Integrating the Window Navigation Windows Tool Tips The Necessary Pop Up 11. Customizing the Client Browser Customizations Stylesheet Switching Switching Different Customizations Easy Font-Size Switching Creating Color Themes Throwing Ajax into the Mix Changing Site Language with Ajax Repositioning Objects and Keeping Those Positions Storing It All in the Database 12. Errors: To Be (in Style) or Notto Be Error Handling on the Web Should I React to That Error? Handling an Error with Care Integrating the User Error 13. This Ain't Your Father's Animation Animation on the Web What Is Wrong with GIF? Building Animation with the PNG Format Ajax Animations 14. A FunnyThing Happened on the Way to the Form XHTML Forms Using JavaScript Fancier Forms The Basics of Ajax and Forms Accepting Ajax-Delivered Data Server Responses 15. Data Validation: Client, Server, or Both Data Validation Is Important Validation with JavaScript CSS Notification of Errors Validation on the Server Ajax Client/Server ValidationPart Ⅲ.Ajax in Applications 16. Search:The New Frontier Types of Site Searches Dynamic Searching with Ajax Googling a Site 17. Introducing Web Services What Is a Web Service? Web Service Architectures Ajax and Web Services Web Feeds Web Service APIs 18. Web Services: The APIs Publicly Available Web Services Ajax and the API The Next Step with Services 19. Mashups Mashups in Web 2.0 Applications What Are Mashups? Mashups As Applications Data Sources Application Portlets Building a Mashup Mashups and Business 20. ForYour Business Communication Needs Businesses and Ajax Real-Time Communication File Sharing Whiteboards Combining Applications 21. Internet Games Without Plug-ins Gaming on the Web Internet Requirements Animating a Character Basic Collisions User Input . The Basics of Event Handling Putting It All TogetherPart Ⅳ.Wrapping Up 22. Modular Coding What Is Modular Coding? The Client Side The Server Side 23. Optimizing Ajax Applications Site Optimization Factors HTTP Packets Client-Side Optimizations Server-Side Optimizations Ajax OptimizationPart Ⅴ.References A.The XML and XSLT You Need to Know B.JavaScript Framework, Toolkit, and Library References C.Web Service API Catalog D.Ajax Risk ReferencesIndex







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