戎林海 主编,吴景红,陈婧 分册主编
弗朗西斯·培根曾在他那著名的《论读书》一文中指出:读书使人充实(reading makes a full man),中国也有二句古谚:一为:“书读百遍,其义自现”。二为:“熟读唐诗三百首,不会作诗也会吟。”培根强调的是“读书”(阅读)与人生,而后二者强调的是“阅读”与“理解”、与“写作”(创作)的关系。不论怎样三者都突出强调了“读书”(阅读)的功用。“读书”就其本质而论就是“阅读”,而“阅读”又可分为“精读”(intensive reading)、“泛读”(extensive reading)、“跳读”(skipping)、“扫读”(scanning)和“快速阅读”(fast reading)以及“朗读”(reciting),也就是培根先生所说的some books are to be tasted,Others to be swallowed,and some few to be chewed and digested。 学习一门外语,既需要“精读”也需要“泛读”,在某种意义上讲,“泛读”的多少决定了外语学习的成败高低。顾名思义,“泛读”就是泛泛而读,它的目标是通过大量的阅读,拓宽视野,扩大知识面,增加词汇量,从而增强语感——而语感是学习外语最最重要的一个因素。
本套教程取名为新概念,主要反映在以下几个编写特点: 阅读材料丰富多样,题材广泛,体裁多样,内容新颖,注重知识性、趣味性与实用性; 突破传统教材课文篇幅太短的局限,阅读量明显加大; 注重培养学生快速、准确、有效地获取信息的能力; 增加了有关中国传统节假日方面知识的阅读与摄取,以增强学生跨文化交际的能力; 为增强实用性,本教程有目的地收录了一些实用类体裁的阅读材料:如广告、信函、合同、协议、招标书以及招聘启事等,以便学生通过阅读和初步接触能了解此类文章的格式及其用词。 《新概念大学英语泛读教程》一套四册。每册有15个单元,每个单元由三部分组成:阅读课文和练习、快速阅读和练习、课外阅读和练习。此外,为方便阅读,我们在阅读课文和课外阅读后面增加了部分必需的注释。每册书后都配有练习参考答案,以便利教师和学生的教与学。 《新概念大学英语泛读教程》(1-4册)由常州工学院外国语学院院长戎林海教授担任总主编,负责全书的策划、选题、编写体例设计、全书书稿的三审和终审。1-4册每册设有两个主编,负责本册的编写与初审。 本套教材在编写与出版过程中得到了学校领导李文虎教授、教务处朱锡芳处长以及东南大学出版社刘坚博士的关心与支持,值此出版之际,谨向他们表示衷心的感谢。由于编者的水平和经验有限,全书错误和缺点在所难免,敬请读者批评指正。
Unit One Part One Text The Blanket Part Two Fast Reading Many Moons Part Three Supplementary Reading ( Ⅰ )The Riverman ( Ⅱ )The Origin of Chinese New YearUnit Two Part One Text Ebay Makes Online Buying Easier Part Two Fast Reading Doing Business on Internet Part Three Supplementary Reading Top 10 Tips for Safe Intenet ShoppingUnit Three Part One Text Before the Miracle Year Part Two Fast Reading Focus on Douglas Ivester, CEO of Coca-Cola Part Three Supplementary Reading Rockets Make Yao Ming Their ManUnit Four Part One Text American Food Part Two Fast Reading Fallacies About Food Part Three Supplementary Reading Bon Appetite[ The Different Flavors of BeijingUnit Five Part One Text A History of the Modern Olympic Games Part Two Fast Reading Five Mascots for Beijing 2008 Part Three Supplementary Reading China Invites the World to OlympicsUnit Six Part One Text The Web Lifestyle Part Two Fast Reading The Internet Isolates Users Part Three Sruppfementary Readmg How the Internet Works: All You Need to KnowUnit Seven Part One Text On Marriage Part Two Fast Reading Wedding Customs and Superstitions Part Three Supplementary Reading Can Marriage Be Universally Defined?Unit EightUnit NineUnit TenUnit ElevenUnit TwelveUnit ThirteenUnit FourteenUNit Fifteen
It was a fine September night. A thin white moon rose over the valley. Peter, eleven years old, did not see the moon. He did not feel the cool September breeze blow into the kitchen, for his thoughts were fixed on a red and black blanket on the kitchen table. The blanket was a gift from his dad to his Granddad...a going away gift. They said that Granddad was going away. Thats what they called it, "going away." Peter had not really believed his dad would send Granddad away. But now, there it was, the going-away gift. Dad had bought it that very morning. And this was the last evening he and his Granddad would have with each other. Together the old man and the young boy washed the supper dishes. Dad had gone out.., with that woman he was to marry. He would not be back for some time. When the dishes were finished, the old man and the boy went outside and sat under the moon. Ill get my harmonica and play for you," the old man said. "Ill play some of the old tunes." But instead of the harmonica, he brought out the blanket. It was a big, double blanket.