李林 编
内容新颖。本丛书以课标最新教材为蓝本,充分体现新课程标准的指导思想,紧扣教材,层层深入,讲解、例释、练测三位一体,力求在内容讲解和训练中渗透“知识和能力”、“过程和方法”以及“情感态度和价值观”。丛书栏目设置科学新颖,融入了大量具有时代气息和贴近生活实际的新材料。书中选用的题型都是按照最新小升初或者中考要求精心设计的,让读者超前介入,耳目一新。 讲解透彻。本丛书能够紧紧地把握教材,既细致入微地讲解教材,又不拘泥于教材,深入浅出。重点难点详细讲析,基本问题讲解透彻。通过一个知识点的讲解,可以延伸到知识背景、专题、特例、反例等等。并且特别注重知识“点”与“面”的联系,“教”与“学”的联系。 点拨到位。本丛书能围绕重点,突破难点,引发思考,启迪思维,点拨到位。在问题设置上注重典型性,避免随意性;注重迁移性,避免孤立性。实现由知识到能力的过渡,既有思路点拨又有解题过程,使学生能够举一反三,变通训练,总结规律,从而培养学生求异思维和创新思维的能力。
Unit 1 Will people have robots?Section ASection BSelf CheckReadingUnit 2 What should I do?Section ASection BSelf CheckReadingUnit 3 What were you doing when the UFO arrived?Section ASection BSelf CheckReadingUnit 4 He said I was hard-working.Section ASection BSelf CheekReadingUnit 5 If you go to the party, you'll have a great time !Section ASection BSelf CheckReview of units 1-5Self CheckUnit 6 How long have you been collecting shells?Section ASection BSelf CheckReadingUnit 7 Would you mind turning down the music?Section ASection BSelf CheckReading Unit 8 Why don't you get her a scarf?Section ASection BSelf CheckReadingUnit 9 Have you ever been to an amusement park?Section ASection BSelf CheckReadingUnit 10 It's nice day, isn't it?Section ASection BSelf CheckReview of units 6——10
How can I get mum to drive me to school? Q: Is there any way I can get my morn to drive me to school? She says walking isgood exercise. My friend Ann lives closer to school, but her mom drives her to school. She isthere in two or three minutes ! Going by car is the fastest way. If it rains, she won't getwet, either. It takes me about ten minutes to walk to school. If it rains, I get wet. Itisn't fair(公平的) ! Mary A : Dear Mary, I think you want me to feel sorry for you ! But I don't feel sorry for you. I think youjust want a few more minutes in bed in the morning. Walking is good exercise! Lots ofpeople don't get enough exercise, so I think it is probably a good idea for you to walk.You are going to school in the healthiest way. You may not be the closest to school butyou are close. A ten-minute walk to school and back each day will help to keep you fit.Maybe you need an umbrella for wet days. I'm sure your mother has made sure youhave a good coat and boots for wet days. Maybe you just don't want to use them becausethey are not fashionable. Try to think positively about the walk! ……