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《大学英语6级高分突破》为了帮助广大考生在增加难度的新题型出台后能够顺利地通过大学英语六级考试,我们组织编写了这本《大学英语六级高分突破》。 该书是在广泛征求多所高校六级强化班考生意见的基础上,通过我们在强化班教学的亲身体验而进行编写的。目前图书市场上大量的六级试题集,大部分都仅有题目及答案,却无详细解释。遇到疑难问题,查字典、问老师,不仅要花费很多时间与精力,还很难掌握考试规律。该书正弥补了这方面的不足,增加了最具特色的解释部分。 1.题目:根据新版教学大纲编写,按新题型六级考试的形式,汇编成10个Test。考生自测时每个Test须在125分钟内完成。 2.KEYS:每套试卷后均有KEYS,方便考生速查。 3.试题详解:解释部分为该书最显著的特点。 (Part I)作文:用黑体字给出作文写作套路,考生可背熟此套路,轻松应对六级作文。(PartⅡ)快速阅读、(PartⅣ)深度阅读、(Part V)完形填空或改错:①为便于考生理解原文,提高翻译水平以及实际运用语言的能力,每篇均给出中文大意或译文,要点或主题句均用黑体字注出。②选择项均给出答题依据,培养考生形成良好的定位阅读思维习惯。(PartⅢ)听力:答题依据在原文中用黑体标出,简洁明了;且较难的单词、短语等均给出中文释义。(PartⅥ)翻译:用较为简洁的语言解释清楚翻译方法与技巧。 该书主要适用于考生对新题型六级作文、阅读理解、听力、完形填空、翻译以及做题技巧的突破,也适用于具有中级英语水平的学生自学考试使用,同时也可作为强化班教师的教学参考用书。 相信您只要有效地利用此书,就可在短时间里突破新题型六级作文、阅读理解、听力、完形填空、翻译关,掌握做题技巧,提高实际运用英语的能力。 《大学英语6级高分突破》的译句、例句、解释都是经过反复推敲、实践的,但不当之处在所难免。敬请广大读者指正,以便改进。
入门分析篇 Test 1 试题详解 Test 2 试题详解技能实战篇 Test 3 试题详解 Test 4 试题详解学习提高篇 Test 5 试题详解 Test 6 试题详解巩固强化篇 Test 7 试题详解 Test 8 试题详解考前冲刺篇 Test 9 试题详解 Test 10 试题详解附录 大学英语四、六级考试作文题评分原则、标准以及标准分 大学英语四、六级710分换算表
(29) In the next program, I hope you will join me in the pursuit of learning how to harness stress, sothat it can work for you, and make you more productive, rather than self.destructive.Questions 26 to 29 are based on the passage you have just heard.26. What aspect of stress is the talk mainly about?27. How can we deal with stress according to the doctor?28. According to the speaker, what is stress a sign of?29. What will the doctor do in the next program? (30) I will be talking about how the railroad changed Chicago in the mid-nineteenth century into acommercialized city. OK. Think of the time. It is not yet twenty years since the City Government was first organized. At that timethere was not a canal, railroad, or plank-road leading out of the city. Chicagos transformation into a railroad tcapital was aided by the national trend of the time, in which the general direction of trade had shifted from north-south to east-west. (31) Prior to the advent of railroads, the major mode of transportation had been thesteamboat, which caused the building of canals and the commercial predominance of southern river cities, such asNew Orleans. (32) Canals declined in the 1840s and became regarded as "an old fogy institution"——one ofthe things that was, to be supereeded by new inventions. They gave way to railroads, mostof which ran east-west. Chicagos significant expansion was a result of its status as a railroad capital. In 1850, only one railroadpassed through Chicago. The Galena & Chicago Union Railroad, which never actually reached Galena, was openedin 1848. The opening of the Galena had an immediate impact, and by 1852, over half of Chicagos wheat arrivedvia the Galena.
10套模拟试卷完备自测 一个月轻松突破六级难关 详尽的答题依据解释+作文套路=高分捷径 省去了您查字典、问老师等的不必要麻烦。