先来看两个考生的雅思作文原句: 考生甲:For instance,plastic bags,which b14ng us convenience when we aleshopping. 考生乙:Mv pet is very good. 评分结果:甲:4分(无论作文里其他句子写成怎样这里都要扣分) 乙:5.5分(如果作文里其他句子更出色些总分可以达到6分) 原因:乙虽然简单,但也构成了一个正确的句子;甲虽然复杂,但不成独立的句子,基本的分数都拿不到。 结论:雅思作文要把句子先写对,然后写精彩! 以句子为基础的英文学习(Sentence-based。English Leaaming),近年来越来越被广大英语教学和研究工作者重视和提倡。对于雅思写作考试而言,句子是最基本单位,是雅思相关英文语法的最集中表现,更是雅思作文评分的最重要依据。很多雅思学员在面对不少参考书成篇成篇的范文轰炸时,往往不知好在何处、重点在何处、自己又能下笔在何处。所以,先学习把句子写对、写好、写精彩,是把雅思段落、雅思作文写对、写好和写精彩的先决条件和坚实基础。 本书是编著者多年来雅思写作教学积累的结晶,以雅思作文阅卷评分的体系标准为准绳、以英文句子的基本和重要知识点为依托,创造性地提出“雅思作文逐句构建法”,指导雅思考生有效应对雅思写作,取得理想成绩。本书的主要内容如下:第一、二章是“逐句构建法”的理论介绍和真实例证,做到一次过、全流程、有体系地提供给考生雅思作文Task 1八句写作、Task 2十六句写作的方法,A/G类通用。凡是重点难点和疑点所在,作者都做了详细讲解和适当引申,帮助学员全面、有效、出色地写出雅思作文。这两章在结尾都附加上具有代表性的考生练习剑桥4-7雅思系列作文题目的原稿和作者的批改点评,从而给读者提供了多样性、有深度的直观印象和实用参照。
第一章 Task One 逐句构建法(1-6-1模式)第二章 Task Two 逐句构建法(3-4-4-3-2模式)第三章 学员原创高分Task One 句子(共32句)第四章 学员原创高分Task Two 句子(共68句)第五章 雅思作文范例句子(按语法分类)第六章 IELTS写作Task Two权威题库第七章 IELTS写作重点词汇表
Firstly.it is an effective way that the host country welcome(s)different type ofcuhure to widen cultural differences(diversities,追求词汇多样).With the fastdevelopment of technology and public transport,traveling abroad is much easier than everbefore,SO people can communicate with each other that have different customs.They canlearn more things about other countries’culture,and Borden(broaden!!!)theirevesight.Also with these various cultures,our life becomes(their lives become)moreinteresting.If the host country does not accept cultural differences,the world will becomesmaller because less and less culture(is)left. Secondly,as for individuals,especially for elderly people who live in one place for along period and then move to another country,they still hold some old customs,and it ishard for them to change.So the different cultures bring into the host country.This canenrich local customs and then bring many flesh cultures.Without w-elc-ome(welcoming)these cultural differences,people will move abroad in a low~equency,and it will have a negative effect on both economic and cultural(aspects). But there is still other voice that people should adapt(to)local customs.As(删除,as这样用是引导从句的)they claim that following the culture of host country can make a good sense of various kinds of customs they never have before. To sum up.the host country should welcome cultural differences.Because(because!!I)we can live in a world where involve all categories of cultures(all categories of cultures are involved).
《跟YORK颜学雅思:写作逐句构建法》8句话Task One构建模式,16句话Task Two构建模式,学员原创高分Task One和Task Two句子,York颜澳洲原创满分雅思写作原文,雅思写作权威剑桥试题库。