本书指明了你所喜爱的Windows程序对应的Mac替代品。学习Mac OS X Snow Leopard。苹果最新的操作系统更快、更小巧,史无前例地好一一但是你还得学习它。幸运的是,地球上最畅销Mac图书《Mac OS X Snow Leopard:The Missing Manual》的作者会手把手教你。 您需要了解的重要内容,一转移数据。通过直连电缆、网络或磁盘从PC移动文件到Mac是比较简单的,但应该如何把电子邮件、地址簿、日历、Web书签、朋友列表、桌面图片和MP3文件也转移出来呢?现在你就能知道。
作者:(美国)帕格(David Pogue)David Pogue是《纽约时报》技术专栏作家,获得Emmy奖的CBS News通讯记者以及“Missing Manual”系列的创始人。
IntroductionWhat Mac OS X Gives YouWhat Mac OS X Takes AwayAbout This BookThe Very BasicsPart One: Welcome to MacintoshChapter I : How the Mac Is DifferentPower On, DudeThat One-Button MouseOn, Off, and SleepThe Menu BarFinder = Windows ExplorerDock = TaskbarMenulets = TrayKeyboard DifferencesDisk DifferencesWhere Your Stuff IsWindow ControlsTerminology DifferencesChapter 2: Folders, Dock, & WindowsGetting into Mac OS XThe Four Window ViewsIcon ViewList ViewColumn ViewCover Flow ViewQuick LookThe DockThe Finder ToolbarGetting Help in Mac OS XChapter 3: Files, Icons, & Spotlight,Renaming IconsSelecting IconsMoving and Copying IconsAliases: Icons in Two Places at OnceColor LabelsThe TrashGet InfoThe Spotlight MenuThe Spotlight WindowCustomizing SpotlightSmart FoldersChapter 4: Documents, Programs, & SpacesOpening Mac OS X ProgramsThe New, Improved “Air-Tab”.Expos E: Death to Window ClutterSpaces: Your Free Quad-Display MacHiding Programs the Old-Fashioned WayHow Documents Know Their ParentsKeyboard ControlThe Save and Open Dialog BoxesUniversal Apps (Intel Macs)Installing Mac OS X ProgramsDashboardWeb Clips: Make Your Own WidgetsPower Typing in Snow LeopardThe Many Languages of Mac OS X TextData DetectorsPart Two: Making the MoveChapter 5: Seven Ways to Transfer Your FilesTransfers by Apple GeniusTransfers by NetworkTransfers by DiskTransfers by File-Sending Web SiteTransfers by EmailTransfers by iDiskTransfers by BluetoothWhere to Put Your Copied FilesDocument Conversion IssuesChapter 6: Transferring Email & ContaCtsA Reminder That Could Save You HoursTransferring Your Outlook MailTransferring Your Outlook AddressesTransferring from Outlook Express (Windows Mail)Email SettingsLife with Microsoft ExchangeChapter 7: Special Software, Special ProblemsACDSeeAcrobat ReaderACTAd Subtract (Pop-up Stopper)Adobe [your favorite program here]America OnlineAIM (AOL Instant Messenger)Children's SoftwareEasy CD CreatorEncartaEudoraExcelFirefoxGamesGoogle Desktop SearchICQInternet ExploreriTunesLimewireMcAfee VirusScanMicrosoft AccessMicrosoft MoneyMicrosoft OfficeMicrosoft PublisherMicrosoft VisioMinesweeperMSN MessengerNaturallySpeakingNetscapeNewsgroup ReadersNorton AntiVirusNorton UtilitiesNotepadOutlook/Outlook Express/Windows MailPaint Shop ProPalm DesktopPicasaPowerPointQuickBooksQuickenRealPlayerRssReaderSkypeSnagltSolitaireStreet Atlas USATaxCut, TurboTaxWinAmp, MusicMatchWindows Media PlayerWinZipWordWordPerfectYahoo MessengerChapter 8: Windows on MacintoshBoot CampWindows in a WindowChapter 9: Hardware on the MacPrinters and PrintingWhen all your settings look good, click Print (or press Return) to send your printout to theprinterFaxingPDF FilesFonts-and Font BookDigital CamerasDisksBurning CDs and DVDsiTunes: The Digital JukeboxDVD MoviesKeyboardMouseMonitorsTime Machine Backups
插图:·Movies, Music, Pictures. These folders, of course, are designed to store multimedia files. The various Mac OS X programs that deal with movies, music, and pictures will propose these specialized folders as storage locations. For example, when you plug a digital camera into a Mac, the iPhoto program automatically begins to download the photos on it——and stores them in the Pictures folder. Similarly, iMovie is programmed to look for the Movies folder when saving its files, and iTunes stores its MP3 files in the Music folder.·Public. If you're on a network, or if others use the same Mac when you're not around, this flder can be handy: It's the “Any of you guys can look at these files” folder. Other people on your network, as well as other people who sit down at this machine, are allowed to see whatever you've put in here, even if they don't have your password. (If your Mac isn't on an office network and isn't shared, you can throw this folder away.) More details on sharing and networking on the Mac are in Chapter 14.·Sites. Mac OS X has a built-in Web server: software that turns your Mac into a Web site that people on your network——or, via the Internet, all over the world can connect to. This Mac OS X feature relies on a program called the Apache Web server, which is so highly regarded in the Unix community that programmers lower their voices when they mention it. This is the folder where you will put the actual Web pages you want to make available to the Internet at large.The rationale for forcing you to keep all of your stuff in a single folder is described in Chapter 13. (Windows 2000, XP, Vista, and 7 work very similarly.) For now, it's enugh to note that the approach has some major advantages. Most notably, by keeping such tight control over which files go where, Mac OS X keeps itself pure-and very, very stable.
《开始Mac:实战手册(英文)(影印版)》:是什么让Windows难民们决定要获得一台Mac?是因为热情的朋友?苹果官方商店?那些“我是Mac”广告?因为iPod和iPhone广泛流行而导致的“晕轮效应”?没有病毒和间谍软件?还是在Mac也能自由运行windows?无论如何,没有比现在更好的时机开始转向Mac OS X了——也从未有比这本更好、更有趣或者更权威的书来帮你完成这件事。当知识富有吸引力、条理清楚并且显得有趣时,人们的学习效果最好。不幸的是,大多数计算机书籍味同嚼蜡。这就是我开始创立“Missing Manual”系列的原因。它们有趣,不怕某项特性用处不大或者不能正常工作,并且(哦,顺便说一句)由真正的作家撰写。我们在每一页都回答一个简单的问题:“这项特性有什么用?”