陈湘玉 等主编
安全用药是护理安全的重要组成部分,要实现安全用药,不仅要求护理人员具有较全面的药学知识,而且从药物管理到药物治疗规范的每个环节都不容忽视。近年来,各级卫生行政主管部门关于用药安全的管理要求不断更新,新药新制剂不断涌现,对护理人员应掌握的药理知识也提出了更高的要求。为指导护士临床安全用药,南京护理学会组织临床一线护理专家和临床药学专家共同编写了这本《护士安全用药手册》。本书包括安全用药一般知识、用药管理规范、药物治疗护理规范、药物不良反应的评估与护理、特殊病人的用药护理、常用药物基本知识与护理要点六个部分。各章的主要特色如下: 一、安全用药一般知识解释了药品的常用术语及释义,以及目前最新的《中国药典》关于药品标准的种类及概述,影响药物作用的因素、联合用药和药物的相互作用等方面的知识。 二、用药管理规范根据最新用药安全管理要求,重点阐述病区药品管理制度、药品保管原则、安全给药原则,并有可操作的药品配制管理和药品质量管理规范。 三、药物治疗护理规范介绍了各种常用给药方法的护理规范、过敏试验的护理规范及常用护理药学计算,内容具体、操作性强。针对近年更新较快而教课书中不全的局部给药护理及吸入给药法的护理有较好补充和更新。 ……
unit one
a bit, a few, a little
a couple of, a pair of
a dozen of, dozens of
a lot of, lots of
a number of, the number of
abide by, abide with
unit two
accommodate to, accommodate with
according as, according to
act as, act for, act on
add to, addto
admit of, admit to
agree on, agree to, agree with
all day, all the day
allow for, allow of
angry at, angry with
answer for, answer to
.anxious about, anxious for
appeal for, appeal to
appoint as, appoint to
argue about, argue with
arrive at., arrive in
as if, as though
ashamed of, ashamed for
ask leave, take leave
unit five
at a birth, at birth, by birth
at a distance, from a distance
at all risk, at risk
at all times, at times
at best, at one's best
at heart, by heart
unit six
at no time, at the time
at one's back, on one's back
at peace, in peace
at sea, atthe sea
at the corner, in the corner
at the end of, by the end, in theend
unit seven
at the moment, at the same time
at the spot, on the spot
at the top of, on the top of
at work, in work
attend on, attend to
unit ine
back down, back up
bargain for, bargain on
be absorbed by, be absorbed in
be alive to, be alive with
be apt at, be apt to.
be bound for, be bound to
unit two
be buried in, be buried under
be concemed about, be concemed with
be disappointed at, be disappointed with
be dying for, be dying to
be engaged in, be engaged to
be familiar to, be familiar with
unit three
be from, come from
be good for, be good at
be in love with, fall in love with
be known as, be known for
be mad about, be mad at
be made from, be made of
unit four
be made in, be made into
be married, get married
be proud of, be proud to
be seated, sit down.
be short of, be short on
be sick for, be sick of.
unit five
be tired from, be tired of
be used to do, be used to doing,used to do
bear on, bear up
before long, long before
belong in, belong to
better off, better than
unit six
bind together, bind up
blame for, blame on
block off, block up
blow out, blow up
book in, book up
both…and…, either… or…
unit seven
break down, break off, break up
break in, break into.
break one's word, eat one's word.
bring about, bring around
bring in, bring up.
bum down, burn up.
unit eight
burst in, burst into
busy in, busy with
by force, in force
by itself, in itself
by name, in name
by nature, in nature
unit nine
by sea, by the sea
by the eye, to the eye
by the way, in the way, on the way.
by turns, in turn.
unit one
call at, call on
call for, call in
care about, care for
catch a cold, have a cold
catch fire, on fire
catch on, catch out
unit two
catch up with, keep up with
change for, change into
check in, check into.
cheer on, cheer, up.
choke back l choke up
clean up, clear up.
unit three
clear away, clear out
come about, come across
come in, come into
come off, come out
compare to, compare with
connect to, connect with
unit four
consist in, consist of
contribute to, devote to
correspond to, correspond with
count down, count in
cover for, cover up
crack down, crack up
unit five
cross off, cross over
cut back, cut down
unit one
day after day, day by day
deal in, deal with
depend on, depend upon
die from, die of
divide into, divide up
do one's best, try one's best
unit two
draw in, draw up
dream about, dream up
dress in, dress up
drop by, drop off, drop out
dwell in, dwell on
unit one
each other, one another
eat away, eat out
enter into, enter on
even as, even so
excuse for, excuse from
exist in, exist on
unit one
fall back, fall behind
fall off, fall out
far away from, keep away from.
feed on, feed up.
feel for, feel like.
figure in, figure out.
unit two
fill in, fill out
find out, look out.
fix on, fix up.
for a moment, in a moment
for fun, in fun.
for sale, on sale
unit three
for shame, with shame
for show, on show
forget doing, forget to do
from mouth to mouth, mouth to mouth
unit one
gaze at, glare at, look at
get along with, get on with
get down, get down to
get in touch with, keep in touch with
get off, get out, get over
get ready for, get ready to
unit two
get through, go through
give a call, make a call
give away, give back
give in, give up.
give off, give out.
go about, go by.
unit three
go into, go off
go on, go out, go over
go sleeping, go to bed
go to the cinema, go to the movies.
unit one
hand down, hand out, hand over.
hand in, hand in hand.
hand on, on hand.
hang on, hang up.
have a joke with, play a joke on
have a word with, have words with
unit two
have on, have up
hear from, hear of
help sb. do, help sb. with
hold back, hold up
hold on, hold out
hurry off, hurry up
unit one
if only, only if
in a fashion, in fashion
in a hole, in the hole
in a word, in other words
in blue, in the blue
in business, on business
unit two
in case of, in the case of
in charge of, in the charge of
in commission, on commission
in contrast to, in contrast with
in demand, on demand
in drink, in the drink.
unit three
in fire, under fire.
in front of, in the front of .
in future, in the future.
in hospital, in the hospital
in issue, in the issue.
in mass, in the mass
unit four
in office, in the office
in order, on order.
in place of, take place
in practice, in question
in principle, on principle
in private, in public.
unit five
in repair, under repair
in secret, in the secret
in store, in the store
in the air, on the air
in the road, on the road
in the south of, on the south of,to the south of
unit six
in the sun, under the sun
in the tree, on the tree.
in the view of, in view of
in the wall, on the wall.
in the water, on the water
in time, on time.
unit seven
in trust, trust in
increase by, increase to
unit one
join in, join on
jump at, jump down
just now, just then
unit one
keen about, keen on
keep at, keep up.
keep doing, keep on doing.
keep house, keep the house.
keep silence, keep silent
kind of, kinds of
unit two
knock into, knock…into
known as, known for
unit one
lack for, lack of.
launch into, launch out
lay off, lay out.
lead out, lead to.
leave for, leave to.
let down, let in, let out
unit two
liable for, liable to
lie in, lie on.
live by, live on.
loaf about, loaf away
look after, look for, look forward
look through, see through
unit three
look up, look up to.
lose heart, lose one's heart
unit one
make sure, make sense
make trouble, take trouble
make up, make up one's mind
meddle in, meddle with
melt away; melt down
much too, too much.
unit one
no longer, no more
not a bit, not a little
unit one
off the point, to the point
off work, out of work
on board, on the board
on deck, on the deck
on duty, oft duty
on schedule, on the schedule
unit two
on watch, on the watch
once again, once more
out of breath, short of breath
out of question, out of the question.
unit one
pass away, pass off
pass by, pass on, pass out
pay for, pay off
pick out, pick up
plan on, plan out
play at, play with
unit two
point at, point to
pull in, pull out
put aside, put away
put up, set up
put off, put on, put out
unit one
quarrel about, quarrel with
quite a few, quite an amount
unit one
react on, react to
remember doing, remember to do
responsible for, responsible to
result from, result in
right away, right now
ring a bell, ring the bell
unit two
run after, run away.
run into, run on, run out
rush hour, the peak hours
unit one
see about, see to
see off, see out
send out, send up
set off, set in
shout at, shout to
smile at, smile on
unit two
speak about, speak for
speak of, speak to
split into, split on.
stand by, stand to, stand out.
stay out, stay up.
stop doing, stop to do.
unit three
struggle against, struggle for.
succeed in, succeed to
superior in, superior to.
unit one
take a chair, take the chair
take a chance, take the chance
take air, take the air
take down, write down
take ground, take the ground
take off, take over
unit two
talk about, talk to
taste for, taste in
tear down, tear off
tell of, tell off
terrified at, terrified of
thanks for, thanks to
unit three
think about, think of
throw off, throw out
tip off, tip over
try doing, try to do
try on, try out
turn down, turn off, turn on,turn up
unit one
unite in, unite with
up and down, ups and downs
unit one
vote down, vote out
unit one
wait for, wait on
wake up, wake…up
walk into, walk out
wash off, wash out
watch for, watch over
work off, work out
版权页: (6)使用氧气驱动雾化时应做好“四防”,结束后应将氧流量调至原吸氧浓度,避免长期高流量吸氧。 【给药护理要点】护士掌握并教会病人使用雾化吸入的方法及配合要点,协助病人共同完成。 (1)向病人解释雾化吸人的目的、方法及配合要点等,以取得合作。 (2)协助病人取舒适卧位,以坐位、半卧位为宜。 (3)将喷嘴和雾化罐相连,连接管道,调节氧流量(常用8 L/min)或使用雾化机连接电源后打开电源开关。 (4)将口含嘴放人病人口中,嘱病人用嘴将口含嘴包紧,由口缓慢深吸气,用鼻轻轻呼气。 (5)雾化过程中注意管路的连接情况,观察药物疗效及副作用,对于年老体弱病人咳嗽时要辅助拍背,持续雾化时间15~20 min。 (6)雾化结束后协助病人认真漱口,避免口腔感染。用氧气驱动者调节适宜的氧流量;用面罩式雾化吸入者,应将病人面部的雾气和残余药液洗净,避免药物对皮肤的刺激。 2.超声雾化 【药物种类】乙酰半胱氨酸、溴己新、a—糜蛋白酶、高渗盐水及蒸馏水等。 【注意事项】 (1)吸人给药,应在餐前或餐后1 h开始,以防恶心、呕吐症状发生。并注意观察药物疗效及副作用。 (2)防止雾化吸入导致交叉感染:①超声雾化管路专人专用,不使用时整个管道内不应有液体存留,以免细菌滋生;②雾化罐用后必须用1:200含氯消毒液浸泡30 min,再用蒸馏水冲净后晾干备用;③雾化液必须是无菌溶液。 (3)雾化器水槽底部的晶体换能器和雾化罐底部的超声膜薄而脆,易破碎,操作中应注意保护。 (4)雾化罐下的水槽内蒸馏水量根据雾化器不同而不同,要求浸没雾化罐底部半透膜,水温不宜超过60℃。水温过高或水量过少时应关机换蒸馏水或加蒸馏水。 (5)连续使用雾化器中间需间隔30 min。 【给药护理要点】护士必须掌握操作流程,教会病人使用雾化吸入的方法及配合要点,协助病人共同完成。 (1)向病人解释雾化吸人的目的、方法及配合要点等,以取得合作。 (2)协助病人取舒适卧位,以坐位、半卧位为宜。 (3)将口含嘴放人病人口中,嘱病人用嘴将口含嘴包紧,由口缓慢深吸气,用鼻轻轻呼气。 (4)雾化过程中注意管路有无破损、漏气,一般药物用生理盐水稀释至30~50 ml后放入雾化罐内雾化15~20 min,若雾化罐内药液过少,影响正常雾化时,应增加药量,但不必关机,从雾化罐上小孔注入即可。 (5)雾化结束后嘱病人认真漱口,避免口腔感染。用面罩式雾化吸人者,应将病人面部的雾气和残余药液洗净,避免药物对皮肤的刺激。 七、手术中给药的护理 1.手术中给药必须遵医嘱执行,给药前严格执行“三查七对”,术中密切观察,防止药液外渗,如有外渗应及时处置,以防组织坏死,给药后应及时准确将用药信息记录在手术护理记录单上。 2.术中使用局麻药时,应加强监护,病人如出现不适感、口内异常感、喘鸣、眩晕、便意、耳鸣、出汗等休克前驱症状,应立刻停药,并做好抢救准备。局部注射麻醉时,应缓慢注射,并注意有无回血,以免误注入血管内而引起急性中毒反应;硬膜外用药时,开始注药前应回抽腰穿针,以免误人蛛网膜下隙而导致致命的高位或全脊髓麻醉。