作者:(美国)扎德尔斯基(Jonathan Zdziarski)
1. Everything You Know Is Wrong
The Myth of a Monoculture
The iOS Security Model
Components of the iOS Security Model
Storing the Key with the Lock
Passcodes Equate to Weak Security
Foreic Data Trumps Encryption
External Data Is at Risk, Too
Hijacking Traffic
Data Can Be Stolen...Quickly
Trust No One, Not Even Your Application
Physical Access Is Optional
Part Ⅰ. Hacking
2. The Basics of Compromising iOS
Why It's Important to Learn How to Break Into a Device
Jailbreaking Explained
Developer Tools
End User Jailbreaks
Jailbreaking an iPhone
DFU Mode
Tethered Veus Untethered
Compromising Devices and Injecting Code
Building Custom Code
Analyzing Your Binary
Testing Your Binary
Daemon!zing Code
Deploying Malicious Code with a Tar Archive
Deploying Malicious Code with a RAM Disk
3. Stealing the Filesystem
Full Disk Encryption
Solid State NAND
Disk Encryption
Where lOS Disk Encryption Has Failed You
Copying the Live Filesystem
The DataTheft Payload
Customizing launchd
Preparing the RAM disk
Imaging the Filesystem
Copying the Raw Filesystem
The RawTheft Payload
Customizing launchd
Preparing the RAM disk
Imaging the Filesystem
The Role of Social Engineering
Disabled Device Decoy
Deactivated Device Decoy
Malware Enabled Decoy
Password Engineering Application
4. Foreic Trace and Data Leakage
Extracting Image Geotags
Coolidated GPS Cache
SQLite Databases
Connecting to a Database
SQLite Built-in Commands
Issuing SQL Queries
Important Database Files
Address Book Contacts
Address Book Images
Google Maps Data
Calendar Events
Call History
Email Database
Photo Metadata
SMS Messages
Safari Bookmarks
SMS Spotlight Cache
Safari Web Caches
Web Application Cache
WebKit Storage
Revee Engineering Remnant Database Fields
SMS Drafts
Property Lists
Important Property List Files
Other Important Files
5. Defeating Encryption
Sogeti's Data Protection Tools
Italling Data Protection Tools
Building the Brute Forcer
Building Needed Python Libraries
Extracting Encryption Keys
The KeyTheft Payload
Customizing Launchd
Preparing the RAM disk
Preparing the Kernel
Executing the Brute Force
Decrypting the Keychain
Decrypting Raw Disk
Decrypting iTunes Backups
Defeating Encryption Through Spyware
The SpyTheft Payload
Daemonizing spyd
Customizing Launchd
Preparing the RAM disk
Executing the Payload
6. Unobliterating Files
Scraping the HFS Journal
Carving Empty Space
Commonly Recovered Data
Application Screehots
Deleted Property Lists
Deleted Voicemail and Voice Recordings
Deleted Keyboard Cache
Photos and Other Peonal Information
7. Manipulating the Runtime
Analyzing Binaries
The Mach-O Format
Introduction to class-dump-z
Symbol Tables
Encrypted Binaries
Calculating Offsets
Dumping Memory
Copy Decrypted Code Back to the File
Resetting the cryptid
Abusing the Runtime with Cycript
Italling Cycript
Using Cycript
Breaking Simple Locks
Replacing Methods
Trawling for Data
Logging Data
More Serious Implicatio
SpringBoard Animatio
Call Tapping...Kind Of
Making Screen Shots
8. Abusingthe Runtime Library
Breaking Objective-C Down
Itance Variables
Method Cache
Disassembling and Debugging
The Underlying Objective-C Framework
Interfacing with Objective-C
Malicious Code Injection
The CodeTheft Payload
Injection Using a Debugger
Injection Using Dynamic Linker Attack
Full Device Infection
9. Hijacking Traffic
APN Hijacking
Payload Delivery
Simple Proxy Setup
Attacking SSL
Paros proxy
Browser Warnings
Attacking Application-Level SSL Validation
The SSLTheft Payload
Hijacking Foundation HTTP Classes
The POSTTheft Payload
Analyzing Data
Part Ⅱ. Securing
10. Implementing Encryption
Password Strength
Beware Random Password Generato
Introduction to Common Crypto
Stateless Operatio
Stateful Encryption
Master Key Encryption
Geo-Encryption with Passphrase
Split Server-Side Keys
Securing Memory
Wiping Memory
Public Key Cryptography
11. Counter Foreics
Secure File Wiping
DOD 5220.22-M Wiping
Wiping SQLite Records
Keyboard Cache
Randomizing PIN Digits
Application Screehots
12. Securing the Runtime
Tamper Respoe
Wipe User Data
Disable Network Access
Report Home
Enable Logging
False Contacts and Kill Switches
Process Trace Checking
Blocking Debugge
Runtime Class Integrity Checks
Validating Address Space
Inline Functio
Complicating Disassembly
Optimization Flags
They're Fun! They Roll! -funroll-loops
13. Jailbreak Detection
Sandbox Integrity Check
Filesystem Tests
Existence of Jailbreak Files
Size of/etc/fstab
Evidence of Symbolic Linking
Page Execution Check
14. Next Steps
Thinking Like an Attacker
Other Revee Engineering Tools
Security Veus Code Management
A Flexible Approach to Security
Other Great Books
版权页: 插图: $ sudo port install cmake libusb-devel libplist Once these packages are installed, create a symlink for the libusb.h prototype so that the usbmuxd package can find it: Download and extract the contents of the usbmuxd source package: Use the cmake command to generate make files, then build the project with make: With usbmuxd installed, and its companion tool iproxy, you'll be able to establish the needed connection bridge from your desktop to your device. While iproxy comes with an open source implementation of usbmuxd, iTunes also includes an officially sanc tioned version from Apple that is much faster.To use the much faster version of usbmuxd included with iTunes, ensure that Apple's usbmuxd is loaded and then run the iproxy tool to establish a connection between a local machine (we'll arbitrarily use port 7777 here), and the echo port (port 7) on the device, which is the TCP port your payload code is listening on. $ sudo lauhchctl load /System/Library/LaunchDaemons/ $ iproxy 7777 7 Once the proxy has started, use netcat (often invoked through its abbreviation nc) to connect to the device through localhost. The netcat utility is a simple tool to make (or listen for) arbitrary network connections, and send or receive data, $ nc 127.0.0,1 7777 > filesystem,tar The call to nc causes it to connect to the localhost on TCP port 7777. If the proxy and usbmux protocol are working, this connection will be tunneled across USB to the device on port 7, which you specified when you started iproxy. If the connection is working,you should see the device report to the screen that it is sending the/private filesystem,and will see thefilesystem.tar file grow on your desktop machine. When the transfer is finished, nc will exit and you will have the complete live user filesystem stored in filesystem.tar! Sometimes, iTunes may not have been properly installed, and you may have problems transferring data from the device. If the tar file remains a zero byte size, try unloading iTunes' copy of usbmuxd and running the open source version you just built.
《iOS应用安全攻防(影印版)(英文)》由扎德尔斯基著。检查现实应用中的微小漏洞——并丑避免在你的应用中出现同样的问题,了解黑客如何通过代码注入来使应用感染恶意软件,明白攻击者如何破解iOS keychain和数据保护加密,使用调试器和定制代码注入来操纵运行时Objective—C环境,阻止攻击者劫持SSL会话和窃取数据流量,安全地删除文件和设计应用来防止数据泄露,避免滥用调试,验证运行时类的健全性,确保你的代码难以跟踪。