张永莉,张中强 著
随着经济贸易全球一体化发展趋势的不断加强,各国经济之间的相互渗透与依存不断加深,生产国际化、贸易自由化、金融一体化已成为一个重要的时代特征。科技的竞争、国际市场的竞争,其实质是人才的竞争。加入WTO以后,我国也逐步参与国际经济与竞争,对外贸易日益加强。近年来,我国的对外贸易取得了长足的发展,与此同时,对相关人才的需求也更加迫切。作为国际贸易用语的英语也变得越来越重要,社会迫切需要既有专业知识又能熟练运用英语的人才。因此,有效地提高学生的语言运用能力,符合社会经济生活的实际需求,已成为英语教育工作者的历史责任,也是日益发达的经济和社会发展的需要。 本书是一本综合性的国际商务英语教材,包括国际贸易、国际商务管理、进出口贸易、商务谈判、国际货物运输、市场营销和国际支付与结算以及各种单证、保险等内容。本书既可以作为商务贸易专业英语教材使用,也可以作为国际贸易专业教师进行双语教学的参考书,还可以为从事国际贸易工作的相关人士提供帮助。本书具有以下特点: 1.本书采用英语来诠释国际贸易中的相关知识,语言浅显易懂,结构完整,内容全面。 2.本书的内容以重要知识点和关键问题为线索,并根据国际贸易的流程框架进行编排,章节清晰明了,易学易记。 3.本书的特色之处在于每个章节都有对于关键术语的注释,以帮助学习者更好地理解相关的专业术语。
《国际商务英语》立足于国际商务英语的理论和实务,结构完整、内容全面,基本涵盖了国际贸易、国际商务管理、进出口贸易、商务谈判、国际货物运输等主要内容,语言浅显易懂,章节清晰明了。在选材方面,注重内容的时效性和典型性,以最典型和新鲜的商务语言传递最新的国际商务信息和当今商务热点。 《国际商务英语》每章之后都配有相关的练习,题型多样,针对性强,能让学习者更好、更全面地巩固所学业务知识,掌握实际操作技能。此外,《国际商务英语》还配有专门的电子课件,方便教学使用。 《国际商务英语》可作为各类高校商务英语、国际贸易、国际金融等专业的教材使用,也可作为从事外贸工作的相关人士提高专业英语水平和业务工作能力之用。
Unit One INTERNATIONAL BUSINESS1.1 What Is International Business?1.2 The Scope of International Business Activities1.3 Commercial Risk1.4 Commercial Credit1.5 International Business Management1.6 A Brief Introduction to WTOEXERCISESUnit Two INTERNATIONAL TRADE2.1 Introduction2.2 Business Preparatory Work2.3 Business Negotiation and Establishment of Contract2.4 Export and Import Documentation2.5 The Performance of an Export ContractEXERCISESUnit Three BUSINESS NEGOTIATION3.1 Overview of Business Negotiation3.2 The Principles of Business Negotiation3.3 Preparation for Negotiation3.4 General Procedures in Business Negotiation3.5 Negotiation Strategies and Tactics3.6 Language for Negotiation3.7 Cultural Influence on NegotiationEXERCISESUnit Four INTERNATIONAL TRADE TERMS4 .1 Definition of International Trade Terms4 .2 The Role of International Trade Terms4 .3 International Rules and Practices on Trade Terms4 .4 Ways to Select a Price TradeEXERCISESUnit Five PRICING PRINCIPLES5.1 How to Determine the Price for Imports and Exports?5.2 Selection of Money of Account5.3 Commission and Discount5.4 Pricing Strategies and the Clause of PriceEXERCISESUnit Six INTERNATIONAL TRANSPORTATION6.1 Major Modes and the Choice of Mode6.2 Major Shipping Document——BiU of Lading6.3 Other Shipping Documents6.4 Perils and Losses6.5 Marine Insurance Clauses6.6 Ocean Marine Cargo Clause of CIC6.7 Import and Export Cargo Insurance Practices in China6.8 Shipping Clause and Insurance Clause in the Sales Contract "EXERCISESUnit Seven MARKETING7.1 What Is Marketing?7.2 Marketing Orientations7.3 The Nature of Marketing7.4 Domestic Marketing and International Marketing7.5 The Marketing Mix7.6 Marketing Environment7.7 Market7.8 Marketing Strategy7.9 Marketing Research7.10 Understanding Consumer BehaviourEXERCISESUnit Eight PAYMENT TOOLS IN INTERNATIONAL SETTLEMENT8.1 Introduction8.2 Credit Instrument——Bill of Exchange8.3 Credit Instruments——Promissory Note and Cheque8.4 Documents——Documentary Bill, Commercial Invoice, Packing List and Insurance PolicyEXERCISESUnit Nine PAYMENT METHODS IN INTERNATIONAL SETTLEMENT9.1 Introduction9.2 Remittance9.3 Collection9.4 International Factoring and Forfeiting9.5 Letter of Credit9.6 Letter of Guarantee and Stand-by CreditEXERCISESUnit Ten BUSINESS LETTERS10.1 Establishing Business Relations10.2 Inquiry Letter10.3 Offers, Counter-offers and Declining Offers10.4 Order and Order Acceptance10.5 Complaints and ClaimsEXERCISESReferences
By increasing the demand for new products and services, technology has tremendous im- pact on international business. As the demand increases, so does the number of international business transactions. But conducting business on an international level usually involves greater distances than conducting domestic business, and greater distances increase operating costs and make control of a company s foreign operations more difficult. Improved communications and transportation speed up interactions and improve managers ability to control foreign opera-tions. Lucasfilm could control its far-flung production of the Star Wars films because it was able to move quickly from country to country and transport videos overnight from foreign shooting lo- cations back to its production headquarters. When Lucasfilm completed production, transporta- tion permitted it to distribute the films efficiently worldwide. Liberalization of Cross-Border Movements Every country restricts the movement across its border of goods, services and resources, such as workers and capital. Such restrictions make international business more expensive to un-dertake. Because the regulations may change at any time, international business is also risky. Generally, governments today impose fewer restrictions on cross-border movements than they did a decade or two ago, but more than during the late 19th and,early 20th century until World War I. With the enactment of the WTO in 1995, the restrictions will likely to continue to diminish. Although the past decrease in restrictions has been erratic, governments have lowered them for the following reasons: their citizens have expressed the desire for better access to grea- ter variety of goods and services at lower prices; they reason that their domestic producers will become more efficient as a result of foreign competition; they hope to induce other countries to reduce their barrier to international movements.