欣羚,杨安文 编
《大学英语自主阅读教程》是根据《大学英语课程教学要求》以及当前我国普通高等院校大学英语教学实际编写的一套理念创新、内容实用、体系科学并具时代特色的全新系列公共英语泛读教材。它是一套由纸质教材、配套光盘和网络教学系统组成的立体化教材,旨在通过地道生动的语言、实用丰富的知识、立体互动的技能训练,并充分利用现代多媒体技术,为学生打造完善的自主式学习环境,为教师提供现代化的教学监控手段,从而实现过程性评估与终结性评估相结合的综合教学评估体系。 一、编写原则 1.注重学生自主学习能力的培养《大学英语自主阅读教程》的编写注重课堂教学与课外自主学习有机结合,学生通过学习和使用本教材有望获得自主学习能力的提高,从而为终身学习创造条件。 2.强化学生实际应用能力的培养 《大学英语自主阅读教程》不仅重视语言技能的训练,更注重这些技能的实际运用。无论是阅读训练还是美文欣赏,内容上都选择具有时代气息的最新语料,体裁上适当加大应用文所占比重,努力使英语学习寓于趣味性、实用性之中。 3.重视学生人文素质的培养 《大学英语自主阅读教程》在不忽视培养学生科学素质的前提下,重视文化教育,重视教材的前瞻性、思想性和文化内涵。选材上,涉及不同国家的经济、政治、科技、文化、生活等方方面面,注意语言材料与文化内容的融合、经典性与时尚性的融合,所选篇章都富含文采,含义隽永,引人入胜。学生在了解相关文化背景的前提下,能够更好地掌握语言;在切实掌握语言的同时,可以充分接触异域风情和外来文化。这样,在语言能力形成的过程中,也就能潜移默化地达成文化认知和建构,培养跨文化交际意识。
Unit OnePart Ⅰ Skimming and ScanningRemoving Red Eye in PhotographsPart Ⅱ Reading in DepthSection A: Multiple ChoiceSection B: Blanked ClozePart Ⅲ Appreciation and RecitationAbout LifeUnit TwoPart Ⅰ Skimming and ScanningHow to Save the WorM? Everyone Has AnswersPart Ⅱ Reading in DepthSection A: Multiple ChoiceSection B: Short Answer QuestionsPart Ⅲ Appreciation and RecitationLife Comes in a PackageUnit ThreePart Ⅰ Skimming and ScanningHow to Prepare for a First DatePart Ⅱ Reading in DepthSection A: Multiple ChoiceSection B: TranslationPart Ⅲ Appreciation and RecitationAn Awareness of SelfUnit FourPart Ⅰ Skimming and ScanningGetting Rid of Internet AddictionPart Ⅱ Reading in DepthSection A: Multiple ChoiceSection B: Blanked ClozePart Ⅲ Appreciation and RecitationMotherly and Fatherly LoveUnit FivePart Ⅰ Skimming and ScanningHow to Retire in Your 30sPart Ⅱ Reading in DepthSection A: Multiple ChoiceSection B: Short Answer QuestionsPart Ⅲ Appreciation and RecitationLearn to Live in the Present MomentUnit SixPart Ⅰ Skimming and ScanningWhy American Culture is UniquePart Ⅱ Reading in DepthSection A: Multiple ChoiceSection B: TranslationPart Ⅲ Appreciation and RecitationFace Everyday PositivelyUnit SevenPart Ⅰ Skimming and ScanningThe Fastest Way to Find New CustomersPart Ⅱ Reading in DepthSection A: Multiple ChoiceSection B: Blanked ClozePart Ⅲ Appreciation and RecitationIf l Were a Boy AgainUnit EightPart Ⅰ Skimming and ScanningHow to Find ContentmentPart Ⅱ Reading in DepthSection A: Multiple ChoiceSection B: Short Answer QuestionsPart Ⅲ Appreciation and RecitationWhat Is Your Recovery Rate?Unit NinePart Ⅰ Skimming and ScanningSaying Goodbye to a Beer BellyPart Ⅱ Reading in DepthSection A: Multiple ChoiceSection B: TranslationPart Ⅲ Appreciation and RecitationRelish the MomentUnit TenPart Ⅰ Skimming and ScanningBeginner's Guide to RunningPart Ⅱ Reading in DepthSection A: Multiple ChoiceSection B: Blanked ClozePart Ⅲ Appreciation and RecitationBorn to WinUnit ElevenPart Ⅰ Skimming and ScanningHow to Deal with the Many Forms of CareerPart Ⅱ Reading in DepthSection A: Multiple ChoiceSection B: Short Answer QuestionsPart Ⅲ Appreciation and RecitationThe Two RoadsUnit TwelvePart Ⅰ Skimming and ScanningHelping Yourself to a Good Night's SleepPart Ⅱ Reading in DepthSection A: Multiple ChoiceSection B: TranslationPart Ⅲ Appreciation and RecitationTime Spent in a BookstoreUnit ThirteenPart Ⅰ Skimming and ScanningConsumers Must Say No to AdditivesPart Ⅱ Reading in DepthSection A" Multiple ChoiceSection B: Blanked ClozePart Ⅲ Appreciation and RecitationThe Lesson of the Bamboo TreesUnit FourteenPart Ⅰ Skimming and ScanningBetter Nutrition Leading to Taller PeoplePart Ⅱ Reading in DepthSection A: Multiple ChoiceSection B: Short Answer QuestionsPart Ⅲ Appreciation and RecitationThe Importance of Being BusyUnit FifteenPart Ⅰ Skimming and ScanningAn Architectural Landmark——the Bird's NestPart Ⅱ Reading in DepthSection A: Multiple ChoiceSection B: TranslationPart Ⅲ Appreciation and RecitationHow to Solve Personal ProblemsGlossary
Our planet isn't in very good shape right now. The air is polluted. The ocean is becomingplastic soup. We're in a financial crisis. Things don't seem to be looking too good, huh? There are a lot of people, who have a lot of answers. Everyone thinks their answer is right.We need cleaner, natural sources for energy. We need biodegradable productsthat if dumped, will simply disintegrate within a few weeks. As far as the financial crisisgoes, that's a little trickier. S me people say we need more regulation. Others say weneed more jobs. Others still say the cost of living is increasing too fast for our incomes to keep up. Everyone has answers. The problem is none of these answers address the fundamentalproblem: We don't need to do anything about it. No, l didn't stutter. The answer isn't in better solutions, fixes and different angles. Theanswer is... we need to do less. There's a fundamental rule in physics that says energy cannot be created or destroyed andit can only be transformed. I'm sure you're familiar with this; we all learned it in school. Andthe same rule applies to everything in life, but I guess we didn't listen very well. See, the problem we're in this big mess is really simple. It may seem like there's so muchwe need to do, to make things right. And that's the problem. We don't need to do more. Wedon't need to make more of an effort. We need to do less. ……