唐君国、 陈艳丽 西南交通大学出版社 (2010-08出版)
唐君国,陈艳丽 著
Unit 1 Enjoy Your LifeUnit 2 I Love Sunny DaysUnit 3 What's Your Hobby?Unit 4 Join UsUnit 5 What's the Matter with You?Unit 6 Let's Go for a Trip!Unit 7 Can You Use a Computer?Unit 8 Children's Day Is ComingUnit 9 Don't Throw Paper on the FloorUnit 10 I Want to Be a Kindergarten Teacher
插图:The queen was angry and called one hunter, "Take Snow White into the forest and kill her. "The hunter took Snow White into the forest and let her go. Snow White went far into theforest and found a little hut. She said, "I will eat something and have a rest here. "The hut was the home of seven dwarfs. The dwarfs came home and found somethingdifferent. One said, "Someone has eaten my loaf." Another one said, "Someone has drunk mywater. " Then the seventh dwarf went to bed, "Someone is sleeping on my bed." They all came tosee Snow White, "She is so beautiful," Snow White awoke and told them her story. So she livedwith them.However, the queen found that Snow White was still alive. She disguised herself as agrandma and came to the hut. "Apple, apple, beautiful apple! " Snow White opened the door,"Good morning, grandma! Would you like an apple? Yes, thank you!" After Snow White atethe apple, she was dead. The seven dwarfs were sad but put her in a glass coffin.