何晓薇、 向淑兰 西南交通大学出版社 (2013-01出版)
Chapter 1 Air Data Computer System 1.1 Introduction 1.2 The Basic Principle 1.3 Temperature Measurement Probes 1.4 Pressure Transducers 1.5 Air Data Instruments Chapter 2 Electronic Instrument Systems 2.1 Introduction 2.2 Electronic Flight Instrument Systems 2.3 Engine Indicating and Crew Alerting System 2.4 Electronic Centralized Aircraft Monitoring Chapter 3 Automatic Flight Control Systems 3.1 Introduction 3.2 The Flight Director 3.3 The Autopilot 3.4 Autopilot Flight Director Systems 3.5 The Yaw Damper 3.6 Automatic Pitch Trim 3.7 Autothrottle 3.8 Autoland 3.9 Typical Auto Flight Operation for B767 Airplane Chapter 4 Flight Data Recording & Airplane Condition Monitoring System 4.1 Introduction 4.2 Flight Data Recording System 4.3 Airplane Condition Monitoring System Chapter 5 Airborne Weather Radar System 5.1 Introduction 5.2 Basic Principles 5.3 Control Panel 5.4 Display-EHSI Presentation 5.5 Operation In-Flight 5.6 Warning Chapter 6 Secondary Surveillance Radar and Transponder 6.1 Introduction 6.2 Air Traffic Control Radar Beacon System 6.3 Mode S Secondary Radar System Chapter 7 Traffic Alert and Collision Avoidance System 7.1 Introduction 7.2 TCAS II System Architecture 7.3 The Principle of Operation ofTCAS II 7.4 TCAS II Displays 7.5 TCAS IIAural Messages 7.6 Control Panel 7.7 Crew Response 7.8 The Use ofTCAS II 7.9 Flight Crew Procedure for A320 Airplane Chapter 8 Ground Proximity Warning System 8.1 Introduction 8.2 GPWS System Architecture 8.3 GPWS Alert Modes Chapter 9 Enhanced Ground Proximity Warning System 9.1 Introduction 9.2 Enhanced GPWS Features 9.3 Look-Ahead Terrain Alerting 9.4 Terrain Display 9.5 Flight Deck Effects for EGPWS Alert 9.6 Aural Message Priority 9.7 EGPWS Control Panel 9.8 Flight Crew Procedures Chapter 10 Runway Awareness and Advisory System 10.1 Introduction 10.2 The Principle of RAAS 10.3 System Operation Description 10.4 RAAS Quick Reference Chapter 11 Predictive Windshear System 11.1 Introduction 11.2 The Principle of PWS 11.3 Limitations of PWS 11.4 The Alert of PWS 11.5 The Operation of PWS 11.6 Flight Crew Procedure for A320 Airplane Chapter 12 Radio Altimeter 12.1 Introduction 12.2 The Principle of LRRA 12.3 Radio Altitude Display 12.4 Errors and Accuracy Chapter 13 Inertial Navigation System 13.1 Introduction 13.2 The Principle and Construction of the Accelerometer 13.3 The Gyro-Stabilised (Gimballed) Platform 13.4 Position Calculation 13.5 INS Self-Alignment 13.6 INS Error Corrections 13.7 Mode Selector Panel and CDU Chapter 14 Inertial Reference System 14.1 Description of the Strapdown System 14.2 The Control and Display of IRS 14.3 The IRS Outputs 14.4 IRS Alignment Chapter 15 Global Positioning System 15.1 Introduction 15.2 GPS Elements 15.3 GPS Operating Principle 15.4 GPS Receiver Unit 15.5 GPS Reliability/Integrity 15.6 GPS Errors 15.7 Differential GPS Chapter 16 Flight Management Computer System 16.1 Introduction 16.2 FMCS Architecture 16.3 Command Display Unit 16.4 The Flight Management Computer Database 16.5 General FMS Operation References
版权页: 插图: The routine "On runway" message advisory is appended by runway length remaining in either feet or metres, e.g., "On runway three-four-left, two-thousand remaining". The "remaining" element of the message refers to the runway distance remaining in the EGPWS database to the nearest 100 ft (or 100 metres for a metric option). Note that the unit (feet or metres) is not annunciated. Extended Holding on Runway Advisery The purpose of the Extended Holding On Runway Advisory is to provide crew awareness of an extended holding period on the runway. The aural advisory is given if the following criteria are met: aircraft enters a runway; and aircraft remains in position for a time period considered to be an extended holding period. Your company will select the extended holding period and it cannot be changed by the flight crew. The time period can be configured for 60, 90, 120, 180, 240, or 300 seconds. The aircraft heading must be within 20 degrees of runway heading and the aircraft must not move more than 100 ft along the runway for this advisory to be activated. The Extended Holding On Runway Advisory is suppressed after Rejected Take-Off (RTO). The advisory is reset and available again once the aircraft exits on the current runway. After the specified extended holding period has elapsed, RAAS provides an aural message that is a double repetition of the On Runway Advisory. For example, if an aircraft has been holding-in-position on runway 34 left for an extended period (e.g., 90 seconds), the system will annunciate "On runway three-four left, on runway three-four left." Distance Remaining-Rejected Take-Off Advisory The purpose of the Rejected Take-Off Distance Remaining Advisory is to provide the flight crew with position awareness information during RTO. The advisory is generated if the following conditions are satisfied: aircraft is on the last half of the runway; groundspeed is greater than 40 knots; and a RTO is initiated (RTO status is assumed if groundspeed during the take-off roll decreases by 7 knots from the maximum value achieved).