李海霞,王友良 编
《职桥英语教程(学生用书2)》尝试将职场英语教学贯穿于基础英语教学的全过程,融“教、学、做”于一体;Language Focus,Cultural Focus,Workplace Focus的编写体例也比较有创意。它遵循大学生掌握外语知识和提高语言能力的规律,针对我国高职院校公共英语教学的实际需要,从培养听、说、读、写能力着手,以掌握职业岗位所需的英语语言知识和能力为目标,融英语知识技能与职场需求于一体,采取了按职业类型和职业胜任力要素组织教材内容的新模式和新方法,在内容、结构和体例上均有所创新。
Unit One ShoppingLesson 1 Talk at the SupermarketLesson 2 Store and GroceryLesson 3 E-buyingUnit Two HealthLesson 4 Clinic TalkLesson 5 Spa and Fit-keepingLesson 6 Psychological ConsultationUnit Three Bank and FinanceLesson7 Deposit and WithdrawLesson 8 Credit Card ServiceLesson 9 Check and TransferUnit Four General ActivitiesLesson 10 Foreign TradeLesson 11 ExhibitionLesson 12 ConferenceUnit Five AdvertisementLesson 13 Advertisement on TV and RadioLesson 14 Advertisement on the InternetLesson 15 Advertisement on Newspapers and Magazines 听力原文和参考答案Lesson 1 Talk at the SupermarketLesson 2 Store and GroceryLesson 3 E-buyingLesson 4 Clinic TalkLesson 5 Spa and Fit-keepingLesson 6 Psychological ConsultationLesson 7 Deposit and Withdraw