

何雄奎,邵振润,张钟宁 等主编 中国农业大学出版社





何雄奎,邵振润,张钟宁 等主编  






随着国家农业产业政策的不断深化,特别是农村土地流转的不断推进,势必加速中国农业生产的现代化、集约化和规模化的进程。因此,现代化植保机械、高科技含量的农药及新型农药使用技术的推广应用成为推动中国现代农业发展的必由之路。第二届植保机械与施药技术国际学术研讨会结合了近年来全世界及中国的农药、植保、药械与施药技术专家的科研成果,同时邀请中国各级植保站、药械生产厂家、农药及叶面肥生产厂家等国内外各界有志之士欢聚一堂,共同探讨现代化的植保技术,就植保机械的现状及发展方向、农药配方及各种助剂的应用、农药及肥料利用率的提升与施药技术进行深度交流和研讨,增进相互之间的了解,促进多方面合作,共同为植保事业的发展献计献策。 本书收录了围绕大会4个主题的各个方面的原始研究论文或综述性文章。


Part One 第一部分 A Study of Dosage Adj ustment for Pesticide Application in Vineyards Dosage Adj ustment for Pesticide Application in Orchards and Vineyards Canopy Related Dosing and Spray Application in Top Fruit—Influence on Target Coverage Field Measurements of Spray Drift Potential in Strawberry Potential Operator Exposure when Spraying in a Strawberry and Raspberry Tunnel System versus a  Conventional Open Field On—line Mixing Pesticide Technology on Variable Rate Spray Simulation of Spraying Bar with Oblique Rope TeeJet Nozzle Design and Atomizing Techniques Drift mitigation in fruit crops—airflow adj ustment is the answer! Seeing is believing—enhancing the Pygmalion effect Computer Simulation of Spray Droplet and Canopy Interactions to Minimise Environmental and Public Health Risk of Pesticides A global survey on the performance of side lever knapsack sprayers when judged by ISO 19932 The Discovery and Application of Spinosad,a Green Insecticide Current situation and development trends of chemical application techniques for arable crops in Europe Decision support for plant protection with use of mobile devices Research Present State of Orchard Air-assisted Spray Technology in China Develop On Automatic Testing And Controlling System of the Fan Performance Spray pesticide constant pressure controlled system design in mountainous orchard WEB-based Intelligent Diagnosis System for Cotton Diseases Control Research on the sprayer chassis systems used in the high-density orchard Visual servoing system used in agriculture Structural analysis of droplets from anti-drift nozzle The progress on applied techniques of boomsprayer in Heilongjiang Province Study of deposition efficiency under different collection devices The Application of Electrolyzed Water on plant protection The numerical simulation of pesticide recycling system with rotary air curtain Measurement method of spray droplet size and velocity Experimental Study of Droplets Deposition and Distribution of Air—assisted Spraying of Disk Fan Development of Automatically Infrared Detection Sprayer based on Color Recognition Research on target Agrochemical Spray Robot in Greenhouse A walking self-propelled high space boom sprayer Research on Spout Atomizing Performance of Air—blast Sprayer for Grasshopper Control Studied on the atomization characteristics of the gas—liquid two—phase inducting  Research Progresses on Spraying Nozzles in Plant Protection Machinery Study on Effects on Two Different Flow Deflector Structures of Duct Flow Field Study on air-flowing distribution character of greenhouse air“assisted sprayer based on CFD Research on Influence of Crop Canopy Structure on Droplets Deposit Distribution Study on the Relationship Between Three Kinds of Pesticides Concentration and BSF ……Part Two 第二部分Other 其他


  我国农药的有效利用率极低,大约有60%~80%的农药因使用不当而浪费。施药后到达害虫靶标的量不足使用量的1%,只有约0.03%的药剂起到杀虫作用,防治效果不尽理想。为了达到更好的喷杀效果,农民总是盲目加大用药量,甚至随意混配药剂,增加用药次数,使农药的用量不断上升。在我国农村普遍采用高容量喷雾技术,这种喷雾技术不仅不利于药效的发挥,而且造成药液大量流失。农药的使用技术是当前农产品高效安全生产的关键技术。只有研究和推广农药精准使用技术,才能从源头上解决农产品的安全性问题,才能在保证防治效果的前提下大幅度减少农药用量,从而大幅度降低农业生产成本,提高农产品品质和经济效益,更好地保护农业生态环境,实现农业可持续发展。  2影响农药利用率的主要因素  影响农药利用率低的主要原因是药液在靶标作物上的沉积量,影响药液在靶标植物上的沉积量的因素很多。药液的pH值、表面张力、黏度等对雾滴的形成以及雾滴能否在靶标植物上沉积有很大影响;靶标植物叶片的形态、大小、生长方向及表面蜡质(表面蜡质的组成与结构随叶片的生长发育阶段及环境条件而异)等会影响药液的沉积;靶标植物叶片面积与芽面积的比例、子叶面积与叶片面积的比例以及叶片的互相覆盖程度等对药液沉积也有影响;喷雾器械的施药液量、产生的雾滴大小以及对雾滴云的推力也影响药液的沉积。




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