

赫弗南 (Troy Heffernan)、 冯伟哲 中国农业大学出版社 (2012-09出版)



赫弗南 (Troy Heffernan)、 冯伟哲 中国农业大学出版社 (2012-09出版)  




作者:(英国)赫弗南(Troy Heffernan) 冯伟哲


1.Introduction Section A:Employability-Theory and Practice 2.Education and Employability 3.Implementing Employability 4.Student Centred Approaches to Employability 5.Culture,Learning and Employability Section B:Enhancing the Employability of Business School Graduates in the UK and China 6.Methodology 7.Results A:The Marketing Discipline and Employability 8.Results B:The Finance/Accounting Discipline and Employability 9.Results C:The Human Resources Discipline and Employability Section C:Case Studies of Employability Enhancement across Disciplines and Continents 10.Employability Led Course Design 11.Knowledge Transfer in Higher Education 12.Collaborative Development of an Online Module Concerning Employability and Entrepreneurship 13.Using Summer Schools to Develop the Employability of PhD Students 14.Entrepreneurship for the Creative and Media Arts 15.Enhancing Employability Through Life-Wide Learning 16.Concluding Remarks References List of tables and figures Tables Table 1.1 UK graduate unemployment Table 2.1 Percentage of English domiciled students 1999-2006 Table 2.2 A list of employability attributes Table 2.3 Components of the USEM model Table 2.4 Classification of employability for graduates Table 5.1 Psychic distance rating of countries from Australia Table 5.2 Learning styles and student country Table 5.3 Learning styles cross-tabulated against country Table 5.4 Teaching aids and student country Table 7.1 Marketing employability attributes,UK Table 7.2 Marketing employability attributes,China Table 8.1 Accounting employability attributes,UK Table 8.2 Accountancy employability attributes,China Table 9.1 HR employability attributes,UK Table 9.2 HR employability attributes,China Table 11.1 Comparative employability,LCF/BIFT Table 11.2 Employability questions,China Table 14.1 Art/design in Nottingham Table 15.1 Careers education benchmark statement criteria Figures Figure 3.1 Integrative support structures Figure 3.2 Employability skill and progression continuum Figure 4.1 Partnership approach to employability Figure 4.2 PebblePad @ University of Plymouth Figure 4.3 Student employability orientation Figure 5.1 Index of learning styles Figure 6.1 Research methods Figure 8.1 CIHE guide to employability -accountancy Figure 10.1 Programme structure Figure 14.1 The education system in China Figure 15.1 Model of the pre-HE and undergraduate/PGT experience Figure 15.2 DOTS


版权页: 插图: Although the concept of a job for life created and maintained by the state(as well as such employment being guaranteed)has been largely phased out with increased competition amongst the manufacturing sector(Ding et al.,2000),the lasting effects potentially impact on all sectors.There is a great deal of organisational inertia and the changes have been slow in taking effect,thus the hypothesised argument is that conceptions of complete(and guaranteed)employment in specific sectors for life not only affect the institutional attitudes of strategy formers but also students,lecturing staff and employers.Such attitudes are,clearly,hard to break with. The model outlined in section 3.2 proposed that it is creativity,and the embedding of such creativity within the lecturing staff,which addresses most of these factors.However,this fostered culture amongst staff has to be integrated at every level,including the culture more widely.Certainly,in the present case,some of the barriers discussed would be significantly reduced if clear communicative skills and dynamism were core values of the H.E teaching process(Sweeney et al.,2009). 3.6.2 Tentative solutions proposed The specific nature of the limitations in integrating employability in Chinese universities is addressed in the following sections,however these are micro-level observations and fall within the scope of the broader model outlined in section 3.2.Whilst strategic,employer and institutional change are fundamental in addressing these issues;it is the fostering of creativity at the point of delivery which is central.In the three main areas discussed there have been significant moves towards removing(or at least limiting)the effects on employment prospects.Strategies developed for addressing these inhibiting factors are clearly relevant and are also applicable more broadly.






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