

曹瑞明 编 曹瑞明 对外经济贸易大学出版社 (2011-12出版)



曹瑞明 对外经济贸易大学出版社 (2011-12出版)  


曹瑞明 编  




  21世纪经济的全球化趋势、国际商务活动的日益频繁,对参与国际商务交往人员的跨文化交际能力也提出了更高的要求,越来越显示出对多元文化理解的必要性和跨文化交际能力的重要性。跨文化意识意味着直接的经济效益.一个企业的成功,不仅取决于它的生产能力,而且取决于它的文化能力,在国际商务活动中还取决于它的跨文化交际能力。中外企业在曰益频繁的商务交往中互相影响着彼此之间的文化以及个人价值观,而在这些东西方的跨文化交际中,研究彼此的商业运作模式以及思维方法也必将为有效的交际起到不可低估的作用,因此,培养和提高跨文化交际能力也成为当今英语教学的重要内容。  《全国应用型本科商务英语系列规划教材:跨文化交际基础》从跨文化交际的视角,剖析国际商务交际的实例,介绍与跨文化商务交际相关的理论与实践。


Unit 1 Culture and Intercultural Communication Warm-up Activities Text A Culture and Intercultural Communication Words and Expressions Exercises Text B Barriers to Intercultural Communication Case Study Unit 2 Cultural Background of Intercultural Business Communication Warm-up Activities Text A Cultural Differences in International Business Words and Expressions Exercises Text B Cultural Negotiation Boundaries Case Study Unit 3 Intercultural Verbal Communication Warm-up Activities Text A Verbal Communication Words and Expressions Exercises Text B A Comparison of American and Japanese Verbal Styles Case Study Unit 4 Intercultural Nonverbal Communication Warm-up Activities Text A Nonverbal Communication Words and Expressions Exercises Text B Nonverbal Communication in Different Cultures Case Study Unit 5 Intercultural Sensitivity Warm-up Activities Text A Cultural Sensitivity Words and Expressions Exercises Text B Cross-Cultural Training Case Study Unit 6 Gender Differences in Intercultural Business Communication Warm-up Activities Text A Gender Differences in the Business World Words and Expressions Exercises Text B Women and Negotiation Case Study Unit 7 Effective Intercultural Business Communication Warm-up Activities Text A Strategies for Effective Intercultural Business Communication Words and Expressions Exercises Text B Results of Poor Cross-Cultural Awareness Case Study Unit 8 Intercultural Marketing Communication Warm-up Activities Text A Intercultural Advertising Words and Expressions Exercises Text B Global Marketing Case Study Unit 9 Intercultural Business Negotiation Warm-up Activities Text A Cross-Cultural Negotiation Words and Expressions Exercises Text B International Negotiation Approaches Case Study Unit 10 Intercultural Conflict Warm-up Activities Text A Stereotypes: An Intercultural No-No Words and Expressions Exercises Text B Techniques for Resolving Cross-Cultural Disputes Case Study Unit 11 International Business Etiquette Warm-up Activities Text A International Business Etiquette Words and Expressions Exercises Text B Business Letter Etiquette Case Study Unit 12 Intercultural Management Warm-up Activities Text A Leadership across Cultures Words and Expressions Exercises Text B The Intercultural Manager Case Study


版权页: People from western culture do not fully appreciate the concept of duty that some cultures have towards family situations that are, in general, far greater than those undertaken, or expected in the Western society. "My brother te/ephoned and asked to seeme, so/hadtogotohim; I am sorry I had to miss our meeting" is typical of the remark an Arab, African or Spaniard would make. They appear to believe that the situation involving a family member should be understood, yet they often fail to understand that such an excuse is not good enough for most Westerners. The Westerner would have been far less annoyed when they received a phone call to rearrange the meeting. "Time' is a major area where cultures clash. Precise habits are often regarded by some cultures as peculiar because it disregards the importance of the right "psychologicaltiming" in a negotiation. Westerners will often forge ahead with unpopular subjects simply because the clock is ticking and for the simple fact that it is on the agenda. Interpersonal Relationships Western negotiators are frequently clueless about personal relationships and the under currents that dominate decision making in some countries and cultures. They must learn to be patient. However, they should always be prepared to act very quickly once a decision to proceed has been taken. This can occur suddenly and without warning. Roughly speaking, 95% of time spent in Japanese business activity will involve discussion, amassing information, and waiting. This will be followed by a 5% period of intense work against impossible deadlines. Rude Words Many Westerners will observe that some officials, such as traffic police or those at immigration or customs posts, might appear to be very rude in their demands: "Give passport now" and "I want documents'" without using phrases such as 'please' and "thank you'. While many people from western culture will consider this inexcusably rude and take offence, they fail to recognize that the local may not have a command of English above that of functional necessity. Use of First Names Many cultures will easily sense when personal relationships have developed sufficiently that the use of first names may be adopted as natural and normal.






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