Key AcronymsChapter One Introduction1.1 Background1.2 Key Terms1.2.1 Change, Reform and Innovation1.2.2 ICT & ICTLE1.2.3 Teacher Training, Education and Development1.3 Focus of the Research1.4 Significance of the Research1.5 Structure of the BookChapter Two Educational Innovation: ICT Use and Continuing ProfessionalDevelopment2.1 Introduction2.2 Theories of Innovation/Change2.2.1 The Theory of Diffusion of Innovations2.2.2 The Theory of New Meaning of Educational Change2.2.3 The Concerns-Based Adoption Model2.3 The Implementation of ICT in Education2.3.1 The Impact of ICT2.3.2 Practice: ICT in Language Education (ICTLE)2.3.3 Factors Influencing Implementation2.4 Continuing Professional Development for ICT2.4.1 The Role of ICT in Teacher Development2.4.2 Elements of CPD2.4.3 Models for CPD2.4.4 ICT-Related CPD for Language Teachers2.5 Conclusion.2.5.1 Review2.5.2 Conceptual FrameworkChapter Three The Chinese Context: College English Reform and EFLTeacher Development3.1 Introduction3.2 English Teaching & Learning in Chinese Higher Education3.2.1 Chinese Higher Education3.2.2 English Language Teaching and Learning3.2.3 ELT Pedagogy in Higher Education3.3 The College English Reform3.3.1 Materials3.3.2 ICT Pedagogy3.3.3 Evaluation3.3.4 Course Design and Administration3.4 EFL Teacher Development in China3.4.1 A Brief Summary of Teacher Development in China3.4.2 EFL Teachers' Professional Development3.4.3 EFL Teacher Development for ICT3.5 ConclusionChapter Four Research Methodology4.1 Introduction4.2 Research Design4.2.1 Why Mixed Methods4.2.2 Why a Case Study4.3 Selection of Case Study Site4.4 Selection of Participants4.4.1 The Questionnaire Sample4.4.2 The Classroom Teaching Sample4.4.3 The Management and Administrative Staff Sample4.4.4 The Student Sample4.5 Methods Design……Chapter Five Data Analysis and DiscussionChapter Six ConclusionsAppendix 1Appendix 2Appendix 3Appendix 4Appendix 5Appendix 6References
EFL teachers also serve as teaching administrators and this role has become more and more important in the computer-and classroom-based new teaching model (see Figure 3. 2, discussed earlier). Teachers should make efforts to guide and tutor students in their learning process, particularly in computer rooms where individual centred, autonomous learning is highlighted. Figure 3.2 shows that teachers, and not just the administrative department, can also manage the classroom with the help of teaching management software. This software enables teachers to record students academic scores and learning progress in computer-and Web-based autonomous learning systems, answer students' questions, solve their problems on the spot and analyse exam papers; and enhances teachers' communication with students via a Web assistant platform in terms of online problem-solving for students, course selecting, submitting and commenting assignments. The figure indicates a required role-shift from instructor to teaching organiser and administrator. A specific College English Curriculum and teaching objectives guidelines for teaching in each college and university are normally designed by an administrative department, such as the Administrative Office of Teaching Affairs, within the college or university. As discussed above, the computer-and Web-based English teaching and learning model aims to mobilise the initiative of both teachers and students and highlights the centrality of students and the guiding role of teachers. The Requirements also suggest that the new model should incorporate the advantages of the traditional classroom teaching model while fully exploiting ICT (MOE, 2007). This kind of change necessitates that teachers' classroom practice, professional and pedagogical knowledge, and professional learning must all under-go significant transformation. ……