

曾涛 曾涛 湖南大学出版社 (2012-03出版)



曾涛 湖南大学出版社 (2012-03出版)  












List of AbbreviationsChapter 1 Introduction: Word Spurt in Early Lexical and Semantic Development 1.1 Word Spurt and Its Cognitive Significance 1.2 Scope of the Present Study 1.3 Theoretical and Methodological Considerations 1.4 Key Research Questions 1.5 Contents of the Remaining ChaptersChapter 2 Two Theories of Word Learning 2.1 The Nativist Theory of Word Learning 2.2 The Usage-based Theory of Word Learning 2.3 An Assessment of the Two Theories of L1 Word Learning 2.4 Implications of Word Learning Theories for the Study of Word Spurt, Overextension and Basic-level Words 2.5 SummaryChapter 3 The Analyses of Word Spurt: Methods and Hypotheses 3.1 Evidence for Word Spurt 3.2 Methods for Identifying Word Spurt 3.3 Word Spurt and the Onset of Two-word Stage 3.4 Word Spurt and Categorization Capabilities 3.5 Hypotheses About Mechanisms Underlying Word Spurt 3.6 SummaryChapter 4 Word Spurt in Early Lexical and Semantic Development--Longitudinal Findings from Two Mandarin Speaking Children 4.1 Early Lexical Development 4.2 Early Semantic Development 4.3 SummaryChapter 5 The Nature of Word Spurt--Empirical Evidence for Naming Insight 5.1 The Concept of Naming Insight 5.2 Ascertaining Naming Insight from Responses to Questions and Spontaneous Naming 5.3 Findings from Children's Responses to Questions and Spontaneous Naming 5.4 Naming Insight and Word Spurt 5.5 SummaryChapter 6 General Conclusions and Discussion 6.1 Summary of Major Findings 6.2 The Nature of Word Spurt: Generalization and a Proposed Model 6.3 Implications of the Findings 6.4 Early Vocabulary Acquisition and Learning Mechanisms 6.5 Limitations of the Study 6.6 Suggestions for Further StudyAppendix 1 LSY's Newly-acquired Vocabulary Growth (Week)Appendix 2 LSY's Rate of Newly-acquired Vocabulary GrowthAppendix 3 AJR's Newly-acquired Vocabulary Growth (Week)Appendix 4 AJR's Rate of Newly-acquired Vocabulary GrowthAppendix 5 LSY's Responses to "What'*QuestionsAppendix 6 AJR's Responses to "What" QuestionsAppendix 7 LSY's Responses to "Where" QuestionsAppendix 8 AJR's Responses to "Where" QuestionsAppendix 9 LSY's Early Lexical Production (SPON vs IMIT)Appendix 10 AJR's Early Lexical Production (SPON vs IMIT)Appendix 11 LSY's Word CombinationsAppendix 12 AJR's Word CombinationsAppendix 13 Transcription LSY010509Appendix 14 Transcription LSY010412Appendix 15 Transcription LSY010509Appendix 16 Transcription LSY010628 (Sample of Word Combinations)Appendix 17 LSY's First Eight Acquired Object NamesAppendix 18 LSY's Development of the Word MamaAppendix 19 AJR's Development of the Word AppleAppendix 20 AJR's Development of the Word MamaAppendix 21 List of LSY's First 20 Common Nouns of High Frequency froml;3 to 1;11Appendix 22 List of AJR's First 20 Common Nouns of High Frequency from 1;2 to 1;11Appendix 23 LSY's Developmental Pattern of Noun Hierarchies from 1;3;14 to 1;11;29Appendix 24 AJR's Developmental Pattern of Noun Hierarchies from 1;2;22 to 1;11;21Appendix 25 LSY's Percentage of Basic-level Nouns in Overextended WordsAppendix 26 AJR's Percentage of Basic-level Nouns in Overextended WordsReferences


版权页: 插图: This lexical spurt carries special cognitive significance.Chomsky(2002) claims that lexical explosion(namely,the ability to handle a large number of lexical items)is a cognitive capacity that is part of the biological endowment of species and is thought to be unique to humans.Other researchers propose that word spurt should be linked to the appearance of the naming insight essential for grasping denotation(Dore,1976;Kamhi,1986;McShane,1980)and the entry into the two-word stage(Goldfield and Reznick,1990;Fenson et al., 1994;Dromi,1987/1996).According to Goldfield and Reznick(1996), vocabulary spurt marks a qualitative change in the nature of language.With some critical mass of words in the lexicon,the child can generalize the wordreferent relationship to include all manner of entities,qualities,and events, linking words and word meanings into a semantic system. While word spurt has been documented in a number of longitudinal and cross-sectional studies,and its cognitive significance has also been examined,the reality of word spurt and its links to cognitive and early language development has been critically reassessed in recent years. On methodological grounds,scholars have disputed whether one can establish a lexical spurt quantitatively in terms of the rate of acquisition of new words(Bloom,2000; Ganger and Brent,2004).On cognitive grounds,researchers have challenged the reality of the naming insight,arguing for a gradual transition from contextbound prelexical forms to fully denotational words(Carter,1979;Bates, Camaioni,and Volterra,1979;Nelson and Lucariello,1985;Vihman and McCune,1994).Connecting the word spurt with the onset of syntax can also be questioned if one sees syntax as available to the child in the one-word stage (McNeill,1970)or that predicate-argument structures are already present in gesture-word combinations(Ozcaliskan and Goldin-Meadow,2005). In Mandarin Chinese,few studies have been conducted on children's early lexical acquisition,except for one indirect research carried out by Tardif etc. (2008).They reported on the construction and norming of parent report instruments for typically-developing Mandarin-and Cantonese-speaking children between eight and 30 months of age,based on MacArthur Communicative Development Inventories.In addition,their manual provides the information that users need to apply and interpret these procedures. However,the work by Tardif etc.(2008)does not give enough information to explore the nature of lexical spurt,although word spurt is counted as an important stage in children's language development by many studies. The present research intends to describe a series of characteristics of early lexical and semantic development around the time of word spurt in an effort to explore the mechanism underlying word spurt,especially the reality of the naming insight essential for grasping denotation.Additionally,this study sets out to clarify some methodological issues concerning the study of early vocabulary development,in particular,those relevant to the study of lexical acquisition of Mandarin-speaking children.







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