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《21世纪应用型本科教育行业英语系列教材:管理行业英语》的开发是在积极与专业课教师合作的基础上,针对应用型本科院校大学英语开设的拓展课程的教学需要进行设计的。 《21世纪应用型本科教育行业英语系列教材:管理行业英语》突出行业职场交际所需要的英语知识与技能的训练,注重交际语言和技能的实用性、通用性、时效性、典型性和可模拟性。选用的材料反映该行业的发展史及其在技术应用方面的最新或重大成果。
Unit1 SocioeconomicAgent
Listening Situation 1 Interviewing for a job as a sales
Situation 2 Preparing for a good job interview
Speaking Situation 3 Asking about a job opening
Situation 4 Attending a job interview
Reading Passage 1 How Does Fiscal Policy Work?
Passage 2 Internet Businesses: Another Digital Gold Rush
Writing A Resume
Unit2 Foreign Trade Enterprise
Listening Situation 1 Introducing a job
Situation 2 Describing a job of an international trade
Speaking Situation 3 Discussing a business plan
Situation 4 Talking about the details of a sole agency
Reading Passage 1 Sales/Purchase Contract
Passage 2 New Iight into Trends of Chinese Footwear Industry
Writing A Letter of Job Application
Unit3 Manufacturing Enterprise
Listening Situation 1 Meeting a foreign guest at the airport
Situation 2 Making a welcoming speech
Speaking Situation 3 Arranging the hotel
Situation 4 Receiving a foreign guest at a dinner party
Reading Passage 1 Markets and Marketing
Passage 2 Automotive Industry in the People's Republic of China
Writing Sample 1 A Letter of Enquiry
Sample 2 A Letter of Reply
Unit4 Corporate Structure
Listening Situation 1 Introducing a company
Situation 2 Creating a company profile
Speaking Situation 3 Making an appointment with client for
Situation 4 Making an appointment with client for business
Reading Passage 1 Corporate Governance
Passage 2 Chief Executive Officer
Writing Sample 1 A Letter of Order
Sample 2 Acknowledgement
Unit5 Corporate Culture
Listening Situation 1 Showing a customer around a toy show
Situation 2 Creating a business video--a virtual company tour
Speaking Situation 3 Showing the customer around the factory
Situation 4 Asking for more information
Reading Passage 1 Fortune 500
Passage 2 Women CEOs
Writing Sample 1 Complaint Letter
Sample 2 Reply to a Complaint Letter
Unit6 International Economic Cooperation
Listening Situation 1 Introducing new products to a potential
Situation 2 Getting better prepared for product introduction
Speaking Situation 3 Talking about joint venture with a
foreign partner
Situation 4 Discussing cooperation with a foreign partner
Reading Passage 1 Foreign Direct Investment
Passage 2 Driving Low Carbon Business
Writing Memo
Unit7 International Market
Listening Situation 1 Talking about marketing strategies for a
new product
Situation 2 Planning a specific procurement process
Speaking Situation 3 Asking for a 25% discount
Situation 4 Negotiating prices with a supplier
Reading Passage 1 Commodity Markets
Passage 2 7 Ps of Services Marketing
Writing Workshop Agenda
Unit8 The Situation and Development of the World Economy
Listening Situation I Holding a dinner party for a client
Situation 2 Making an appreciative speech
Speaking Situation 3 Picking up a client at the hotel
Situation 4 Seeing off the client at the airport
Reading Passage 1 The World Economy: Pulling Apart
Passage 2 The World Economic Outlook
Writing An Abstract for a Thesis
(6)缺乏有效利用可用支持服务的企业组织结构。 很多FB-SSI企业面临着一系列的市场问题,这使得他们很难获取大批量的市场份额,并保证产品质量。在为单一市场服务的小型企业中,这些问题常常夹杂着激烈的竞争。由于加入很多FB-SSI企业运营所需的资金和技术要求很低,该行业更容易吸引过多的个体数量,造成利润额减少。在这样的环境下,创造盈余再投资提高生产力和产量是十分困难的。 随着乡村公路基础设施的发展,FB-SSI企业面临着来自更大规模的城市企业产品的激烈竞争。同时,不断增长的乡村收入和越来越灵通的消费者信息,改变着乡村对此类产品的消费喜好。因此,工厂制造的家具可能逐渐取代手工制作的家具,由人工合成材料制造的包和帽子则会取代由自然原材料制造的包和帽子。类似的转变还发生在FB-SSI行业的农产品市场,比如,金属犁取代木头犁。 为适应不断变化的市场环境,对FB-SSI企业来说有许多策略可选择。他们可以专注于竞争力不大的工厂产品的市场份额,比如,低成本的基础家具或者高品质的手工艺家具。还可以专注于大规模生产或机械化生产没有竞争优势的产品,比如民族手工艺品。或者为了更长远的生产运营,专攻某一产品或产品零件。还有,为了提高产量,他们可以利用改善的公路设施打入其他市场。通常,只要几家FB-SSI企业能联合起来分担高额成本,他们就能获得成功。 FB-SSI企业在运用这些策略时,有不少成功的例子。然而,他们面临评估、监控和发展自身市场等多方面的约束,这意味着他们将常常需要扶持和帮助。鉴于现有市场和持续的市场前景必须是任何企业发展的起点,FB-SSI企业需要得到支持项目的优先权。 在许多国家,政府有足够多的市场扶持项目,但大多数都是为规模较大的中小型企业设计,或是在非故意的情况下最终为他们服务。而且,像FB-SSI这样的下属部门的个性化需求也没有得到满足。有研究表明,被扶持的公司大多是城市化或出口导向的,即便如此,这些公司也仅仅只是一小部分小型生产企业。这意味着在乡村,这种市场扶持项目的影响还不大。很多乡村FB-SSI企业甚至没有意识到他们可以得到什么样的扶持。因此,制定一些专门针对特殊的下属部门和乡村FB-SSI企业的项目,以保证其得到相关帮助是十分必要的。 对于拓展新市场的FB-SSI企业来说,以某种形式扶持制定一些促进项目或宣传手册可能是需要的。在市场扩张的过程中,乡村FB-SSI企业忽略信息需求,缺乏获取现有信息的渠道,并且缺乏着手公关的资金,这会阻碍其挖掘市场潜力的机会。如上所述,FB-SSI企业的主导市场策略应该这样定义:有更稳定市场份额和更大潜力的新产品线,或者是,能够令FB-SSI企业比大企业有比较优势。 ……