In recent twenty years, there has been a rapid development in
the study of second language acquisition(SLA)both at home and
abroad, which is partially the result of globalization, and, above
all, the outcome of an increasing number of a second language
learners. In line with this trend, China has incorporated a growing
number of research centers and faculties engaged in the research of
second language acquisition, and has also imported a large number
of academic books on applied linguistics. However, these academic
books do not seem to cater to the “mass market” of the universities
of China, especially the largest population of undergraduate
students majoring in foreign languages. A random survey may yield
the possible answers: these books are too difficult in light of
both concept and language. Students are daunted even when they
start reading the first page.It is true that most of these books
are written for researchers; Ithus they are mainly intended for
careful perusal, but unsuitable for classroom instruction.
Chapter One Understanding Second Language Acquisition
1.1 What is second language acquisition?
1.2 What are the objectives of SLA research?
1.3 Basic terminology in SLA
1.3.1 Native and target language
1.3.2 Second and foreign language
1.3.3 Bilingualism and multilingualism
1.3.4 SLA and foreign language learning
1.3.5 Input and output
1.3.6 Competence and performance
1.3.7 Usage and use
1.3.8 Comprehension and production
1.3.9 Naturalistic and instructed second language acquisition
1.4 The external and internal factors in SLA
1.4.1 External factors
1.4.2 Internal factors
Chapter Two The Study of inter language
2.1 What is inter language?
2.2 Characteristics of inter language
2.3 Major findings in IL studies
2.3.1 Systematic changes in grammar
2.3.2 Acquisition order and sequence of acquisition
2.3.3 L1 influence
2.4 Inter language pragmatics
2.4.1 Second language speech act
2.4.2 Production of speech acts: differences between L2 learners
and Ll speakers
2.4.3 Speech act research paradigm
Chapter Three Linguistic Aspects of SLA
3.1 The nature of human language
3.1.1 Common characteristics of language
3.1.2 Different aspects of language
3.2.1 Contrastive analysis hypothesis (CAH)
3.3.1 Definition
3.3.2 Principles and parameters
3.3.3 UG and SLA
3.4 Typological universals:Accessibility hierarchy ( AH)
3.5 Functional approaches
3.5.1 Systemic linguistics
3.5.2 Functional typology
Chapter Four Psychological Aspects of SLA
4.1 Language and the brain
4.2 Behaviorists' way of learning
4.3 Cognitive perspective of learning
4.3.1 Information processing (IP)
4.3.2 Connectionists'/ emergentists' models
4.3.3 Competition model (CM)
4.3.4 Bialystok's theory of 12 learning
4.3.5 Gass's integrative model of SLA
4.4 Individual differences
4.4.1 Aptitude
4.4.2 Age
4.4.3 Motivation
4.4.4 Cognitive style
4.4.5 Personality
4.4.6 Learning strategies
Chapter Five Socio-cultural Aspects of SLA
5.1 Microsocial factors
5.1.1 Input and interaction
Chapter Six Instruction and Second Language Acquisition
Chapter Seven Second Language Acquisition Research: Data Collection
and Analysis
An English-Clunese Glossary
Chapter One Understanding Second Language Acquisition When you turn to this page, you are approaching the field of second language acquisition. In this openning chapter, you will get an overall understanding of what second language acquisition(SLA) is and what the objectives of second language acquisition(SLA)are. And you will also gain knowledge of those basic terms in the field of second language acquisition1.1What is second language acquisition ? 1.1 What is second language acquistion? A second language can be defined as any language that is learned after the acquisition of the mother tongue. ln this context, learning a second language refers to the learning of a third, a fourth or even a fifth language. A second language is commonly called a target language. The study of second language acquisition focuses on the developing knowledge and use of the second language being learned. The scope of SLA includes informal I2 learning taking place in naturalistic contexts, formal I2 learning taking place in classrooms, and L2 learning that involves a mixture of these settings and circumstances. To put it simply, SLA is the study of how a second language is learned, that is, the acquisition of a language beyond the native language. It is a study of how learners create a new language system with limited exposure to a second language. It is the study of what is learned of a second language and what is not learned. It is a study of why some learners achieve more than others do. What's more, SLA also deals with the learners' hypotheses about the rules of a second language. Considering how the rules are constructed in the learner' s mind, the study of second language acquisition is closely related to other areas of study such as linguistics, psychology, psycholinguistics, sociology, sociolinguistics, discourse analysis, conversational analysis, education, and so forth. This field of SLA research has both theoretical and practical importance. The theoretical importance is associated with our understanding of how language is represented in mind and whether or not there is a difference between the way language is acquired and processed and the way other kinds of information are acquired and processed. It is assumed that understanding how languages are learned will lead to more effective teaching practices. Broadly speaking, a knowledge of SLA may help educational policy makers set more realistic goals for programs for both foreign language courses and the learning of the majority language by minority language children and adults (Spada & Lightbown, 2008) 1.2 What are the objectives of SLA research ? Second language acquisition research covers not only the study of those people who are learning an L2, but also the process of learning that language. In trying to probe into the process of learning a second language, researchers are seeking to answer the following three fundamental questions : (1)What does the L2 learners come to know? (2)How does the learners acquire the knowledge? (3)Why are some learners more successful than other learners? ……