




同类相食的动物/冰雪世界6片装DVD(珍藏版)(DVD) PDF格式下载

  a very good documentary produced by New Zealand introducing the life of native people in the Arctic Pole ,and also talking about the scientific research and wildlife in antarctic pole.
  when i saw the scenes that the Eskimo peoples expressed their happiness by singing and danceing to celebrate their whale fishery,i had complicated emotions.i knew it`s part of their culture of autochthonism,but when i saw the tremendous body of the whale lying on the glacial beach,i felt it was a disgraceful behavior.
  and when i saw the local people showing off their corpulency and warm coats which were made by killing arctic fox or polar bear,i really felt silk.i don`t care whether it was their damn culture or custom,they can`t kill those animals because it is 2007 AD,not the barbarous world anymore.
