






Prefatory Remarks to the English Version
Chapter One The Place of Distribution in the National Economy and
Reform of the Distribution System
Section One Reform and Development of China's Distribution
System and the Place of this System in the Chinese Economy
Section Two The Revolution in the Japanese Distribution System
and Charcteristics of Japanese Distribution Institutions
Chapter Two Distribution Structures and Organizations
Section One Retailing Structure in China
Section Two The Dominant Format of Retailing in Japan
Section Three Changes in the Formats of Retailing in China Since
the Beginning of the Reform
Section Four The Organization and Operational Modes of Retail-
ing in Japan
Section Five Wholesaling in China and the Problems It Faces
Section Six The Structure of Wholesaling in Japan
Section Seven "Sogo - shosha" in Japan
Section Eight Rural Distribution Institutions in China and Japan
Chapter Three Conventional Practices in Business Transactions and the
Pricing Process in Distribution
Section One A Comparison Between Traditional Practices in Busi-
ness Transactions and the Pricing Process in China and Japan
Section Two Efficiency and Costs of Distribution
Chapter Four The Cargo Movement Industry and the Current Trend of
Its Development
Section One Cargo Movement in China and the Cargo Movement
Section Two The Growth of the Cargo Movement Industry in Japan
and the Experience China Can Draw from this Growth
Chapter Five Popularization in Distribution of Computerized Informa-
tion Techniques and Its Significance
Section One The Popularization of Information Techniques in Chi-
na' s Distribution System and the Problems Arising There from
Section Two The Popularization of Information Techniques in
Japan' s Distribution System and the Experience It Affords
Chapter Six Distribution Policy
Section One The Distrbution Policy Adopted by China Since the
Initiation of the Reform
Section Two The Evolution and Assessment of Japan s Distribu-
tion Policies
Section Three Policies for Opening Up the Area of Distribution to
the Outside World
Chapter Seven The Distribution of Staple Commodities and an Analysis
of Relevant Case Reports
Section One Grain Distribution in China and Japan
Section Two Vegetable Distribution in China and Japan
Section Three Distribution of Sugar and Wine in China and Japan
Section Four Distribution of Steel Products in China and Japan
Section Five Distribution of Cement in China and Japan
Section Six The Setup and Functions of A Marketing Establish-
ment Organized by A Manufacturing Enterprise in China
Section Seven The Distribution Activities of Japanese Enterprises in China
A Commentative Postscript by the Compiler of This Book




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