为了适应高等学校专业目录调整以后土木工程类专业英语教学的需要,我们根据1998年12月高等学校大学外语教学指导委员会英语组扩大会议审定通过的《大学英语教学大纲》[《大学英语教学大纲》修订工作组编-修订本-北京:高等教育出版社,1999.9]的要求, .编写了《English Qn Civil Engineering》(土木工程英语)一书。本书的使用对象为已学完基础英语的土木工程类专业的大学生,以在第5-7学期学习为宜。教学目的是以培养读者的专业英语阅读能力为主,并适当考虑写作和翻译训练。本书可适合于100-120学时的教学安排,各校在使用时可根据自己的实际情况和专业方向灵活掌握。本书在选材上还选用了少量具有一定难度的内容,可供土木工程技术人员和研究生作为提高专业英语阅读能力的参考读物。 《English on Civil Engineering》题材广泛,涉及工程力学、土力学与地基基础、建筑材料、钢筋混凝土结构、钢结构、工程经济、路基路面工程、桥梁工程、计算机应用、建筑施工技术和施工组织技术、结构抗震等学科。本书共包括24个教学单元(Unit),每个单元包括课文(Text)、生词(New Words)、词组(Phrases and Expressions)、练习(Exercises)、阅读材料(Reading Materia1)。在练习中配有填空、词组翻译、句子翻译、选词填空等内容,以确保基础英语和专业英语的衔接和过渡,并提高读者的学习兴趣。为了使读者尽快熟悉和掌握科技英语的特点,培养和提高读者对专业英语的阅读能力和翻译能力,本书特别增设了科技英语阅读指南。 本书由西安建筑科技大学惠宽堂(1,4,7,12,15,18,22,24)、王泽军(3,5,8,10,14,16,19,23)、姚仰平(2,6,9,11,13,17,20,21)、曹勇(科技英语阅读指南)编写,由惠宽堂主编。 本书审阅人为丰定国教授和陈伯顺教授,审阅中提出了许多宝贵意见和建议,特此表示衷心的感谢和敬意。 由于编者水平有限,缺点和错误在所难免,热忱欢迎使用本书的教师和读者提出宝贵意见和建议。
English on Civil Englneering》(土木工程英语)是根据1998年12月高等学校大学外语教学指导委员会英语组扩大会议审定通过的《大学英语教学大纲》的要求编写的。事书内容选材适当.可以满足高等学校土木工程类专业英语教学的需要。本书属材广泛,涉及工程力学、土力学与地基基础、建筑材料、钢筋混凝土结构,钢结构、工程经济、路基路面工程、桥梁工程、计算机应用、建筑施工技术和施工组织技术、站构抗震等学科。共包括24个教学单元(Unit).每个单元包括课文(Text),生词(NewWords)、词组(Phrases andExpressions)、练习(Exercises),阅读材料(Reading Material)以及科技英语阅读措南。本书可作为高等学校土木工程类专业英语教材,也可供土木工程技术人员和研究生作为提高专业英语阅读能力的参考读物。
Unit 1 Text The Principles O,Virtual Work(1) 科技英语阅读指南:科技英语的特征Unit 2 Text Soil Aggregates 科技英语阅读指南:词义的确定Unit 3 Tea't The properties ofconcrete(1) 科技英语阅读指南:词汇的增加与省略Unit 4 Text Structural Steel BehavioDr 科技英语阅读指南:否定句的翻译Unit 5 Text Safety 科技英语阅读指南:数词句型及翻译(1)Unit 6 Text Properties ofSoils 科技英语阅读指南:数词句型及翻译(2)Unit 7 TPxt Rolled Beams And Plate Girders 科技英语阅读指南:被动语态Unit 8 Text Reinforced Concrete(1) 科技英语阅读指南:定语从句(1)Unit 9 Text Settlement Analysis 科技英语阅读指南:定语从句(2)Unit 10 Text Hazards 科技英语阅读指南:定语从句(3)Unit 11 Text Bearing Capacity of Shallow Foundations 科技英语阅读指南:名词从句(1)Unit 12 Text Earthquake Forces(1) 科技英语阅读指南:名词从句(2)Unit 13 Text Constuctracts 科技英语阅读指南:状语从句(1)Unit 14 Text Prestressed Concrete(1) 科技英语阅读指南:状语从句(2)Unit 15 Text Connections 科技英语阅读指南:长句的翻译(1)Unit 16 Text Pavement of Highway and Airport(1) 科技英语阅读指南:长句的翻译(2)Unit 17 Text Construction PlanningUnit 18 Text The Civil Engineering Project(1)Unit 19 Text Structural Engineering and the Manufacturing IndustriesUnit 20 Text Concrete ConstructionUnit 21 Text DewateringUnit 22 Text Cable-stayed BridgeUnit 23 Text Development of Structural Forms for Tall Buildings(1)Unit 24 Text The Program Development Process
ntroduction Thus far,we have established a number of relationships between the stresses and disDlace ments developed in various structural elements and the stress resultants developed on a given cross section of a member To arrive at these relationships,we have continually relied upon two basic reqmrements of static structural behavior,the requirement that the structure must be in equilibrium and the requirement that deformations must be compatible and consistent with natural bound.ary conditions It 1S upon these two conditions that our entire theory is based. We have satisfied the first of these requirements,equilibrium,by simply applying the equations of statics.We have satistied the second requirement,compatibility,by studying,in detail,the geometry of the elas. tic curve or the geometry of a deformed element.The resulting equations are sufficiently general to be applied to a wide range of both statically determinate and statically indeterminate structural problems. There exist,however,alternative methods for establishing and satisfying these requirements of structural behavior which have as their basis some of the most fundamental principles of structural mechanics.It is to these principles that we now direct our attention. The two characteristics of structural behavior,mentioned above,respectively,involve forces and stresses which must satisfy the equilibrium conditions and displacements and strains which must satisfy the compatibility conditions.It is logical that a general process through which both conditions are satisfied involves a quantity dependent on both forces and displacements,namely, work·Work,we recall,is the product of a forCe and the displacement of its point of application in the direction of the force.