

张国强,侯雪松 主编 中国环境科学出版社





张国强,侯雪松 主编  






It is our great pleasure to host the 2 International Conference on Built Environment and Public Health(BEPH2004)on December 6-8,2004,Shantou,China.This conference is the continuation of the first conference that was held in Changsha,China in December,2003.This series of conference were initialized by Chinese Society of Environmental Sciences,HunanUniversity and other organizations in China,sponsored by number of nternational and national organizations of China,aiming at providing a platform for academic exchange and knowledge transfer or researchers,practitioners in the multidisciplinary field of built environment and public health.Professionals from architecture,HVAC engineering,building material,public health,environment monitoring,environmental science and engineering had good exchange in their research work and understanding in the related field in the first conference,which made it a successful one.The Proceedings contain about 1 00 papers that have been reviewed by our members of Programming Committees and other expels.These papers have been from 1 0 countries and regions in the field of built environment and public health.Some of the papers represent the most recent advances in the field worldwide,most of the papers reflect the advances in related field in China,where the research and practice in the field of built environment and public heath has been developing more quickly than ever before.We are very grateful to the valuable help and enthusiasm received from members of the International Coordinators,Program Committee and the generosity of the Co—organizers,the Sponsors,the Co。sponsors and the Suppo~~ers in various forms。


《第二届室内环境与健康国际会议论文集(英文版)》主要内容有:research of IAQ.The paper attempts to demonstrate the difficulties in improving IAQ completely,the
necessity and the feasibility of the research of BPAQ at present.


1 IAQ & Indoor pollutants managing ildoor air quality-the hong kong experience a pilot study on VOCs and carbonyl compounds in thinese residences persomal exposure and cancer risk assessment investigation on lndoor air and cleaner testing in taivan district improvement of the breatning spot air quality characteristics of indoor air pollution and prevention countermeasuers in shen zhen city coefficeient of lndoor air pollution and prevention countration and indool air quality aevlanation analyzing the bacterial density in air-conditioned wards monitring and ancaalysis total volatile organic compound exposure assessment of polycyclic aromatin hydrocstbons using urine o-ohp metabolites of housewives in kroea ……2 Thermal environment & thermal comfort3 ventilation 4 CFD techniques5 project,equipment & pefruderation technology6 building material,assessment,eneray saving & sustainability7 later paper author index


research of IAQ.The paper attempts to demonstrate the difficulties in improving IAQ completely,thenecessity and the feasibility of the research of BPAQ at present.2.DIFFICULTY To SToP AND DISPEL THE INDOoR AIR PoLLUTIoN CoMPLETELY2.1 Complexity and Stubbornness of the Indoor Material PollutantsMore and more new materials and technique are used in building in recent years.Countless ofchemical products are used as bagic material,bond or additive in the fit—up,furniture,electric equipment products,daily chemical industry products,fabric,books,toy,food,cines etc.And for the movements such as cooking,smoking and sweeping,hundreds of pollutions such as VOCs,CO,ammonia,dust ozone,bacterium,fungi,virus,peculiar smell,radioactive radon and human body’s contaminators etc.is full of indoor air.The concentration will be low as the time flies;some pollutants still exceeds the health criterion.The Environmental Monitoring Center of Indoor Environment once entrusted by consumer to measure residential room.found that the density of ammonia was as 7 times as national standard in the indoor air,and it can volatilize until 20 years ,that is to say it will do harms to the inhaleIitant for 20years.Radon,always considered being the second pathogeny of the lung cancer,which has very long time to release.Once appears,the harm will coexists.For example,as shown in the Qingdao Municipal Centers for Disease Control,the concentration of some pollutants of decorated house is till above the standard though after ten years f91.The phenomenon that pollutant content in buildings,fitment and furniture materials exceed standard has not been prevented,which is the most seripus problem,and this is often reported in regional building materials markets in recent years.Some other pollutants,though known,are very difficult to clean out,such as radon from the antifreeze in concrete.And some office equipments and home appliances will give up ozone,radiation,and electromagnetism waves.which can’t be eliminated completely.Some once thought to be with no pollutant.emit pollutants all the time.As in a recent research,the computer,along with you for the whole day.is one of the sources of VOC.Supplied with flesh air normally,the dissatisfaction rate rises from 14%when the computer isn’t used to 4 1%when computers are turned on[11].However,computers should not be eliminated.And the human body,who dislike the pollution air extremely,is the source that never can be weed out.2.The Severity of the Secondary Pollution Sources fn the Air Conditioner System The air.conditioning systems sustain a comfortable environment for the room and provide a large amount of pollutants form the system itself to the room.Those pollutants mostly are dust and bacteria.Because the air will come into the room through so many equipments and pipelines with heated,cooled,humidified,filtrated,purified treatments.Study confirms that 40%一60%of the horrible smell in the air conditioner room comes from the air conditioner system itself.For the dampness and dust—collection.it is difficult to control and prevent the secondary pollutants such as bacteria,dust as well as another contaminators from air conditioning systems entering the room.In Mav of 2004.Ministry of Health China announced the sampling inspection results for the ventilating and air conditioning systems in 937 public places,in 30 provinces,more than 60 cities.Only 58 places are eligible.which is 6.2%of the total;but the number of medium pollution and heavy pollution is account for 43 8 and 44 1.The number that the dust quantity in each square meter in the pipe face exceeds 20 gram is 90%.50 grams is 57%.and the highest is 486 grams per square meter.And the bacteria number is above 1 00 thousand in per gram dust。which is 80%of the total inspected,and the highest is 2.77 million and the epiphyte number is above 100 thousand in per gram dust,which is 73%of the total,and the highest is 4.8 million『16].It is a long—standing severe challenge to the air conditioning manufacturer,designer and administrators in the whole world to completely dispel the secondary pollution that the air conditioner system produces.






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