中华人民共和国进出口税则Import and Export Tariff of the People's Republic of ChinaAppendix附表1 中国一东盟自由贸易区执行税率表(部分)Table l The Applied Tariff Rates for China-ASEAN FTA (Part)附表2 中国一巴基斯坦、智利、新加坡、新西兰、秘鲁、哥斯达黎加自由贸易协定税目税率表Table 2 The Conventional Tariff Rates for China-Pakistan, China-Chile, China-Singapore,China-New Zealand, China-Peru,China-Costa Rica FTA附表3 进口商品特惠税率表Table 3 The Special Preferential Tariff Rates on Import Goods附表4 关税配额商品进口税率表Table 4 Tariff Quota Rate on Import Goods附表5 进口商品暂定税率表Table 5 Interim Duty Rate on Import Goods附表6 出口商品暂定税率和特别关税税率表Table 6 Interim Duty Rate and Special Duty Rate on Export Goods附表7 进口商品从量税、复合税税率表Table 7 Specific and Compound Duty Rate on Import Goods附表8 非全税目信息技术产品进口税率表Table 8 Duty Rate on Specific Information Technology Products附表9 进境物品进口税率表Table 9 Duty Rate on Inward Articles