

马秀红 中国对外经济贸易出版社









序 前言 一、世界贸易组织关于保障措施的相关规则 (一)关税与贸易总协定(GATF) (二)世界贸易组织《保障措施协定》 二、中国保障措施的相关法规 (一)中华人民共和国对外贸易法 (二)中华人民共和国货物进出口管理条例 (三)中华人民共和国保障措施条例 (四)中华人民共和国对外贸易经济合作部保障措施调查立案暂行规则 (五)中华人民共和国对外贸易经济合作部保障措施调查听证会暂行规则 (六)中华人民共和国对外贸易经济合作部关于保障措施产品范围调整程序的暂行规则 三、美国钢铁保障措施案 (一)201钢铁保障措施调查的发起请求信 (二)保障措施调查的机构和时间程序 (三)ITC决定 (四)总统声明 (五)总统宣言 四、加拿大钢铁保障措施案 (一)发起保障措施调查的指令 (二)指令之修改 (三)保障措施调查立案公告 (四)关于部分进口钢铁产品的裁决公告 (五)部分进口钢铁产品保障措施调查的最终报告(节选) 五、欧盟钢铁保障措施案 (一)对部分进口钢铁产品发起保障措施调查的公告 (二)对部分进口钢铁产品采取临时保障措施的决定 (三)对部分进口钢铁产品采取最终保障措施的决定(节选) 六、中国钢铁保障措施案 (一)中华人民共和国对外贸易经济合作部公告2002年第29号 (二)中华人民共和国对外贸易经济合作部公告2002年第30号 (三)中国在保障措施协定第12.1(a)条项下向保障措施委员会的通知 (四)中国在保障措施协定第12.4条项下向保障措施委员会的通知 (五)中国在保障措施协定第9条脚注2项下向保障措施委员会的通知 (六)中华人民共和国海关总署公告2002年第9号 (七)中华人民共和国对外贸易经济合作部公告2002年第37号 (八)中国对部分进口钢铁产品采取最终保障措施的信息披露 (九)中国在《保障措施协定》第12.1条(b)和(c)款项下向保障措施委员会的通知 (十)中华人民共和国对外贸易经济合作部公告2002年第48号 (十一)中华人民共和国海关总署公告2002年第36号


版权页: 插图: The proposed surtax of 20 percent for the first year is the increase in the price of above-quotaimports that the Tribunal believes is necessary to ensure that any above-quota imports enterCanada are at non-injurious price levels. A non-injurious price level is considered to be one thatwould allow the domestic producers to sell angles, shapes and sections at prices similar to those inthe period before the injurious increase in imports. Subsequently, in keeping with Canada's obligation to progressively liberalize its safeguardmeasures during their period of application, the Tribunal recommends that the surtax on above-quota imports be reduced to 15 percent in the second year and to 10 percent in the third year. In the Tribunal's view, in-quota imports into Canada in the first year of the TRQ should notexceed 300,000 tonnes, as that would cause injury to Canadian producers of angles, shapes andsections. The surtax of 20 percent should ensure that prices of above-quota imports are at non-injurious levels. The Tribunal also considers it important that the level of imports of angles,shapes and sections allowed into Canada free of surtax should not be less than 300,000 tonnes. Ata lower volume of in-quota imports, there would be a risk of causing difficulties to theinternational competitiveness of the downstream manufacturing industries in Canada. TheTribunal notes that imports of angles, shapes and sections have been an important means ofsupplying the needs of the market. In light of NAFTA obligations, the Tribunal also recommends allocation of a portion of theannual TRQ on imports of angles, shapes and sections to the United States. In the first year,216,000 tonnes of the global quota should be allocated to imports of angles, shapes and sectionsfrom the United States. That tonnage will be free of tariff and surtax. Any angles, shapes andsections imported in excess of that amount will be subject to the same surtax of 20 percent advalorem as will be imposed on above-quota imports from the rest of the world.






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