INVITED PAPERS OF APCCM 2004 A Method for lmpulsive Noise Reduction by Use of M-Transform H.Kashiwagi,H.Harado and T.Yamaguchi(Japan) Development of an Air Data System with MEMS S ensors Park Choonbae,Roh Taeseong and Byun Taewan(R.O.Korea) Intelligent Systems for Electricity Trading Strategy Jin Yin and Yun li(U.K.) Automatic Opimaal-Adaptive Control of Brain Temperature by Water -Cooling System H.Wakamatsu,Lu Gaohua and T.Utsuki(Japan) Control for Torque Reduction of Switched Reluctance Motor Drive Basesd on Fuzzy on Fuzzy Loic Chen Hao(China)SYSTEM IDENTIFICATION AND MODELLING New Interpolative Reasoning inf Sparse Fuzzy Rule Base Wang Tianjiang ,Lu Zhengding and Li Fan Algorithm for Low Aititude Penetratioon Aircraft Path wich Cellular Automata Ma Xiangling,Ye Wen and Liu Aidong,et al A Research on the Security Monitoring System by the Intermittence Movement Vision Sensor Jianming Yang and Yoshikazu Suematsu A Smith -Like Control Scheme for Performance Enhancement of Systems with RHP Zeros Qingguo Wang Lu and Tong Heng Lee(Singapore) Arithmetic of Pattern Matching for Instruction Jiang Wenzhi,Fan Hongda and Ma Xingling,et al(Japan) Analysis of Multi,Akinobu Shimizu and Hidefumi Kobatake,et alk On a T riangular Poly Neural Network Yoshihiro Yamamoto,Mitsuhiro Akashi and Hiroki Yoshimura(Japan) SYSTEM MEASURINGCONTROL AND MEASURMENT