

L.M.奥尔科特 社科文献









  长期以来,我深感国内缺乏适当的英语读物,在书店能够看到的英文原版图书不是价格昂贵,就是鸿篇巨制,对在校的学生及英语学习者来讲,这样既会造成畏难情绪又不实用,对培养他们学习英语的兴趣、提高他们的英语水平极为不利。社会科学文献出版社针对这种情形,同时配合他们的“自学英语行动计划”,精心策划出版《英语课外自学文库》,并诚邀我担纲主编,他们用心良苦,我也欣然应允。  《英语课外自学文库》首批编辑出版的各辑图书都是依据在世界各地流传广泛而深受欢迎的英语文学作品缩写而成(以后还要出版各类英文版知识性读物),是长期在非英语国家从事英语教育的英国专家S.E.Paces特意为中国学生精心打造的。


Chapter1. At Miss Pinkerton's School for Young Ladies2. Rebecca Sharp in vanity fair3. Rebecca and Amelia have their admirers5. The Crawleys of Queen's Crawley7. A proposal of marriage8. Becky is already married9. The letter on the pin-cushion10. The Sedleys are bankrupt12. The end of a honeymoon13. Amelia losesher George14. Amelia and little Georgy15. More sorrow for Amelia16. Amelia has to give up her son17. Rebecca and her husband after Waterloo18. Rebecca in high society19. Christmas in the country and gay parties in London20. Rawdon is imprisoned for debt22. Dobbin and Jos come home from India25. Rebecca appears again26. Amelia quarrels with honest DobbinQuestions and Language Practice


  These two writers were the leading English novelists of the runeteenth century. While Dickens preferred to write about the sufferings of the poor people in England, Thackeray chose to expose the follies of the rich. He described his book “Vanity Fair” as a novel without a hero. Thackeray described men and women just as they are in reallife -neither wholly good nor wholly bad, but all of them are deceived or deluded in some way. He wrote about the social life of the upper classes of England 170 years ago, at the time when Napoleon Bonaparte was threatening the peace of Europe.  The title “Vanity Fair” comes from the town of Vanity in John Bunyan‘s book “The Pilgrim’s Progress”. Bunyan escribes a year-long fair held in that town, where hawkers sold fine houses,land, positions, titles, kingdoms, evil pleasures and delights of all kinds. The phrase “Vanity Fair” now means the world with its glittering temptations and pleasures which always deceive human  beings. In his book, Thackeray describes a world peopled by greedy, pompous, self-satisfied men and women who live without God, without religion, and without moral scruples of any kind.In this edition, Thackeray‘s story has been simplified so that students may enjoy reading it without having to use the dictionary too often. However, the author has tried to keep to Thackeray’s unique way of telling the story and of describing the characters of people, hoping that the reader may understand at least a little of the geruus that made hackeray stand out amongst 19th century novelists.  ……




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