

中国社会科学院外事局 社会科学文献











Part 1 Religion and PhilosophySacredness and Secularity-Politics and Religions of Countries of Southern BuddhismReligious SociologyIslamic Thoughts and Movements in Modern TimeHistory of Confucianism in ChinaOn ChristianityAn Exploration of Taoist Fayins (seal) and Lingpais (poker)Inner Alchemy Taoism of the Tang and Song DynastiesShamanism of the Northern Ethnic Groups in ChinaSurpassing Western Thought: A New Inquiry into the Core of PhilosophyPart 2 Archaeology and HistoryA Decipherment and Preliminary Study of Selected OracleInscriptions on Tortoise Shells in the Eastern Area of Huayuanzhuang in the Yin RuinsOn the Ryubido Dragon-tail Platform of the Daigokuden Pavilion in the Palace of Ancient Japanese Capitals Erlitou in YanshiSome Thoughts on the Archaeology of the Ruins of Ancient Palaces in ChinaThe Cemetery in Zhangjiapo of the Western Zhou DynastyA Study of House Title Deeds in the Urban Area of Beijing during the Qing DynastySino-British Relations in the 18th Century- Trade and ConflictA Preliminary Collation and Study of Title Deeds for Shops in Beijing during the Qing DynastyThe Steps of China's Merge with the World-A Comparative Study of Foreign Policies between the Ming and Early Qin g DynastiesThe Early Dawn in the Modern Times-Changes of Concepts andSocial Development in China in the 18th CenturyGeneral History of China's Economy- Volume of the Economy of Yuan DynastyThe Chinese Vogue in Europe in the Eighteenth CenturyThe Invention of Movable-type Printing and Its Early Spread in ChinaA Study of " Erdeni-yin"Part 3 Literature and LinguisticsA Chronicle of the Literature of the Southern and Northern DynastiesThe Concept of "Qing" in Classic Poetics……Part 4 EconomicsPart 5 International(Europe)Part 6 International(Asia and Africa)Part 7 International(America)Part 8 Law,Sociology Media


  The paper was completed on the basis of copying and collation of 270 title deeds for shops in Beijing during the Qing Dynasty. A brief table of title deeds for shops is attached at the end of the paper. These title deeds serve as a source material of the shops. The quantity of shop title deeds through the Qing Dynasty, identities of the two parties involved in the deeds, locations and business scope of the shops could provide a picture of commercial layout and situations of commodity management in various periods of the Qing Dynasty in Beijing. For instance, during the reigns of emperors Shunzhi, Kangxi and Yongzheng, there were very few shop title deeds in the urban area of Beijing and in late Qianlong and Jiadao times, the distribution of shops in the inner city expanded and the commercial hubs centered with the Dongsi Archway and the Xisi Archway had taken shape. The title deeds show that most (52%) of the shops had less than 10 rooms, and even had only 1 or 2 rooms. It is thus clear that business people (or craftsmen) in the capital did business with small capital and their life was not easy. The Qing Dynasty witnessed many important historical events. The title deeds for shops in the capital did not mention any major historical events except for the War of 1900. This war and its consequent losses were often mentioned about. We can see that this great calamity most seriously damaged the socio-economic and commercial facilities in Beijing and did the most serious harm to people of various strata in Beijing since the beginning of the Qing Dynasty.




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