It is an adventure to interpret the ChinaNational Pavilion since it involvesdeciphering texts and pictures, reshapingimages, and giving visual and artisticexpression to many ideas and emotions.It ultimately opens a window from whichone can peer into the world of urbandevelopment in China, and which willalso greatly promote an even betterunderstanding between China and theworld. The displays in the Pavilion are subject tothe interpretation and examination of eachof the individual visitors, artists, critics, andof course the media. This exposure to thescrutiny of such a wide range of people,each with their own subjective opinion,could perhaps lead to the deeper meaningsof the displays becoming lost. Hence, we,the design team for the China NationalPavilion, have in this book tried to presentour original ideas that were behind thecreation of the displays.
NTRODUCTION The Structure The Theme The Main ComponentsCHAPTER 1 The Footprints 01. Expectations for Urban Life 02. The Story of Spring 03. Reminiscence 04. River of Wisdom 05. Land of HopeCHAPTER 2 The Dialogue 01. A Ramble Through the Forest 02. A Bridge of Wisdom 03. Dougong Architecture 04. Urban Planning 05. A Garden CityCHAPTER 3 The Visions 01. Exploring Resources with Care 02. Thoughtful Consumption 03. Return to Simplicity 04. Fountain of IlluminationACKNOWLEDGEMENTS
The China National Pavilion stands at69 meters in height and dominatesthe center of the Chinas pavilions. TheCrown of the East is thus a powerfulstructure, which embodies distinctChinese elements and spirits. Theprovincial pavilions, each 14 meters inheight, spread horizontally and act asthe pedestal for the whole structurewhile also providing a public space.The China National Pavilion coversan area of 20,000 square meters, andis shaped like an ancient Chinesecrown, with the upper levels largerthan the lower ones. Many elementsof dougong, a traditional architecturalstyle that features interlockingwooden brackets fixed layer uponlayer between the top of a columnand a crossbeam, are represented inthe Pavilion.