中国环境与发展国际合作委员会 编著
The China Council for International Cooperation on Environment and Development (CCICED) was established with the approval of the Chinese government in 1992. Consisting of senior Chinese and international officials and experts and chaired by China's Vice-Premier,it serves as a high-level advisory body with a mandate to conduct research and to provide policy recommendations to the Government of China on China's environment and development. The Council reports to the State Council and each year meets with a senior leader to discuss its recommendations.Over the past 17 years, CCICED has witnessed significant change and marked progress in China in the field of environment and development policy. Over the Council's tenure, issues have evolved in number, complexity and significance from those discussed at the 1992 Rio UN Conference on Environment and Development to those environmental challenges, such as climate change, that have become mainstream economic and political concerns throughout the world. CCICED continues to be a unique body, highly relevant to China's domestic needs and to fostering a better international understanding of China's contributions to global environment and development.With ongoing support from the Chinese government, the governments of many other countries, and international agencies, CCICED has completed three phases. Phase I (1992-1996) carried out initial policy studies and research on key issues in the field of environment and development and disseminated and exchanged international experiences and information on successful policies. Phase II (1997-2001) shifted the focus from policy research to policy and project demonstrations. Phase III (2002-2006) was established with broader priorities and a number of major policy studies were conducted. Based on the successful experience of previous phases,Phase IV (2007-2011) has drawn support from a larger number of donors and is focused concerted attention on issues that will determine China's success in becoming regarded as an environmentaUy friendly society. Indeed, China has entered into a new era, and CCICED will play a major role in promoting China's strategic transformation in environment and development.
Chapter Ⅰ CCICED Policy Recommendations to Decision Makers 1.1 Overview 1.2 RecommendationsChapter Ⅱ Environment and Development for a Harmonious Society 2.1 Introduction 2.2 Harmonious Society Explained 2.3 International Experience 2.4 China's Challenges 2.5 Environmental Protection and Harmonious Society 2.6 ConclusionChapter Ⅲ Building an Environmentally Friendly Society through Innovation: Challenges and Choices 3.1 Introduction 3.2 Current State of China's Environmental Innovation 3.3 Technology Innovation for Environment and Sustainable Development 3.4 Environmental Innovation System of China 3.5 Regulation, Standards, and Enforcement 3.6 Public Participation and Environmental Innovation 3.7 Conclusions and Recommendations Appendix Chapter Ⅳ Environment and Health Management System and Policy Framework 4.1 Status Quo of Chinese Environment and Health Problems 4.2 Analysis of the Problems and Requirements of Chinese Environment and Health Management 4.3 International Experiences and Lessons in Establishing an Environment and Health Management System 4.4 Construction of China's Environment and Health Management System 4.5 Policy and Legislation Framework of Environment and Health 4.6 Report on Recommendations for Policies on Strengthening the Environment and Health ManagementChapter Ⅴ Research on the Pathway to Low Carbon Economy for China 5.1 The Concept and Connotation of a Low Carbon Economy and its Relations . with Some Key Concepts 5.2 The International Development and Trend of Low Carbon Economy 5.3 Necessity and Urgency to Develop a LOw Carbon Economy in China 5.4 Difficulties and Obstacles in the Development of a LOw Carbon Economy in China 5.5 Policy SuggestionsChapter Ⅵ Policy Research on Energy Efficiency and Urban Development 6.1 Energy Efficiency and Urbanization: Concepts and Methodology 6.2 Review of Situations and Trends of Energy Consumption and Energy Efficiency in Urban Areas in China and Worldwide 6.3 ConclusionsChapter Ⅶ Long-term Incentive Strategies for Energy Efficiency 7.1 Energy Productivity as a National Goal 7.2 A Surprise Lesson from History: Resource Prices Have Been Falling 7.3 International Experiences in Raising Energy Prices: Introducing Environment-Related Taxes 7.4 Increasing Energy Prices in Paralld with Energy Productivity Gains 7.5 Is There a Problem for the Poor, Industry, or Inflation? 7.6 The Paradigm of a Twenty-Fold Increase of Labor Productivity 7.7 A Revenue-Neutral Ecological Tax Reform 7.8 Long Term Price Elasticity is High 7.9 Conclusions and Strategic Recommendations Appendix Annex Ⅰ CCICED Membership
The following requirements need must be met: First,in the field of environmental innovation,the environmental protection authorities should lead the coordination among relevant parties and give full play to the bridging role of industry associations connecting government and industry. Stronger regulatory rules and standards, incentives,and supportive policies should be introduced to help build innovation capacities of the enterprises, especially small and medium sized enterprises.Second, to foster a market for environmental products, several measures could be taken: Tighten environmental enforcement in order to create a potential demand market;and, where appropriate and for a limited time,subsidize environmental products used by enterprises and consumers so as to foster dissemination and application of environmental technology. More effective Green Pubh'c Procurement Regulalions which require government agencies to procure a certain percentage of environmentally friendly products will be particularly helpful in creating a sizable market for environmental products. Action should be taken to raise resource and energy prices to expand the demand for environmental products that increase use efficiency.Third, to considerably increase financial support for environmental innovation activities, Environmental Innovation Funds should be established with a focus on a Special Program for Clean Technology and other components important for enhancing indigenous environmental and sustainable development technology innovation. The State should devise a financial supporting plan for environmental innovation and adopt financial measures including venture capital investment,preferential listing policies, green credit, and preferential loans, to support environmental innovation activities.Fourth, China needs to strengthen IPR protection and international environmental cooperation and to establish an International Study Network on Environmental Technology to facilitate learning from abroad and through joint efforts.Fifth, drawing upon the experiences of OECD countries, China should establish an evaluation system for environmental innovation covering the whole process from R&D to commercialization as well as such aspects as environmental, safety, health and life cyde impacts.
中国环境与发展国际合作委员会年度政策报告2008 PDF格式下载