何美、 周华锋 中国石化出版社 (2009-01出版)
何美,周华锋 编
Introduction0.1 Physical chemistry0.1.1 Contents of physical chemistry0.1.2 Issues to be solved by physical chemistry0.1.3 Advice for studying physical chemistry0.2 Indication and operation of physical quantity0.2.1 Indication of physical quantity0.2.2 Operation of physical quantityChapter 1 The pVT properties of gases1.1 State equation of the perfect gas1.1.1 Empirical law of gas1.1.2 State equation of the perfect gas1.1.3 Model of the perfect gas1.2 Mixture of the perfect gas1.2.1 Composition of perfect gas mixture1.2.2 Dalton’S law of partial pressures1.2.3 Amagat’S law of partial volumes1.2.4 Mean molar mass of mixed gas1.3 Liquefaction of real gas and critical properties1.3.1 Saturated vapor pressure of liquid1.3.2 Liquefaction of real gas and critical properties1.4 State equations of real gas1.4.1 The van der Waals equation1.4.2 The virial equation of state1.5 The law of corresponding states1.5.1 Compression factors1.5.2 The law of corresponding states。EXERCISESChapter 2 The first law of thermodynamics2.1 The basic concept of thermodynamics2.1.1 System and surroundings2.1.2 Extensive property and intensive property of system2.1.3 State and state function of system2.1.4 Equilibrium state of thermodynamics2.1.5 Process and path2.2 The first law of thermodynamics2.2.1 Heat2.2.2 Work2.2.3 Calculation of volume work2.2.4 Thermodynamic energy2.2.5 The first law of thermodynamics.2.3 The heat at constant volume.the heat at constant pressure and enthalpy2.3.1 The heat at constant volume2.3.2 The heat at constant pressure2.3.3 Enthalpy.2.3.4 Hess’s Law2.4 Heat capacity2.4.1 Heat capacity2.4.2 Relation between Cp,mand P2.4.3 Empirical formula between Cp,m and T2.4.4 Relation between Cp,m and Cv,m2.4.5 Joule experiment2.5 Reversible process and equation of adiabatic reversible process of the perfect gas2.5.1 Reversible process2.5.2 Isothermal reversible process of the perfect gas.2.5.3 Adiabatic reversible process of the perfect gas2.6 Phase transformation process.2.6.1 Phase and enthalpy of phase transition.2.6.2 Calculation of AH of phase transformation process2.7 Standard molar enthalpy of reaction2.7.1 Chemical stoichiometric number2.7.2 Extent of a reaction2.7.3 Molar enthalpy of reaction2.7.4 Standard molar enthalpy of reaction2.8 Standard molar enthalpy of formation and standard molar enthalpy of combustion2.8.1 Standard molar enthalpy of formation2.8.2 Standard molar enthalpy of combustion2.8.3 The temperature—dependence of A,n(T)一Kirchhoff’S formula.2.8.4 The relation between Qp and Qv.2.8.5 Maximum temperature of explosion and flame reaction2.9 Throttling process and Joule—Thomson effect2.9.1 Joule—Thomson experiment2.9.2 Experiment result2.9.3 Result analysis2.9.4 Characteristice of throttling process2.9.5 Joule-Thomson coefficientEXERCISESChapter3 The Second Law of thermodynamicsChapter4 The thermodynamics of multi-component systemsChapter5 Chemical equilibriumChapter6 Phase equilibriumChapter7 Electrolyte solutionChatper8 Electrochemical systemChapter9 Interface phenomenaChapter10 Chemical KineticsREFERENCE BOOKS
Introduction(绪论)0.1 Physical chemistry(物理化学)Physical chemistry studies the underlying physical principles that govern the Properties and behavior of chemical systems. It is the subject which start with the connection of physical phenomenon and chemical phenomenon, then utilize physical theories and experimental methods to look forThe rules of chemical change.A chemical system can be studies from either a microscopic or a macroscopic viewpoint. The microscopic viewpoint makes explicit use of the concept of molecules. The macroscopic viewpoint studies large-scale properties of matter without explicit use of the molecule concept.0.1.1 Contents of physical chemistry(物理化学的研究内容)We can divide physical chemistry into four main areas: thermodynamics, quantum chemistry, statistical mechanics, and kinetics.Thermodynamics(热力学)is a macroscopic science that studies the interrelation-ships among the various equilibrium properties of a system.Molecules and the electrons and nuclei that compose them do not obey classical(Newtonian) mechanics; instead their motions are governed by the laws of quantum mechanics. Application of quantum mechanics to atomic structure, molecular bonding, and spectroscopy gives us quantum chemistry(量子化学).