殷敏红 航空工业出版社 (2010-08出版)
殷敏红 编
《实用英语教程:综合教程1》目录:Unit One Introduction Module I Warmingup Module 2 Reading Comprehension Followup PracticeModule 3 Listening and Speaking Improvement Module 4 Writing ImprovementModule 5 Selfstudy ProjectLeisure Time Unit Two Help and Responsibility Module 1Warming up Module 2Reading ComprehensionFollowup Practice Module 3Listening and Speaking Improvement Module 4Writing ImprovementModule 5Selfstudy ProjectLeisure Time Unit Three Managing Time Module 1Warming up Module 2……Unit Four Internet ad FriendsUnit Five Leisure ActivityUnit Six Opportuntity and SuccessUnit Seven Environment and HealthUnit Eight FestivalVocabulary《实用英语教程:综合教程2》目录:Unit One Company and Product Module 1 Warmingup Module 2 Reading Comprehension Followup Practice Module 3 Listening and Speaking Improvement Module 4 Writing ImprovementModule 5 Selfstudy ProjectLeisure Time Unit Two Advertisements Module 1 Warmingup Module 2Reading Comprehension Followup PracticeModule 3 Listerung and Speaking Improvement Module 4 Writing ImprovementModule 5 Selfstudy ProjectLeisure Time Unit Three Marketing Module 1 ……Unit Our Business RelationsUnit Five Trade ShowUnit Seven Market ResearchUnit Eight CareerVocabulary《实用英语教程:综合实训3》目录:Book l:Unit OnePart One Exercises for the text Part Two Exercises for PRETCO Part ThreeBook l: Unit Two Part One Text Exercises Part TwoExercises for PRETCO Part Three Book l:Unit Three Part One Exercises for the text Part Two Exercises for PRETCO Part ThreeBook l:Unit FourPart One Exercises for the text Part Two Exercises for PRETCO Part Three Book l:Unit Five Part One Exercises for the text Part Two Exercises for PRETCO Part Three……Book 2 Unit SevenBook 2 Unit ThreeBook 2 Unit FourBook 2 Unit FiveBook 2 Unit SixBook 2 Unit SevenBook 2 Unit Eight附:全国高等学校英语应用能力A级考试参考答案《实用英语教程:语法与写作4》目录:第一部分 实用英语语法第一章 名词一、名词的数二、名词的格实训第二章 冠词和数词一、定冠词二、不定冠词三、零冠词四、冠词十形容词十名词结构五、冠词位置六、数词实训二第三章 代词一、代词种类二、不定代词实训三第四章 形容词和副词一、形容词和副词的分类与构成二、形容词的比较级和最高级三、形容词和副词的用法要点实训四第五章 动词的时态与语态一、动词的时态实训五(一)二、动词的语态实训五(二)第六章 情态动词一、情态动词概述二、情态动词的用法……第二部分 应用写作
插图:Do you rely upon a mysterious "they" you refer to as Somebody Else? It's amazing how most of us rely on this unidentifiable person on a regular basis. We say, "I"m sorry I left the house open, but I figured Somebody Else would lock up." Nobody else did. Each of us isresponsible for our own actions. We are also responsible for those times we do nothing in the face of needs.John F. Kennedy said, "Ask not what your country can do for you - ask what you can do for your country." This is the philosophy that breaks the Somebody Else dependency. Ask, "What can I do for that person who can use my help?"Once I responded to the plea of a sick girl who had a deep desire to go to Hawaii. When Imade sixty phone calls on her behalf, thirty-eight people responded with various amounts of money. Witlun a week I was staring in amazement at checks totaling one thousand dollars. It wasa miracle. What I didn't know at the time I helped this young girl was that she would die one year after her dream trip.