苏春 编
《新编新时代大学英语综合教程1》依据《高等职业教育英语课程教学要求(试行)》,贯彻实用为主、够用为度、与时俱进的编写理念。结合一线教学实践进行编写。为充分调动学生学习英语的积极性,全面提升听、说、读、写、译等能力,本系列教材融入了视、听、说、演、练等多种教学方式,内容丰富、题材多样、定位准确、重点突出。 新编新时代大学英语综合教程每册分为10个单元,每单元围绕一个主题进行选材。第一册主题包括大学生活新起点、时间管理、学习、朋友、节日、校园爱情、兴趣爱好、偶像魅力、旅游、健康,内容包括听说、阅读、语法、写作、练习及轻松一刻等。 《新编新时代大学英语综合教程.1》可以作为高职高专院校公共英语课程的教学用书,也可以供广大英语爱好者自学参考。
UNIT 1 Beginning of College LifeSECTION I Try Your Ears and MouthPart One: Listen and PracticePart Two: Listen and RepeatPart Three" Role PlaySECTION II Try Your BrainText AText BSECTION III Try Your Hands Personal Information FormUNIT 2 Time ManagementSECTION I Try Your Ears and MouthPart One: Listen and PracticePart Two: Listen and RepeatPart Three: Role PlaySECTION II Try Your BrainText AText BSECTION III Try Your Hands Schedule/TimetableUNIT 3 StudySECTION I Try Your Ears and MouthPart One: Listen and PracticePart Two: Listen and RepeatPart Three: Role PlaySECTION II Try Your BrainText AText BSECTION III Try Your Hands NotesUNIT 4 FriendsSECTION I Try Your Ears and MouthPart One: Listen and PracticePart Two: Listen and RepeatPart Three: Role PlaySECTION II Try Your BrainTextAText BSECTION Ill Try Your Hands Invitation and Reply to InvitationUNIT 5 FestivalsSECTION I Try Your Ears and MouthPart One: Listen and PracticePart Two: Listen and RepeatPart Three: Role PlaySECTION II Try Your BrainText AText BSECTION III Try Your Hands Congratulation CardsUNIT 6 Love on CampusSECTION I Try Your Ears and MouthPart One: Listen and PracticePart Two: Listen and RepeatPart Three: Role PlaySECTION II Try Your BrainText A……UNIT 7 HobbiesUNIT 8 Idol's CharmUNIT 9 TravelUNIT 10 Diet and Fitness
Awards: Won Oscar. Another 43 wins & 20 nominations. Plot: Remy is a rat living in Paris who wants to be a chef, but has to overcome thedisapproval of his family and the prejudice of humans. Using a somewhat unlucky young manas a means through which to practice his art, Remy meets yet another obstacle in the form of afamous, notoriously hard-to-please food critic named Anton Ego, nicknamed "The Grim Eater". In the clip, Ego arrives at the restaurant, and instead of ordering off the menu he challengesthe chef to "hit me with his best shot." Remy selects ratatouille, an older-style recipe not traditionally up to the standards of Gusteau's. Soonenough, the entree is prepared and served to Anton Ego. Ego takes a bite of the ratatouille, and immediately has a flashback to his childhoodwhere his mother prepared the same dish to brighten his spirits after a bicycle accident. He isoverwhelmed with emotion for the dish. ……