

Jane Austen,... 珠海出版社





Jane Austen,...  








总是希望和周围的朋友攀比,这是人类的一大弱点。如果他们有钱,我们也希望有钱。如果他们很穷,那么我们也不在乎同样受穷。我们不会因为自己的愚蠢而羞愧,我们只会因为比周围的朋友更蠢才感到羞愧。这就是“人比人”的问题。 其实这里还有“往前看”的问题。我们无所谓错过什么,假如从未期待拥有。我们也不会因为贫穷而失望,既然我们不曾指望富有。 匹普又穷又没受过什么教育,但好在他的朋友们也都一样。对他们来说,这并没有什么;这就是生活的本来面目。然而,一旦匹普得知他有“远大前程”,他开始不再安分了。 他羞于与自己的伙伴们为伍,他甚至还自惭形秽。他的“前程”显然有摧毁他的生活的“危险”。 《远大前程》是狄更斯最成熟的作品之一,是他比较晚期的作品,狄更斯经历了丰富的人间生活后,对人、周围环境、对自己的生活经历都有了深刻的认识,而所有他成熟的思想认识都汇总在《远大前程》一书中。 在这本书里,他以他惯有平易、幽默和笔调,叙述了少年皮普的爱情历险。皮普本来一心一意地想过一种简单的生活——做铁匠,可是一次偶然的相遇,他被一位有钱而孤僻的老小姐选中,她让他发现了另一个世界。老小姐的诱饵——美女埃丝苔娜几乎就是那个世界的典型:美貌、傲慢而又有点冷酷。皮普开始了漫长的相思和苦苦的追求……


IN THREE VOLUMES VOLUME THE FIRST apter 1 apter 2 apter 3 apter 4 apter 5 apter 6 apter 7 apter 8 apter 9 apter 10 apter 11 apter 12 apter 13 apter 14 apter 15 apter 16 apter 17 apter 18 apter 19IN THREE VOLUMES VOLUME THE SECOND apter 1 apter 2 apter 3 apter 4 apter 5 apter 6 apter 7 apter 8 apter 9 apter 10 apter 11 apter 12 apter 13 apter 14 apter 15 apter 16 apter 17 apter 18 apter 19 apter 20IN THREE VOLUMES VOLUME THE THIRD apter 1 apter 2 apter 3 apter 4 apter 5 apter 6 apter 7 apter 8 apter 9 apter 10 apter 11 apter 12 apter 13 apter 14 apter 15 apter 16 apter 17 apter 18 apter 19 apter 20


  在如今的信息社会中,英语作为国际通用语言,它对国民经济的发展起到了推波助澜的作用。  学习英语已经成为无数中国青年在求职之前的首选必修课,特别是近几年来,为迎接2008奥运会的召开,参与学习英语的人群已经进入了全民学习的阶段。但往往因缺乏对欧洲文化背景的了解,人们在阅读英文书刊或与英语国家人士的交流中增加了许多困难。由于东西方文化有着很大的差异,小的如名言、人名,大到各个时期的哲学思想、艺术的创作、文学著作等,都与当时的文化密不可分。而文学著作更是包罗万象,通过阅读不同作家的作品,我们不仅能了解西方社会的文化背景和社会面貌,还能感悟大师们各自的观点,思想和主张。因此我们认为文学名著是开启西方文化大门的金钥匙。  基于以上原因,我们选择出版这套常用英语经典名著丛书,献给有志于提高英语阅读水平,进一步了解西方文化的朋友。优秀的文学作品是人们不可缺少的精神食粮,它对培养人的品德、开阔视野、丰富想象力、陶冶情操等方面,都会起到十分重要的作用。而英文版文学名著的出版,更能使读者深切体会原汁原味的西方文化,感受西方文化的独特魅力,从而丰富自己的思想,给本应属于自己脑海中的那部分知识增添一些色彩。  原您能从本套丛书中获取您想要的东西。





世界文学名著(全英文精选版)--傲慢与偏见 PDF格式下载

  chapter 1
  chaise, a light open horse-drawn carriage, esp one with two wheels designed for two passengers
  scrupulous, takes great care to do what is fair, honest, or morally right
  caprice, an unexpected action or decision which has no strong reason or purpose.
  fancy, they think, often wrongly, that they have the good qualities which that kind of person has.
  chapter 2
  trimming a hat, it is decorated with it, usually along its edges.
  deign, did it unwillingly, because they thought they were too important to do it.
  discretion, the quality of behaving in a quiet and controlled way without drawing attention to yourself
  stoutly, in a resolute manner
  conjecture, form an opinion or reach a conclusion on the basis of information that is not certain or complete.
  chapter 3
  barefaced, do not care that they are behaving wrongly.
  ingenious, very clever and involves new ideas,
  supposition, statement which someone believes or assumes to be true, although they may have no evidence for it.
  surmise, a guess based on the available evidence and you do not know for certain that it is true.
  defer, arrange for it to happen at a later date,
  disconcerted, it makes you feel anxious, confused, or embarrassed.
  unaffected, natural and genuine in their behaviour, and do not act as though they are more important than other people.
  noble mien, their general appearance and manner, especially the expression on their face, which shows what they are feeling or thinking.
  countenance,their face.
  unreserved, expresses a feeling or opinion completely and without any doubts.
  character de,cided, clear and definite.
  fastidious,pay great attention to detail because they like everything to be very neat, accurate, and in good order.
  in no humor 没心情
  give consequence to lady
  gratified, gives you pleasure or satisfaction
  accomplished girl, very good at it
  sprain the ankle, damage it by twisting it or bending it violently.
  horrid man, they behave in a very unpleasant way toward other people.
  detest the man, dislike them very much.
