

上海书画出版社 编 Shanghai Publishing House of Calligraphy and Painting



Shanghai Publishing House of Calligraphy and Painting  


上海书画出版社 编  




  易洪斌画作的题材和艺术手法十分广泛。人物、花鸟均有涉猎,尤以画马最为投入和擅长。但不论任何题材的作品,给人的强烈印象是宏深博大的气势,崇高悠远艺术美学思想的展现,并且涵蕴着丰富的历史内涵和昂扬的时代精神。比如《乌江祭》、《独叹梅花瘦》、《问天》,题材本身涵含着五千年中华文化和民族灵魂,艺术处理的氛围营造,显示了作者立足于历史高度,通过艺术形象思维,作宏观的、人生的、哲理的拷问和评价。而在思想与艺术届可能完美结合的创造者,当推易洪斌笔下的马。  易洪斌在《大风起兮》、《照夜白》、《北风卷地白草折》、《飘风》等一系列作品中,从线描、水墨、简笔、泼墨等等,可以看出作者在艺术上多方面的追求、修炼和所达到的艺术境界。造型艺术,不是思想的简单符号,它首先必须是美的,是具有高难度技艺的,给视觉以触动,有韵味、有诗情、耐寻味、有魅力的艺术。并不是信笔为体,无师自通,一蹴而成的。正如孙过庭《书谱》中所言:“心昏拟效之方,手迷探运之理,求其妍妙,不亦谬哉!”如《照夜白》讲究骨法、笔力的书法美,深浅枯?闰笔墨的变化,以及回环照应的构图,黑白灰色度对比而又和谐的韵律,其再现的是作者“外师造化,中得心源”的古代名马。


1 Violent waves2 Dashing hoofs do not stir up the dust.3 A horse at a bird's speed4 Force in the air5 In the clear stream6 Company7 Search8 The overwhelming wind9 A stare in wonder10 Elegance in motion11 As swift as wind12 A red spot on the prairie13 Two wonders in Nature14 Beauty by the water15 Chastity16 Devotion te the dead17 Voice of Nature18 Between Man and God19 Thunderous uproar20 A white horse21 Roaring in the west wind22 A white horse portrayed with light ink23 A clear summer day24 Godess in the mountain25 The greatness of a rock26 The liquid and the solid27 Mother earth28 Speed and sound29 In high autumn30 At dawn31 Standing the snow32 Autumnal luxury33 Asecluded ravine34 Commanders of the sea35 The horse treads where grass grows.36 The coming of spring37 Tribute38 Communication in the wind39 Loyalty40 Standing the wind41 Competition of horses42 Ambition43 Freedom44 A Display of strength45 This world does not lack justice.46 Meeting the challenge47 Flamy hair48 Keep up the spirit when green recedes49 Fearing no weathers50 My home is where I am.51 Hero of the heros52 A sudden whirlwind53 Wind makes clouds.54 The bright moon generates yearning between lovers55 The pain of separation56 The sun exposes.57 Enjoying the coolness58 Solitude59 Light grace60 Two horses twining in the air61 Stopping by a rushing stream62 Stormy outside, quiet inside63 Strolling at ease64 Fury65 Birth from woods and rocks66 Leap as in a dance67 A gallant horse of divine character68 An unearthly being in the mountain69 Bath in the moonlight70 Lustre of a special kind71 Empty valley, empty mind72 Beauty show.73 High spirit74 Parallel excellence75 Good luck76 The tender heart77 A superb creature78 A roar that surpasses all79 Fine nature, good look80 Yearning for the home81 A whirlwind82 Yearning83 In the autumn wind84 After a mourning visit85 Attachment to Chang'anCity(a capital during several of China's ancient dynasties)86 Ancestors(l)87 Ancestors (2)88 Galloping like floating clouds89 Watching clouds rise90 Watching sea waves on the horse back91 A common scene in South China92 Infancy93 A good union94 Side by side with cloud95 Colors in the air96 Out of the ordinary97 Lives prospeYr in harmony.98 Piety99 Sporting in water100 Rolling thunders101 Imposing




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