第1天 学习撰写英文简历和求职信第2天 感受英语笔试第3天 掌握求职面试基本短语第4天 面试实战——说明教育背景、学习能力与兴趣爱好第5天 面试实战——说明各类社团活动第6天 面试实战——说明工作经验/兼职与实习第7天 面试实战——说明个人优点与缺点第8天 面试实战——说明个人成就与失败第9天 面试实战——说明通过什么学习到了什么第10天 面试实战——说明自己为何适合应聘职位的个人能力第11天 面试实战——说明职业发展规划第12天 面试实战——说明对于工作的期望和要求第13天 面试实战——练习角色扮演性问题第14天 面试实战——基于特定情景要求回答问题第15天 面试实战——挑战商务演说第16天 面试全真模拟——销售面试案例与审计面试案例第17天 面试全真模拟——市场面试案例与研发面试案例第18天 面试全真模拟——文秘面试案例与培训助理面试案例第19天 掌握面试通用准则第20天 掌握求职英语最有用的单词附录 面试评分表样表 职位名称列表
面试官:你的简历当中提及你曾经组织过一次“跨国公司在华发展情况”分析,请你谈谈具体的情况好吗? 求职者:这是由我们导师发起的一次暑期社会实践活动。我们希望对跨国公司在华发展的业务前景、发展阻力、人才政策有所了解和分析。我们全班共有35人分为4个小组参与了这个项目,我是其中一个小组的负责人。我们小组主要负责的行业领域是金融保险业,我们实地采访了花旗银行、荷兰银行、丰泰保险等知名外资金融机构。最终我们递交了关于这一行业的发展分析报告,并得到了导师的好评。 Interviewer: Your resume indicated that you once organized an analy-sis of“how international companies develop in China”. Would you like to talk in detail about it? Applicant: It was a summer practice initiated by our mentor. We hopedto know more about the business preset, obstacles to develop-ment, and human resource policies of international companies in Chian. There were 35 people in our class participating in theproject, who were divided into four groups. I was one of the group leaders. Our griyp covered the finance and insurance fields. We visited in person some renowned foreign capital fi-nancial institutes such as the CitiGroup, USB, and Wmterture Insurance. Finally, we submitted a report on this industry and were praised by our rrentor. 面试官:你在这次活动中遇到的最大的困难和挑战是什么? 求职者:我所遇到的最大的困难和挑战是如何以一种较职业化的形象去面对那些公司中的被采访者。因为当时我们只是一群大学二年级的学生,与企业接触的机会十分有限,然而我们面对的却是知名跨国企业的中层经理人。如何表现出比较专业的形象,如何在尽可能短的时间里面了解更多的信息对于我们而言都是比较困难的。因此,通常我们会在采访之前做比较多的准备,将对方企业的基本情况先做一个比较透彻的了解,避免在采访之中对非常基本的信息也缺乏了解,并且这样也可以和被采访人产生更多的共鸣。 Interviewe:What was the biggest difficulty and Challenge you en-countered in thiS activity? Applicant:Howt to face the people we talked to in those companies pro-fessionally was the biggest difficulty and challenge l met.We were only a pack Of sophomores, and we had only limited chances to contact companies,but we were supposed to meet to meet intermediate managers Of famous international corporations,face to face,It Was very difficult to appear professionally and get more information in quite a short period Of time.So we u-sually did much preparation before covering to get enough in-formation about the company.By doing so,we can avoid be-ing ignorant to basic information and aroues more resonance between the interviewee and us. 面试官:你的简历当中提及你在某杂志社担任了很长时间的兼职编辑,可否谈一下你的具体职责和工作内容? 求职者:在过去的两年当中我都陆续为这家杂志社进行撰稿和采访笔录的整理,一般而言,责编会联系我并给我一个特定的主题,我会先熟悉一下这个主题,并确定需要采访的相关人物,如果需要采访,我会实地参与到采访当中去,并在对采访笔录整理后进行撰稿。 Interviewer: Your resume mentioned that you had been holding the post of editor as a part-time job in a student journal. Would you please talk about your detailed duty and work content? Applicant: In the past two years, i have written for the student journal and proofread the covering notes in successions.Generally speaking, the editor will contact me and give me a specific theme. I will get familiar with this theme and define people I am to cover. If the covering is needed, I will participate in the covering in person and write after tidying up the covering notes. 面试官:你认为你在这个过程中需要培养的能力是什么? 求职者:主要是与人交流沟通的能力。因为我能够被选为兼职编辑,对自己的文字功底还是比较自信的,而我在工作之中面对的最大的困难就是如何有效地进行人物专访。有些被采访人针对我的提问可能会回答得海阔天空甚至有些漫无边际,而我的主题却必须是非常鲜明的,因此如何有效地将被采访人的谈话内容锁定在我的主题上,给予了我较大的挑战,因而也培养了我与人交流沟通的能力。 Interviewer: What ability do you think should be fostered in this process? Applicant: Its the interpersonal skill. I have much faith in my literature skill as I was chosen as the editor. The biggest difficulty in my work was how to make effective personal profiles. Some of the people covered gave unlimited answers to my questions and some were quite beyond the point. But my theme had to be clear. So it challenged me a lot to focus the conversation on the theme effectively. And it also fostered my ability to communicate. 面试官:你应聘的是业务培训生的职位,你认为你为什么适合这个职位? 求职者:我想作为一名业务培训生,我会在不同的部门、不同功能模块之间进行轮岗,而这些部门所需要的知识与技能也不尽相同,所以要求业务培训生有快速学习的能力。在学校时,我不仅学习了自己的经济专业知识,还辅修了第二学位,这一点可以说明我可以快速地掌握一项知识和技能。同时,我认为业务培训生来来的发展目标是企业的经理人,因此潜在地具备一种领导能力是必须的。我在班级里担任班长的过程中,在参与和组织一些集体活动中,都已经开始培养起了这样一种能力,我对自己有信心。 Interviewer: You are applying for the post of business trainee. Why do you think you are qualified for this post? Applicant: As a trainee, I think I will change posts among different departments and different function modules. The knowledge and skills required in these departments are quite different, so the trainee must have the ability to learn quickly. When I was in the university, I majored in economics and minored in a second degree, which fully demonstrates my ability to learn things quickly. At the same time, I think the future goal of a trainee is the manager of the company, so he must have the potential leadership, i have organized some activities and fostered this ability when I was the monitor. I have confidence in myself. 面试官:你应聘的是我们银行个人业务部的职位,你认为你为什么适合这样的工作? 求职者:我想在银行工作首先需要严谨的态度,因为银行业是一种特殊的行业,它要求每一个员工都要严谨、认真、一丝不苟,我相信自己比较沉着稳重的性情能够胜任银行的工作。而我应聘的个人业务部,是需要经常和客户打交道的部门,所以需要很强的沟通能力和客户服务意识。我在学校的外联部工作,所以我已经具备了良好的沟通能力和客户服务意识。 Interviewer: You are applying for the post in our personal business epartment. Why do you think you are qualified for the job? Applicant: I think a precise attitude is needed to work in a bank because banking is a special industry. It requires every one of its employee to be precise and careful. I believe my prudent character will make me qualified for any job in banking. And the post I applied for in the personal business department requires frequent communication with clients, so strong communication skills and client serving senses arc nccdcd. I worked in the receiving department in the university, so I have good communication skills and client serving senses. 面试官:你制定的长期的职业规划是怎样的? 求职者:首先,我希望花若干年时间在一些知名的企业工作,掌握一项技能,为自己打下坚实的基础,建立人际网络。当我觉得我已经积累了足够的经验时,我希望能够拥有自己的事业。当然这也取决于当时的环境和企业为我提供的机会。长远来讲,我希望成为一名企业家,可以是他人企业的负责人,也可以是自己公司的总经理。 Interviewer: What is your long term career plan you set for yourself? Applicant: First of all, I hope to spend a few years working in some famous companies to command a skill, to set a solid foundation and to build my interpersonal network. When I feel I have accumulated enough experience, I hope to own an undertaking. Of course this is up to the situation then and the opportunities the companies offer me. In the long run, I hope to be an entrepreneur, either the person in charge of others company or the general director of my own company.
《攻克面试实战求职英语20天》是风火咨询图书工作室继《外企求职全攻略》一书之后又一求职指导性书籍。本书的读者对象 ■ 大学本、专科及以上求职毕业生 ■ 工作年限在三年以内希望在职场开辟新的起点的有志之士 本书的目的 ■ 帮助求职学子梳理求职、面试准备的全过程,提供实战演练机会 ■ 囊括120个面试问题的真实案例,供求职学子参考和借鉴 ■ 甄选最实用的英语单词、句式,提高求职学子实用英语水平 ■ 提供简历、求职信样例、笔试模拟题,打破求职学子的求职盲点 本书的特点 ■ 全真案例:数十位面试成功者的经验结晶,全真回顾其求职体验 ■ 系统完善:求职、面试的全方位备战指导,系统性准备面试实战 ■ 实用有效:最实用的求职英语辅导资料,有效帮助攻克语言难关。 面试问题的类型可以归纳为以下几个方面: 类型:行为化的或情景性的问题(Behavioral or Situational Questions) 面试官不会脱离学习、工作、生活的范围进行提问,也不会问你什么是对的,什么是错的,因此一般而言采取的方式就是将你放回到你过去曾经经历过的某件事情或某个情景中去,看看当时你是如何处理问题的 类型:角色扮演性的问题(Role Play Questions) 例如:“假设你是销售的领导者,你的下属将下列各项问题呈现给你,你会如何处理?”面试官问这类问题是因为可能在你过去的经历当中无法找到特别相关的可以考察你的潜力的例子,或者他列举的是一个商业环境之中非常普遍也非常难以处理的问题,想看一下你有什么创造性的解决方法,或是有什么分析这个问题的新思路 类型:行业相关问题(Industry-specific Questions) 面试官或者想了解你对相关行业的了解,或者想看一下你对于一些问题即使在不了解的情况下能够怎样回答 类型:时事问题(Ctwrent Events Questions) 面试官希望了解你是一个对时事发展给予关注,时时刻刻了解外部变化的人还是恰恰相反;另外也希望看看你是否具有分析能力。不过提醒各位求职者的是,对于非常具有争议的时事问题要小心你的回答,回答得中立一点为佳 类型:忠诚度问题(Loyalty Questions) 任何公司都希望你对于这家公司的确是感兴趣的,也希望你未来的职业发展的目标与公司能够赋予你的东西相吻合,因此会有不少类似“你为何要应聘本公司?”、“你的职业发展规划是怎样的?”的问题,目的其实都比较清楚,除了看一下你是否是对自己应该做什么比较清晰的人以外,还要考虑你的忠诚度的问题