金惠康 广东省地图出版社 (2007-06出版)
In the first decade of the new millennium and after China's painstaking entryinto the WTO, Guangdong is going through a period of great changes socially,culturally, psychologically as well as economically. It is just at the threshold ofindustrialization, busy with economic restructuring and industry upgrading, such asspeeding up the restructuring of traditional industries, promotion of hi-techrenovation, accumulating new experiences on the way to socialism with Chir]esecharacteristics, maintaining sustainable development, e-life, e-government andeconomic globalization. Joined by Guangdong Province, Hong Kong and MacaoSARs, and eight other inland provinces, a super PPRD (The Pan-Pearl River Delta)regional economic cooperation is in shape, which will surely push forward thedevelopment of Guangdong and its neighboring provinces strongly. Guangdong, asa gateway to South China, has become a huge productive base as well as an exportpowerhouse in China. With those advantages, Guangdong will lead the way to awell-off society in China and to gear into the international society heart and soul. Comparing with the past social changes and development similar elsewhere inhistory, Guangdong's economic achievements are a miracle. According to Fortune,an American financial magazine, it took Great Britain most of the 19 century tomultiply per capita income 2.5 times, America's income increased 3.5 times in 60years from 1830 to 1890, Japan's 6 times from 1950 to 1975. China is the fastest ofall. Since emerging from 1950 to 1975, China's incomes have risen sevenfold andGuangdong takes the lead in China, increasing by about 100 times since 1978, twoyears later after Mao passed away. Guangdong has had an average annual increaseof about 13% from 1978 to 2005, rising from 18.6 billion (1978) to 96.6223 billion(2000), then to over 1 000 billion (2001), reaching 1 886.62 billion yuan in 2004and over 2 170.1 billion in 2005. Guangdong's economic recourses have taken up11% of the national total economic property.~
Chapter Ⅰ A Survey of Guangdong ProvincePart Ⅰ A Brief Introduction1.1 Present Administrative Divisions1.2 Administrative History1.3 Geographic & Weather Conditions1.4 Population & Cantonese Dialect1.5 Communications & Transportation1.6 Lingnan School of Chinese Culture1.7 Lingnan Culture in History1.8 Changing Lingnan CulturePart Ⅱ Guangdong Today2.1 A Land of Plenty2.2 Natural Resources2.3 Education, Colleges & Universities2.4 A Survey of Economic & Social Development2.5 Mass MediaPart Ⅲ Guangdong Tourism3.1 Cultural Attractions in Guangdong3.2 Guangdong Tourism in Three Categories3.3 Local Customs & Tourism3.4 Cantonese Wokking Part Ⅳ The Pearl River Delta (The PRD)4.1 A Land of Rice & Fish4.2 Hong Kong & Macao SARs4.3 Cultural Attractions & Tourist Spots4.4 A Super Special Economic Zone Is in Shape4.5 The Pan-Pearl River Delta (the PPRD) Regional CooperationChapter Ⅱ Guangzhou - A Most Robust Metropolis Part Ⅰ A General Introduction to Guangzhou Municipality1.1 A Magically Changing Society1.2 Guangzhou——The City of Rams & Rice-Ears1.3 Geographic Location & Weather Conditions1.4 A Hub of Communications in South China1.5 A Favorable Place for InvestmentPart Ⅱ Guangzhou's Sustainable Development2.1 Recent Economic Development2.2 Urban Construction2.3 Culture & Talents2.4 Guangzhou——A Consuming City in ChinaPart Ⅲ Guangzhou Tourism3.1 Places of Interest & Entertainment3.2 Shopping in Guangzhou3.3 Food in GuangzhouPart Ⅳ Guangzhou Municipal Administrative Division4.1 Administration Conditions4.2 Urban Districts4.3 Suburban Districts4.4 Zengcheng & Conghua——Two Satellite Cities of GuangzhouPart Ⅴ A Home City of Green Mountains & Blue Waters5.1 The Four Environmental Protection Zones under Discussion5.2 The Four Targets of Urban DevelopmentChapter Ⅲ The Path-Breaking Bull & The Pearl Lady——Shenzhen&Zhuhai Part Ⅰ Shenzhen City1.1 A Rising Star in China1.2 A Dreamland of Future1.3 Sher hen as a Hi-Tech Base1.4 Modem Tourism in ShenzhenPart Ⅱ Zhuhai City2.1 Zhuhai Municipality2.2 Tourism in Zhuhai2.3 Zhuhai Hi-Tech ZonesChapter Ⅳ The PRD Cities and Their IndustrializedTownshipsPart Ⅰ Dongguan City1.1 A City of Migrants1.2 An Electronic Giant in Asia1.3 Places of Interest & Specialties1.4 Humen Township1.5 Changping Township1.6 Zhangrnutou Township1.7 Shijie & Houjie TownshipsPart Ⅱ Zhongshan City2.1 Hometown of Dr. Sun Yat-sen2.2 Zhongshan Tourism2.3 Booming Township EnterprisesPart Ⅲ Foshan City - One of Four Most Popular Ancient Towns in China3.1 Foshan City 3.2 Nanhai District3.3 Shunde District3.4 Gaoming and Sanshui DistrictsPart Ⅳ Jiangmen City (Wuyi Region)4.1 Heshan City4.2 Taishan City4.3 Kaiping City4.4 Enping CityPart Ⅴ Huizhou City5.1 Aspects of Huizhou5.2 Tourism in HuizhouChapter V The Backyard of the Pearl River Delta Part Ⅰ Shaoguan City1.1 The Ancient Postal Road to Central China1.2 Shaoguan AttractionsPart Ⅱ Qingyuan City2.1 The Gateway to Northern Guangzhou2.2. The Beautiful Beijiang RiverPart Ⅲ Heyuan city3.1 Dinosaurs and Pagodas in the Eyes of Foreign Visitors 3.2 Local Economy and IndustryChapter Ⅵ Western GuangdongPart Ⅰ Zhaoqing City1.1 Gaoyao City1.2 Sihui City……References
插图:Zhongshan City, the hometown of Dr. Sun Yat-sen, is situated in the downsouth of the Pear River Delta, with Shunde, Foshan and Guangzhou in the north,Hong Kong and Shenzhen in the east, Zhuhai and Macao in the south below.Covering an area of 1 800 sq km, Zhongshan is endowed with a favorablegeographic location in a nice weather condition. With a population of 2.36 millionand a history of 800 years, Zhongshan is a place of talents, a birthplace of manyhistoric celebrities in China and the hometown of thousands of overseas Chinese. Itwas first called Xiangshan County in the Southern Song Dynasty and then changedto Zhongshan County in 1925 in memory of Dr. Sun Yat-sen. Itwas setup as a cityin 1983 and then a prefectural city in 1988.Most of the land is alluvial plain and smoothly stretching out with a few rollinghills in the south middle. Withsubtropical marine weather,Zhongshan is ideal foragriculture. The main farmproducts are rice, sugarcane,peanut, lotus root, orange,litchi, longan, mushroom,silkworm cocoon, dish dove,shelduck and pond fish.Zhongshan is well known forits two fish dishes made ofriver tench (cuipi tench) andperch.