The International Yellow River Forum (IYRF) is a great event in water field, also a good chance for scientists who are engaged in river basin management, hydraulic research and management to exchange and discuss the river basin management and the science
Proceedings of the 3rd International Yellow River Forum on Sustainable Water Resources Management and Delta Ecosystem Maintenance Ⅰ Sustainable Water Resources Management and Basin Ecosystem Construction The Theory, Methodologies and Practice of Water Resources Assessment Based on Ecosystem Towards a New Integrated Management of Water Resources at Basin Level, Example in Europe--Implementation of the European Water Framework Directive 2000 - 2015 INBO Recommendations for Better Water Resources Management Climate Change Influence on a Water Policy--Why a Water Policy Should be Coping with a Possible Climate Change European Water Framework Directive--How a River Basin Agency Got Involved in a Common Implementation of a Recent "Water Framework Directive" Defining a Water Policy French River Basin Agencies Reach a New Step with a New 6 Years Implementation Programm Long- term Trend for Major Climate Variables and its Impact on Eco -environment in the Upper Yellow River Basin Historical Changes of the Lower Yellow River and its Influence on the Rise and Fall of Chinese Nation Groundwater Information for Integrated Water Resources Management Estimating Peak Discharges in Arid Regions: The Importance of Measurements and the Effect of Climate Variability/Change A Study on Water Cycle and Groundwater Formation at Chabagou Catchment, Loess Plateau, China Water Resources Management in the Yellow River Basin Study of Measures for Sustainable Water Resource Utilization and Sound Eco - environmental Maintaining of the Weihe River Basin Impacts of Climate Change on Water Resources in the Yellow River Basin Evapotranspiration Monitoring and Validation in the Weihe River Basin and Upper Yellow River Basin Norwegian Experience in Sustainable Water Management, Environment Protection, Flood and Erosion Control and Climate Development Research Discussion on the Construction of Economic Structure System Adapting to Water Resources Carrying Capacity Ecosystem Benefits from Safety Operations in River Meuse The European Water Framework Directive and Sustainable Water Management Yellow River Harnessing and Sustainable Water Resources Development Promoting Integrated Yellow River Water Resources Management With Water Management Lessons from the Netherlands Laws of Runoff Variation and Inflow Situation on the Upper Yellow River Comprehensive Evaluation of Floodwater Resources Utilization in the Flood Detention Areas of the Huaihe River Exploitation and Utilization of Water Resources and Sustainable Development in the Irrigation Area of the Lower Yellow River A Study on Precipitation Spatial Variability Study on Groundwater Over - withdrawal Reduction in the North China Plain Transboundary Water Resources Management in Africa Planning in the Nile River Basin: A Regional Approach Addressing Transboundary Issues in the Kura -- Aras River Basin Review on Benefit Assessment of Soil and Water Conservation Measures in Gushanchuan River Basin Effects of Environmental Change on Runoff in Yiluohe River Basin of the ……Proceedings of the 3rd International Yellow River Forum on Sustainable Water Resources Management and Delta Ecosystem Maintenance ⅡProceedings of the 3rd International Yellow River Forum on Sustainable Water Resources Management and Delta Ecosystem Maintenance ⅢProceedings of the 3rd International Yellow River Forum on Sustainable Water Resources Management and Delta Ecosystem Maintenance ⅣProceedings of the 3rd International Yellow River Forum on Sustainable Water Resources Management and Delta Ecosystem Maintenance ⅤProceedings of the 3rd International Yellow River Forum on Sustainable Water Resources Management and Delta Ecosystem Maintenance Ⅵ