I am only too happy to have played a small role in bringing to fruition this edited volume in English of Professor Xiaohe Lu's recent essays and interviews. It is about time that English-speaking readers should know about and have easy access to her wonderful work.These pieces are remarkable in many ways. The reader is immediately struck by the depth and scope of her learning. One essay relates to business ethics, the thinking of the great Italian historian and philosopher Giovanni Battista Vico while another raises and explores issues connected with P2P file-sharing. Her analysis, while pointed, seeks balance. She consistently considers various possibilities and often argues for a middle way. The pieces are timely, grappling with many of the current economic, cultural, linguistic, and sociological changes that have been wrought in China as the country has embarked upon major market reforms. Yet her analysis never degenerates into journalistic opining.
China's business ethics, as well as China's economy,have attracted worldwide attention. But, to date, there have been few books on business ethics written by Chinese scholars in English. What ethical issues have arisen as China has embraced a market economy and economic globalization? What is the current ethical situation of Chinese businesses, economic systems, and corporate management? As China's economy has integrated into the world economy, Chinese citizens have faced international business ethics issues equally being faced by non-Chinese market agents, especially Westerners. How do people in China see these emerging issues? What are the special manifestations or features of these issues as they have appeared in the Chinese context? In what ways have China's traditional ethics and moral values been changing? This book tries to answer these pressing questions. This book is a Chinese approach to business ethics. It describes and analyzes the emergence and development of business ethics in China from 1978 onwards,provides and explores a conceptual framework for business ethics and basic issues connected with these ethics; and evaluates the modem transformation of the traditional Chinese notion of integrity. It considers the moral capacity that market agents possess and can exercise when conducting business and addresses and analyzes ethical issues at the micro-, meso-, macro-, and global levels of business practice within China.
陆晓禾,女,1987年毕业于上海社会科学院研究生院,获哲学硕士学位。1995年、1997年赴美国研修经济伦理学。现任上海社会科学院哲学研究所研究员、社会哲学研究室主任、上海社会科学院经济伦理研究中心常务副主任。社会学术职务有:“中国伦理学会”理事(2000-2008)、“国际企业、经济学和伦理学会”(ISBEE)执委(2000-2008)、美国St. Thomas大学经济伦理研究中心特约研究员(2001-)。主要出版有:《走出丛林》(获上海社会科学院优秀著作一等奖)、《发展中国经济伦理》(中文和英文版)、《经济伦理、公司治理与和谐社会》(主编)、“社会本性的伸张” (获上海市哲学社会科学优秀论文二等奖)、“论中国特点的经济伦理研究”、“论经济价值与伦理价值”、“经济全球化与中国企业的价值取向”等。此外,还发表译著4部、译文30多篇, 合作主编经丛书3套。
ForewordPrefaceAcknowledgementsPART ONE EMERGENCE AND DEVELOPMENT OF BUSINESS ETHICS IN CHINA 1. Business Ethics in China: Its Emergence and Development 2. Business Ethics in China: Its Characteristics, Difficulties and Tasks 3. Business Ethics in China: Now and in the FuturePART Two BUSINESS ETHICS AS A DISCIPLINE AND ITS RELEVANT ISSUES 4. Conceptual Framework for and Academic Characteristics of Business Ethics 5. Economic and Ethical Value: A Basic Relation Issue for Business Ethics 6. Economic Development and Human Moral Capacity 7. The Modern Transformation of Traditional Integrity and Its PostModern TrendPART THREE ON PRACTICAL ISSUES OF BUSINESS ETIUCS 8. Business Ethics and Karl Marx's Theory of Capital--Reflections on Making Use of Capital for Developing China's Socialist Market Economy 9. Responsibility and Innovation: Shanghai Fuda's Exploration and Its Significance 10. The Issue of Cultures in a Globalized Economy and the Value Orientation of Corporations in China 11. Globalization, the Knowledge Economy and Ethical Issues in China 12. On P2P File-Sharing: A Major Problem--A Chinese PerspectivePART FOUR BUSINESS ETHCS IN CHINA AND IN THE WORLD: REVIEWS,INTERVIEWS AND DISCUSSIONS 13. Business Ethics Needs International Exchange of Ideas and Experiences--A Review of the International Conference on "Developing Business Ethics in China" 14. Discussions with Richard T. De George, Kenneth Goodpaster and John Boatright on Lessons of the Enron Case Applicable to Business Ethics in China 15. On the Market Economy, Rule of Law and Morality--An Interview with Daryl KoehnAppendixes 1. G.B. Vico and Contemporary Civil World 2. The Author's Business Ethics Research ProfileIndex
Opening labor markets while upholding the predominant role of labor in the country. In the transformation of the employment system and the opening of labor markets, there are nearly one hundred million potentially unemployed people in rural areas, and ten million in state- owned enterprises. If the enterprises continue to employ the latter, the reforms in the enterprises will fail; the new enterprises cannot bear such heavy burdens. Moreover, it is easier for rural workers to find jobs in cities because they are willing to accept lower wages than are urban workers. For example, in 1996 Shanghai had two million unemployed workers but four million and sixty thousand jobs offered to the non-local workers.