方雪梅 编译
生活中那些不经意的心灵触动,流淌出来的文字便是散文。或行云流水,或抑扬顿挫,或慷慨激昂……无声的韵律,是心的声音。 如果你是一名大、中小学阅读本书,可以增加阅读量,提高英语学习能力。 如果你是一位英语爱好者,阅读本书,可以一睹名作名篇的原文风采。 如果你是一位翻译爱好者,阅读本书,可以将原文和译文对比推敲,欣赏佳译。 如果你是一名文学爱好者,阅读本书,可以欣赏优美的文字,体味人生。
第一卷 人生的思考 青春 真实的高贵 快乐谷 送行 论青年老年 美腿与丑腿 如果我休息,我就生锈 论自私者的聪明 赫拉克勒斯的选择 关于扫帚柄的沉思 哨子 论自助 培根论真理 蜉蝣 年轻人 徒步旅行 生命 人的青春 艰辛的人生 幸福之路 亚里士多德论友谊 亚里士多德论自律 童年第二卷 生命的礼赞 初雪 暴风雨礼赞 人与自然 十月之湖 玫瑰 晚夏 十月的日出 河谷寻幽 八月 雾 郁金香 自然 巴黎:浪漫之都 一个完全相反的地方 这里是纽约第三卷 人在旅途 我们在旅途中 论出游 夜宿松林 再度游湖 人生的节奏 论读书 西敏大寺 内卡河上木筏行 新西兰 论胆量 骑马乡行记 如花的托斯卡纳 冬日漫步 月亮升起来 与书为伴 经比萨和锡耶纳到罗马 一个外地人眼中的新英格兰 黄金国第四卷 阳光下的时光 微尘与栋梁 爱 我爱人人,人人爱我 我的世界观 英国的农村生活 写作的乐趣 论美 孤独 年轻与年老 论宁静的心 童年与诗 为悠闲者辩护 无论你的生活如何卑微
An ant is a wise creature for itself, but it is a shrewd thing in an orchard2 or garden.And certainly men that are great lovers of themselves waste the public. Divide with reasonbetween self-love and society; and be so true to thyself, as thou be not false to others; spe-cially to thy king and country. It is a poor centre of a mans actions, himself. It is rightearth. For that only stands fast upon his own centre; whereas all things that have affinitywith the heavens, move upon the centre of another, which they benefit. The referring of allto a mans self is more tolerable3 in a sovereign prince; because themselves are not onlythemselves, but their good and evil is at the peril of the public fortune. But it is a desperateevil in a servant to a prince, or a citizen in a republic. For whatsoever affairs pass such amans hands, he crooketh them to his own ends; which must needs to be often eccentric tothe ends of his master or state. Therefore, let princes, or states, choose such servants ashave not this mark; except they mean their service should be made but the accessory. Thatwhich maketh the effect more pernicious is that all proportion is lost It were disproportionenough for the servants good to be preferred before the masters; but yet it is a greaterextreme, when a little good of the servant shall carry things against a great good of themasters. And yet that is the case of bad officers, treasurers, ambassadors, generals, andother false and corrupt4 servants; which set a bias upon their bowl, of their own petty endsand envies, to the overthrow of their masters great and important affairs. And for the mostpart, the good such servants receive is after the model of their own fortune.
一滴水隐藏着大海的智慧小故事蕴涵着人生大道理。 如果你是一名大、中学生阅读《美丽英文全集(散文卷)》,可以增加阅读量,提高英语学习能力。《美丽英文全集(散文卷)》(散文卷)是其中一册! 如果你是一位英语爱好者 阅读《美丽英文全集(散文卷)》,可以一睹名作名篇的原文风采。 如果你是一位翻译爱好者阅读《美丽英文全集(散文卷)》,可以将原文和译文对比推敲,欣赏佳译。 如果你是一名文学爱好者 阅读《美丽英文全集(散文卷)》,可以欣赏优美的文字,体味人生。 人间有多少行路者,通往智慧的途径就有多少;世界有多少真理,就有多少探索之人。 终身典藏的散文经典享用一生的文学瑰宝 生活中那不经意的心灵触动,流淌出来的文字便是散文。或行云流水,或抑扬顿挫,或慷慨激昂……无声的韵律,是心的声音。
非常不错的书 读了一半 忘带学校了 只是翻译的话 说实在的有些细点感觉没翻译到 不过不影响整体意思 值得读