UNlT l Concepts ofLaw and Constitution
Lesson One Some Basic Legal Concepts
LessonTwo General Principles ofChinese Constitution (1)
Lesson Three Functions and Powers ofthe Standing Committee ofthe National
People's Congress
UNlT 2 Civil Law and Civil Procedures
Lesson Four Citizen (Natural Person)
Lesson Five Civil Juristic Acts and Agency
Lesson Six Litigant Participants: Litigants and Litigant Representatives
UNlT 3 Criminal Law
Lesson Seven Criminal Courts
Lesson Eight Types of Punishments
Lesson Nine Crimes of Disrupting Market Order
UNlT 4 Corporation Law
Lesson Ten Corporations
Lesson Eleven Defining Organization
Lesson Twelve Developing a Sound Personnel Policy
UNlT 5 Enterprise and Marketing
Lesson Thirteen The Nature of Business
Lesson Fourteen Foundation ofBusiness Ethics
Lesson Fifteen Avoiding Market Myopia
UNlT 6 Investment Law
Lesson Sixteen Motive for Direct Foreign Investment
Lesson Seventeen Wholly Foreign-Owned Enterprises
Lesson Eighteen Investment Objectives
UNlT 7 Taxation Law
Lesson Nineteen Taxes
Lesson Twenty Background ofthe Tax Reform in China
Lesson Twenty-One The Internal Revenue Code ofthe U.S.A
UNlT 8 Finance Law
Lesson Twenty-Two Money and Interest
Lesson Twenty-Three What Banks Do
Lesson Twenty-Four Stock Market Hit by a Flurry of Fluctuations
UNlT 9 Commercial Paper
Lesson Twenty-Five What Is Commercial Paper?
Lesson Twenty-Six Letter of Credit
Lesson Twenty-Seven Kinds ofL/C (I)
UNlT lO Contract Law
Lesson Twenty-Eight Contract Law
Lesson Twenty-Nine Technical Development Contracts
Lesson Thirty Three Kinds of Contracts
UNlTll TradeLaw
Lesson Thirty-One License for Import Commodities
Lesson Thirty-Two Methods ofPayment
Lesson Thirty-Three Improving Trading Procedures with EDl
UNlT l2 Maritime Law
Lesson Thirty-Four Bills ofLading
Lesson Thirty-Five Measure Against Swindling in International Trade
Lesson Thirty-Six General Average
UNlT 13 Industrial Property
Lesson Thirty-Seven Patent
Lesson Thirty-Eight Trademark Law ofthe People,s Republic ofChina
Lesson Thirty-Nine Copyright Law ofthe People's Republic ofChina